
35. Selfish Dirt bags, Suicidal Attempt, and Serious Demands

~ ~ ~ = third person pov

~ ~ = back to first person pov

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“To sum it up you found out I was your mate 4 years back, and I could have avoided all my suffering in college but because I was oh so delicate, and too young and your useless wariness and scaredness that you decided it was best to stalk me until I finished my college to approach me by being a master manipulator and also a scheming hoe, and also my best friend is a rogue werewolf who was kicked out of her pack and you have are planning to make her a part of your pack, and also that restaurant was a last minute front you put on to deceive me into thinking you were a normal human being AND every one of you is a fricking werewolves who broke the realm and entered the human world for my sake?”, I panted as I let that all out in one breath while glaring down at Hunter from where he sat down on the floor of our living room in front of me.

A moment passed. Then another.

“...Basically”, He muttered not daring t
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