
Trust Me Part 16


Relaxed and comfortable in Noah's strong secure arms. The last thing that crossed her mind before sleep showed her the best parts of life, was Noah's last words... Trust me. Trust me. Trust me.


She woke up but now hugging Noah's pillow enjoying the scent.  Weird to say she even went as far as to sink deeper into his warm pillow taking in it's dry vanilla scent or maybe it was ocean breeze. Noah spent no expense on his pillow, they are just perfect. Her eyes cracked open scouting her surroundings, eventually when she looked up her eyes met amused eyes. Oh shit. Noah. There is no way she just did that. Covering her face with the culprits hard chest, she mentally kicked herself in the ass.


Perhaps if she stays still, silent and close her eyes she will not see the attractive man hence forth embarrass herself more than she already did. Then by some miracle in turn the man will not be able see her. The moment she thought it worked, a laugh bubbled from the guy and his chest vibrated unfortunately her embarrassment flared.

"Are you not supposed to be a doctor?"

"I am still a student studying medicine."

"Prove it. What if I told you, I hurt?"

Curious and worried her weight must have caused his discomfort she immediately got up. Proud to say she was completely in doctor mode elevating what possibly could hurt such a big, strong alpha.

"My heart baby. I knew that you have a story, my beautiful but you showing up here makes me fear the severity of it."

"Ahg. I thought you were serious. I am not yet a licensed doctor although even if I was, I am still not that type of doctor... I just hate being alone sometimes, I am sorry to intrude. I do not know how I made my way here, I literally contemplated going to a bar but I was tired. I don't know, somehow I found myself at your doorstep. I know embarrassed myself by acting like a child and sleeping over, I am deeply sorry for that. If I am overstaying my welcome I can leave."

Before she got up she was pulled into a sturdy embrace and she stiffened, as the seconds ticks she slowly relaxed.

"No stay, I want you to stay with me for as long as you desire. Your company will forever be welcomed here and in my arms (forehead kiss)... Did you know Toby warned me about fate-"

She stopped him by covering his mouth with her hand. It was crucial, she had to stop Noah from ruining this moment by mentioning another persons name while in his bed but her company.

"Let us not talk about Toby. Please."

"Okay, as you wish... Do you want to talk about what has been bothering you?"

"It is nothing. Even if I was to tell you, you would just think I am being conceded or worse."

"I would never. In my eyes you are the most guarded person I have ever met. You are perfect, smart and the sexiest woman I want to get to know more of. In fact, one of these days even if it takes me waiting forever, I want you to open up to me. I want you to be free around me, Alex I am going no where for as long as you will have me. Mhmm. If you do not want to talk I have an idea that is bound to be fun (he wiggled his brows before giving her a playful wink) ... Since you do not want to talk. You here. I am here. In order to pass time we can-"

He leads forward. Jumping out of his embrace laughing she fell on the floor. She did not fall hard enough it hurt, even if it did she was distracted this shameless man.

"Pervert. No."

"Then are you going to tell me?"

"Fine.  I have a rare condition known as highly superior autobiographical memory (HSAM) but this condition is commonly known as hyperthymesia syndrome. I have an eidetic memory, I can literally remember everything with great precision. No matter how hard I try there is no off button, no way to forget a single detail and or event."

"So. That is bumming you out?"

Noah opened his arms to her once more, she did not think twice about slipping and sinking deeper in his embrace. She is comfortable and very close, intimate with an alpha. Although that fact scared her a bit, she realized her nightmare did not follow her when she is around this man.

"Kinda. I just needed someone, I figured since we already getting dinner, we can hang out before that. I did not expect to fall asleep like that and I did not want to bother my friends from their plans."

"We can stay like this for as long as you wish."

"Thank you."


True to his word she remained in his arm till her stomach roared its dismay. Hoping the man did not pick up her embarrassingly long growl.

"It looks like it's too late to go to the reservations I set. I do not how to cook but I do not mind making you something-"

Remembering how terrible Lucas was when he tried cooking for the first time days ago, just to impress Toby. It was horrible the entire kitchen was wet due to the smoke detectors assuming the apartment was on fire, the point is the food was burnt beyond repair. There was no way to save the pans and pots used in that monstrosity so everything was disregarded in the bin.

