
Back to the City

The investigation took weeks, and by then they’d moved into the packhouse. Life slowly got back to normal. The pack warmed up to Melody and Ellie. When they realized they were the minds behind their products. The she-wolves embraced them readily.

Malcolm and Jordan split their time between the city and the Muskoka territory.

Even the various construction projects were progressing well, with no more interference.

The Fae were nowhere to be seen. But there were new rogues in the shadows of the neutral zones, and they weren’t living there quietly.

The council of alphas were making plans to deal with them along with an ever pending war between the Toronto packs, the Scarborough Grove, and the Don Valley. It was something that cropped up again and again. They had history and family conflict. No one could blame them for the father they had. Now there’s a girl driving a wedge between them again, with her mere existence.

Ellie was concerned about Jordan. He’d have to come to terms wi
Klaira Blains

I hope you're enjoyed Malcolm and Melody's story. The story picks up in book 2 of the Big City Wolves Series: In The Chains Of The Alpha. Where Calvin (Cal) Nichols, the kinky owner of the members-only club called the Wild Wolf and Alpha of the Crimson Nights Pack, finds his match in a little lone wolf whose life is in danger from no fault of hers. You can find more books by Klaira Blains by searching her name on this app. Visiting and subscribing to her monthly mailing list.

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