
Chapter 3 (Part 1)

Ezra's POV

"What are we going to do with this b*tch?" one of the soldiers asked. My hands are tied behind my back and they put a piece of cloth in my mouth so I cannot ask for help. As if I have someone I can ask a help to. Even my own family left me without hesitation. 

After my family ditch me, the soldiers tried to catch them, but they came back empty-handed. 

"We were caught off guard. We did not expect that," said one of the soldiers. 

The other chuckled. One of them is holding my hands behind my back as if I'll run away. "I can't believe they just left their daughter to us."

They all laugh. I lower my head as they drag me along with them.

To be honest, I do not know where we are heading. Unlike my brother, this is the first time I got caught. 

My brother was once caught by the soldiers. He was lurking around the territory of one of the packs and their guards saw him. 

He was gone for two weeks. My mother was so worried that she almost lost her sanity. I became the new mother in the house. I cook, cleaned, and do all the household chores while my father did nothing other than drink and beat me up when he had a chance. 

They throw all their worries and frustrations at me. I catch all the punches my father threw whenever he is drunk and my mother's curse and blames became my everyday food. 

"You should be the one who got caught, not my dear son!" My mother once yelled.

Fortunately, my brother came back after two weeks. 

He told us how he was caught and how he managed to escape. 

"After I was being sold to that gay sh*t man, I found my way to escape him," he shook his body, acting as if he was grossed out. "I can still imagine his hands roaming all over my body. F*cking disgusting!" he added. 

I shake my head to remove the thoughts from my head. 

I do not know why my parents dislike me so much. Yes, I am a girl and I know they do not want a girl in their life, but as a parent, you cannot just abandon your child just because you do not like them. You bring them into this world, hence, it is their responsibility to take care of you. 

"We'll probably arrive there later in the evening," one of the soldiers said.

The soldier who is holding me looked at me from head to toe. "Are you sure someone will buy her?" he asked which made them all laugh.

I am not certain what they are talking about but I am guessing it's about me being sold. Like my brother, I hope I can escape it. 


I woke up from the splash of cold water on my face. I opened my eyes and travel, my eyes around. I am in a dark room and my hands are still tied.

I look up at the one who splashed water in my face. He made a step forward to close our gap.

"You awake now?"

"Obviously," I uttered.

My face flew to the other side and I felt my right cheek burning. 

"F*cking b*tch," he commented after giving me a slap. 

I sigh and place my face back in its original position. I am used to my family slapping and hitting me. and him doing this isn't new to me at all.

I bravely look at him and throw a glare. However, instead of getting pissed like I expected, he smirked. 

He leaned forward to level our faces. He grab a handful of my hair and pulled it back, making my neck exposed. 

Without a warning, he harshly pressed his lips against my exposed neck. Since my hands are tired from the back, I couldn't do anything other than try to get myself free from his hold, which is obviously impossible.

I struggled to avoid my face form him, but he used both of his hands to make my head stay still. 

He then cupped my cheeks and forced me to face him. His grin grew wider. He tilts his head and leans forward to put his lips near my ear. 

"Let us see if that braveness of yours will stay if no one in the auction will buy you," he threatened. 

My eyes widen. I must admit, I got scared. 

My heart started racing faster while I am watching the guard walk away from me. He slammed the door shut, but my eyes are still glued to it. 

I remember what my brother said before. 

"One of the slaves was eaten alive by this giant white tiger because no one bought him. They call him Terminator. He is the one responsible for entertaining the guests by eating the slave alive."

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