
Mr. Eddy’s Barren Wife
Mr. Eddy’s Barren Wife
Penulis: Authoress Ti Fe

Divorce Papers!

The ticking, clicking and clacking of the computer keyboards filled the air in the office Natasha Jones sat in.

She looked elegant in her white tank top, blue palazzo pants and blue blazer. She parked her golden brown hair in a rough ponytail, exposing her glitter earrings.

She wore her Tom Ford reading glasses and kept her head on the desk. She felt so tired and wanted to sleep for just a few minutes. But how could she do this? She had a lot of paperwork and cross checking to get done.

She tiredly lifted her head from her desk and looked at the screen of her computer. She picked up her cup of coffee and took a sip.

All of a sudden, she heard a loud bang from her right side. She flinched and looked to her right. She saw the manager storming towards her, and she felt her heart stop when she noticed he was fuming.

“Natasha Jones!” He yelled, and she sprang to her feet.

“Mr. Manager!”

“I need you in my office now! This time, I don’t think I can help you, Mrs Jones.”

Natasha gulped hard and bounced her head. She looked around and saw everyone at the office whispering and staring at her.

“Calm down, Natasha, you are beginning to fidget.” Jeremy, her male best friend, who sat next to her said, almost inaudibly.

Natasha hurriedly followed behind the manager, and as she did, she couldn’t stop asking herself what she did this time.

Since she started having issues at home, she had been making silly mistakes at work and the manager didn’t cease to complain. And since then, she has been very careful at work.

She got into the manager’s office and stood in front of his desk as he pulled out a large piece of paper and threw it to her from behind his desk.

“What the hell is this, Mrs. Jones?!” He smacked.

Natasha caught the piece of paper as fast as she could and hurriedly checked it out to know what was going on. On the paper, it was shown that the company was currently in a debt of $12 million.

“Oh My God.” She uttered in uttermost shock.

“Oh your God?! Mrs. Jones, do you know how much trouble you just got yourself in? What’s wrong with you these days? You have been making deadly errors in balancing the company’s financial statements! How the hell did we lose $12 million? Where the hell did such a huge amount go?!”

“I… I have no idea…”

“Don’t you dare say you have no idea! You are the accountant here! I sent the sheets to the Auditor yesterday and he said this is an act of fraudulence!”

Natasha’s hands began to shiver as she held the paper. She skimmed through it, trying to figure out where the mistake was from.

“I swear on my life sir, I would never do that!”

“I don’t think I can keep enduring this irrational attitude of yours, Mrs. Jones. I’m not sorry to say you’re fired!”

Hearing the words from the manager, the paper in her hand slipped off in awe. Tears heated up her eyes in no time, and her vocal cords were unbalanced as she spoke.

“Mr. Manager, please don’t do this. I swear in my life that I didn’t take this money. Give me the chance to rectify this issue, Mr. manager. Please.”

Tears rolled down her eyes uncontrollably as she pleaded with the manager. She fell to her knees without thinking twice.

“Listen, Mrs. Jones. This isn’t the first time you’ve been making mistakes, and I think you may need a break. If I let you stay, what if in the future you make greater mistakes? And don’t worry about rectifying the mistake, another accountant will be here to know what went wrong. Please, try to be available anytime you’re called on. I trust you to some extent Mrs. Jones, and that is why I am yet to call the cops.”


“Do you know this must not get to the CEO? If it gets to the CEO, I can beat my chest that he’d press charges and you’d be thrown in jail until he’s satisfied. Eddy Gracias would never take it easy on you. So, if you know what’s best for you? You have to go now, clear your head, it is beginning to affect your work so much. I can’t trust you with the company’s finances anymore.”

Natasha slowly bobbed and stood to her feet. She cleaned her teary eyes with the back of her hand and placed the paper on the table.

“Thank you, Mr. Manager. For everything.”

She turned to leave and didn’t look back until she got to her desk.

“What’s happening? What did he say?” Jeremy curiously asked.

“I am fired.” She mumbled her response, trying not to break into tears in front of everyone.

“Fired? What? Is he insane?!”

“Keep your voice down, Jeremy! I am the one at fault, not him. I guess my marriage is doing more harm than good these days.”

Jeremy heaved a loud sigh and touched her hand as she cleared her table.

“We’d talk better online, okay? I’m sorry this had to happen to you.”

Natasha nodded and swiped her nose with her hand. “Thank you, Jeremy. Text me when you’re done working.”

