
16: Missing Her

Zeux's P.O.V.

"So you're close to Vanessa, huh?"

Jason stated this while driving.

We'll be on a business trip. And I'll be gone for nearly three days. It makes me feel ill because I can't see Vanessa. I'm unable to see her lovely face. Oh, how I miss hearing her voice. Especially when she bothers me.

"Yes, and I really want to be close to her as soon as possible," I say, not looking at him. I keep my gaze fixed on the road.


"I have to."


I fixed my gaze on him. "Why did you ask me so many questions, Jason? I answered them all."

He burst out laughing. "I'm not satisfied with your response. I strongly believe there is a genuine reason why you're attempting to be close to her. You really like her, I guess?"

I shot him a death stare. "Why do you always tell me that I like her? Are you stupid?"

His head shook. "No, I'm not. I just haven't seen you before who's giving so much concern and effort to a woman. It's just that, you're not like that. You treat them as a toy, not
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