
17•• Beeped Lunch

|My Marriage Is A Contract: Craving The Girl He Always Wanted|

°Chapter Seventeen°


I waved at Johnny as he perched on Didi's arm. He waved back, grinning back at me. Giving Didi a last smile, I stepped into the cab and zoomed away, they still stood behind me before they disappeared from the front mirror.

I focused on the same tab in my hand. I was to submit some documents and with what happened last night, I was unable to go through them. I quickly ran through it and edited a few errors. My mind kept wandering back to this morning scene and that of last night.

Maybe I should not have been that harsh at him. I should probably apologize when I get back to him at home today... Or even in the office.

Shaking my head, I stared outside through the window, suddenly captivated by the view. Was there freedom now? Why did I feel I was yet to be free? Even after Jason had promised to keep Johnny and me safe from Stanley, I could not help the feeling of being a burden.

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