She carried her bag and hung it on her shoulders as she turned to leave the large office. Jeremy stood behind her, staring at her with great pity.


Natasha Jones was a thirty-one year old elegant lady, with a majestic and seductive aura. She studied accounting in the university and also had a master’s degree in it, which helped her secure the job she had just lost.

She had been having very bad performances at work for almost two years now, and this started when she began to notice changes in her husband, Leo, who she had been married to for five years now.

Everything was going very fine the first three years into their marriage, even though she found it difficult to bear him a child.

Leo kept reassuring her that he wasn’t going to leave her, no matter the situation. Several tests were carried out on her and Leo, but they got nothing negative. They seemed to be perfectly fine.

“So why couldn’t she get pregnant?”

After three years, Leo’s attitude began to change drastically. He turned inattentive and disrespectful. No one had to tell Natasha that he was beginning to get tired of her.

Thinking about this began to cause serious distractions in her life, and now she had lost the only job that helped her stay sane.


“What am I going to do now?” She questioned herself as soon as she got into her car. She got rid of her glasses and placed her head on her steering.

She let herself cry so that she wouldn’t have to look weak in front of Leo when she got back home.

After crying her eyes out to her satisfaction, she ignited the car engine and drove out of the company’s parking lot.

“It is time to have a chat with Leo. All these have to stop, or I’ll lose my mind.”


She got home after driving for about an hour from the company. She packed all her stuff from inside the car and carried it to the doorway of the mansion.

She took out her key and inserted it into the keyhole on the door. She tried turning the key, and that was when she realized that the door was open.

“Is Leo home?” She wondered as she turned the doorknob and opened the door.

On getting into the living room, she saw a young beautiful lady sitting on the sofa, watching TV. Natasha creased her brows and moved closer to this stranger.

“Sorry, do I know you? And how did you get in?”

This woman turned her head to look at Natasha and a smile lit up her face. “You’re back early.”

“You are yet to answer my question, woman. Who are you and what are you doing in my house?”

“Hey, you don’t have to be so rude. I am Blake.”

“And what are you doing here? Who let you in?”

“No one let me in. I have the keys to the house.” She lifted the keys and dangled them in front of her.

“What? How the hell did you get the keys?”

Blake puffed and reached for her bag. She pulled out an envelope and threw it at Natasha.

“Here. This should answer your questions. You are beginning to get on my nerves!”

Natasha furrowed her brows and stared at the envelope in her hand. She opened it and saw a white paper in it. She gulped hard as she proceeded to read what was in it.

“This is a pregnancy result. How does this answer my questions?” Natasha asked in confusion.

“Arrrggghhh. I always thought you were a smart woman. I am pregnant, okay?! And this baby belongs to Leo, your husband. Or should I say, our husband.”

Natasha scoffed and shook her head in disbelief.

“Are you crazy? You think you can just walk into my house and start spitting out rubbish from that mouth of yours? Who the hell are you?”

“Definitely not a barren woman.” Blake responded and burst into laughter.

Natasha clenched her jaw and tried to push back the tears that threatened to fall out of her eyes again.

“Okay, you have overstayed your welcome! Get out of my house!” Natasha yelled.

“No, you have overstayed your welcome, Mr. Man.” Blake responded with laughter. She seemed to be enjoying herself way too much.

The door opened all of a sudden, and both women looked at it and saw Leo at the door.

“Thank God you’re back, Leo. Please, can you tell this woman to get the hell out?” Natasha said, walking to where Leo stood.

Leo swallowed hard and shook his head. He walked past Natasha and went ahead to stand next to Blake.

“I’m sorry, Natasha, but if anyone is supposed to get out, it’s you.” Leo answered.

“What? Leo, I am your wife! She is just a slut! From the streets! What are you talking about?!”

“She is whatever you call her, but she can bear me a child! Don’t you understand? I’m tired of not having a child! And now it’s obvious nothing is wrong with me. You are the one with the problem.”

“Leo…” The tears she tried pushing back betrayed her and streamed down her face without control.

“Leo, nothing is wrong with me! The doctors told us this! We just need to be patient!” She mumbled, feeling great pain.

“I can’t keep waiting, Natasha. It’s been five years…”

“It’s not even that long!”

“To you, it isn’t. To me, it’s a long time, Natasha. I’m sorry, but this is the end.” He went ahead to stretch a paper to her.

“Why are you all giving me papers!”

“This isn’t just any paper. This is a divorce paper. I am done!”

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