
5 ~ No Demon Can Care for an Angel

You’d think that her realization would warn her of just how skilled he was in mind games, but alas she set herself up for failure and the same lesson. After a few months of silence he reached out, supposedly needing a friend to talk to. It was a relief to be able to continue their meaningful conversations without the pressure of sex. The distance between them had created a feeling of an even deeper connection being fortified than their sexcapade rendezvous’ had, false of course.

When the new year was around the corner, he made plans to come visit Asha. At least that’s what she thought until he ghosted her two days before he told her he would touch down and didn’t hit her up again until two weeks later. She had already grieved the reality that her hopes and dreams for a deeper relationship with him when he called her as if they had never discussed him coming to the A. It stung but she had realized that he only wanted to keep her around as a ‘just in case’, so to speak.

Turns out, that was just what she needed to let her hopes for her and him go once and for all. She still kept in contact, deciding that she wanted to make sure he knew that she was a true friend and when he needed her he could call. But as life tends to go, it got in the way for the both of them. Their personal crises and everyday responsibilities interfered with their catch-ups, stretching more and more time between each call, until she got a text from a mutual friend that he was gone. He had committed suicide and the funeral was the day before.

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