
Mrs. Rosewood’s Affair
Mrs. Rosewood’s Affair
Penulis: DEVEN



Mary Jane Fonte—Rosewood was trembling as she sits there. She was quite, her lips are firmly shut, while her husband, Ignacio Rosewood was listening to what the doctor says.

“I’m afraid that Mrs. Rosewood has...unfortunately leukaemia.”  Doctor Geneva dropped the bomb.

“Excuse me?” I could hear the disbelief on his voice. “Are you saying that my wife here is sick, and not pregnant? What about her morning sickness?” He insisted.

Ignacio doesn’t sounds happy. He was much concern, whether I am pregnant or not, but I could tell why. He married me, because he think I was pregnant after we were caught on the act, naked together and lying on bed as we hug. That’s the rumours and photographs that the media spread.

It’s been five months, but life doesn’t feel like it is. Many are envious, because I was married to a man, who came from old money and wealth. His family is known to be one of the best business tycoons across the world. They are feared, but what many didn’t know is I would choose to trade this life to another woman.

I hated being the envied Mrs. Rosewood.

Ignacio is ruthless. He is cold and a narcissist.

When we came back home, his handsome face has been replaced by anger.

“You pathetic bitch!”


My cheeks felt numb. The pain had never affected me in a bit. I was so used to it.

“You really plan it, huh?” He yelled on my face. “You really think that I wouldn’t know that you planned to tricked me that night? God! I fucking wanted to kill you!”

I felt my heart dropped when Ignacio unbuckled his belt and wrapped it across his knuckles.

“I—Ignacio—” I paled.

My lips lost its colours. My chest has been filled with anxiety in fret of how terrified I was to him.

“ If it weren’t for you, I would have married your sister!”  He barks.

With fury laced eyes, he raised his fist and swung it across to me. The force made me stumbled. I lost my balance and slumped on the floor with a thud. Blood trickled from the open wound he caused.

I was trembling, when he spat, “I really wish you die, Mary—”

Before he could hurt me again, Loren appeared.

She saw me on this state, but she pay no attention. Her eyes diverted towards my husband and they instantly brightens.

“Honey!” She giggled.

Ignacio’s sour mood changes, “Honey, come here.”

Loren walked past at me, although I was bleeding.

“I miss you, honey!” She pursed her lips and Ignacio instinctively snaked his arms around her waist.

At first glance, they looks like more than the couple being envied than we are, although I am the legal wife. That was only in papers. Ignacio was always cruel to me, but he was soft to Loren. Sometimes, I wished Loren was the one who was in that room, perhaps—it wouldn’t be worst for me.

“And I miss you too, honey.” Ignacio grabs her chin tenderly.

But their show of affection was soon cut short, when we heard footfalls coming down the stairs.

“What’s happening here?” The sophisticated and elegant Mrs. Rosewood, Ignacio’s mother, and lady of the house appeared on top of the staircase.

Mrs. Rosewood’s appearance is stern. Her eyes are chink, and her high cheekbones equalled her to a few elites, who won’t accept no as an answer.

“M—Ma!” Loren was quick to remove herself from my husband’s embrace and transformed into a tamed, yet innocent wolf as she greeted Ignacio’s mother with a soft smile. “Well, the thing is...Ignacio was just worried of my sister, when she slipped and bumped her head, but she just rudely refused and tried to walked past at us...As you see, she’s bleeding, Ma!”

Ma? I was not even allowed to call my in-law that way. I bitterly thought.

“Is that so?” Mrs. Rosewood turned her attention to me, and I am not surprised either when her gaze has been filled with disgust. She never actually likes me. For her, I tricked Ignacio that night for his money. “Well, I suggest to let her be. She don’t want your help, then so be it. Besides laying a hand on that slut would only make your hand dirty.”

She spat those words.

I hangs my head low as my eyes brimmed with tears. I always thought that I had gotten used to their insult, but it was still painful. The pain is still unbearable. Their insults sliced through my chest like a knife.

“Yes, Ma.” Ignacio agreed like a behave pup under his mother’s supervision.  “Let’s go, Loren, if I stay here more, I’ll be wasting time only for that pathetic fool.”

Loren was quick on her feet, and they were gone in a second. Mrs. Rosewood also return to her room upstairs, not before glancing on her shoulder and glaring at me. I was left alone—in peace or so I thought.

“My god! What was that, Mary?” My mother, who have been watching earlier appeared. She is with my father and the two of them looks displeased. “I told you not to do anything that make your husband mad! You are really unbelievable!”

“I—I didn’t—” I meekly replied

“Oh, forget about it. We all knew you did something that angers him!” It is my father who rolled his eyes. He also look furious. “If the Rosewood’s throw us out because of you, I will really fucking kill you! Why can’t you just be Loren? She’s more useful, while you are so pathetic and stupid!”

Had I been bad on my past life? Had I been cruel that is what I have been going through this? All I wanted was the love that my parents deprived me from.

Why can’t you be Loren? Loren is kind. She is smart. She’s beautiful. That’s what may parents would always say. When I married to the Rosewood’s, I also received praises, but their attitude never changed.

I thought I would be able to find love in this home, but what my husband offered was another torment, and abuse.

The next morning, I was woken up by him. My head is still swollen and the cut on my lips still hurt.

He was clad on a fancy suit like he always do.

He threw something on my lap.

“Here. I wanted you to drink them.” What he said sounded as if there is no room for discussion, nor refusal.

When I checked what it is, I was shocked.

“W—what is this—?”

“Contraceptives.” He rolled his eyes. “Just to make sure that you really are not pregnant, besides I wouldn’t want to pay for another check up, so drink it.”

“But the doctor said—” I felt cautious as I stared at those pills.

Doctor Geneva advised me not to take up anything without any prescriptions. It could harm me or make my condition worst.

“God, don’t you get it? I don’t want to have a child on you.” Ignacio clicked his tongue. “As if I would want anyway.”

His words were like knives that carved out unhealed wounds inside my chest.

“I—I understand—” I swallowed back the lump on my throat. .

That’s when my husbands phone ring. When he saw the name that flashed on the screen, he was quick. His expression became softer and I knew who could be the reason of it.


“Loren? What?!” He frowns. Ignacio became worried for another woman. “Is she sick? What do you mean that she was hospitalized? Damn! You should have called me earlier!”

That caught my attention. Although our relationship is not that good, Loren is still my sister.

“I’ll cancel my meetings, don’t worry. Yes...I’m coming. Wait for me, honey.”

When he ended the call, I asked, “Is she okay? What happened to Loren? I’m—”

“—worried?” He sneered. “Shouldn’t you be the happiest person, if Loren die?”

I froze.

Ignacio scowled at me before he left. No goodbyes. Nothing. He just turned his back in a hurry for Loren, but if I were in her shoes, I know that he’ll wish that I die.

It’s ironic and I’m tired already. No matter how much I tried to fit, I won’t be able to. Ignacio would hate me. The Rosewood’s would still see me as a slut, who seduces their son, in spite of how much I tried. My efforts would be meaningless.

That’s when I felt the vibration inside my pyjama. When I pulled it, it was Cassandra’s name that registered on my screen. She is the only friend that cares for me, ever since we meet way back in college

‘Everybody is waiting for you here. Are you coming to Bora? Don’t worry! Everything is in the house. I’ll pay for it!’ Her message says.

I bit my lip.

I have not mentioned it to Ignacio yet, but no matter how much I look into it—I know that he won’t let me come no matter how much I beg to him. But on a second thought—their treatment wouldn’t change to me no matter how much she tries.

I quickly type a reply.

‘I’m coming, Cass.’

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