The actual point is she did not take Noah's warning lightly... Shes nervous to stop him because this is not her place but she can not pretend to enjoy bad food to even save her life. With a hand she stopped him from getting up. No, there is no way she is ready to relive another nightmare.

"No. No. No. No. Stay. I mean don't. I can make something for us to eat. I can cook."


She got up and went to the kitchen. Gosh this man's bachelor lifestyle deprived him from owning the basic necessities. Gosh, this requires a miracle if there are to be results.

"Goodness. Your kitchen is lacking a lot of things. How the hell have you survived this long? You barely have the basic necessities."

"I'm glad I found you then. At least now I can eat you and what you make."

"Stop teasing. Get your butt here."

She kept looking around and she found two carrots, two packs of ramen noodles and that is that.

"Yes? Is the butt cute?"

She flushed not expecting that response, she steeled her expression by focusing on making food for her empty stomach.

"Stop teasing. Come peel the carrots and chop them up.... It looks like we will be using one pan."

Real woman give up especially when it was evident the task is impossible. There is no way she can turn water into wine. She dropped the packet of ramen, the alpha wolf faced her and she laughed she's really giving up.

"Haha. This is not going to work out in fact it will drive me insane... So, let us go to my apartment it is way smaller than this but at least I have a fantastic, stocked kitchen."

For the first time she felt free to be herself with some one in such a short period of time, coming to Noah's place proved to be a good choice.


The alpha drove them to her place. Somehow he knew the directions to her flat. How he knew was beyond her, she did not ask questions she did not want to know the answer too.


The two together were a killer team and with help from the goofy chef they made a delectable spread.

"There is no way you will finish that."

"There is two seats on the table."

"I will just have rice and fish."

"Are you on some sort of diet? You made this gorgeous spread and you barely eating a third of it."

"If you do not finish I will box it up and give it to Lucas he also barely remembers to eat. Although now he has his own hubby, that might not be pleased with my feeding his Lucas. So. What about you have the leftovers?"

She has this compulsive urge to assure the alpha that she is currently fighting the bonds of their sorta relationship. She does not know why she needed to assure what her damned wolf considered 'hers' is taken care off.

"Alex. Look at me. What are your reservations really about?"

"Agh. Unlike you food goes to undesirable places like my ass, hips or stomach. That is why if you keep pushing me you will get me a full time membership card at the gym."

"Hey, I love all of you and that will never change. So if a gym membership card makes you happy. Okay. Uh... Here. Now I would love to feed that ass."

"You shameless, you know that?"

Somehow she got immune to the dirty double meanings in his flirting.

"This counts as our first date right?"

"Yes. I cooked and you will wash the dishes so yes."


"So. What do I get when I win the Moon competition for Engineering?"

He asked drying the dishes, somehow the man washed dishes wrong and by wrong she means just washing the top and not the bottom because: "We one eat from the this side, who cares about the bottom?" Her eye did twitch after that question and she took the sponge and started washing dishes instead of fighting the impossible situation.

"Whatever your faculty decides to give you. Lucas got flowers, ribbons and I think there is a cash price (she shrugs) I don't know it think it is up to your faculty"

"I mean from you."

"Oh. Uh. Nothing."

"Promise to do me a favor - Uh. Trust me it is nothing like that, I would never degrade you like that."

"Win first then we will talk."






"Here I got you a new phone."

"What? You didn't have to I could have gotten myself one."

"You my man now and I want to take care of you. A new phone is not how far I am willing to go for you but it is what you currently need. (Forehead kiss) My number is already programmed on there."

"Jay. This is too much."

"I have the world waiting just say the word."

"This is literally the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you."

A very emotional Leo threw himself of Jayden who caught him effortlessly. The hug he gave the guy was not for the phone but the meaning behind him buying a phone. His embrace also reminded him that he had to cancel his new phones shipping.


"How was class?"

"Strange. Noah made it here before you."

"Aww. His a junior. Besides next year is officially my final year and I received a call recruiting me for an open position overseas."

Hiding his deposition to something more supportive he forced his smile.

"Congratulations! We should celebrate. Uh, we will have all our friends there. Yeah it will be fun. "

"Leo. What is wrong? You changed all of the sudden."

Leo spotted Lucas and jogged toward his packs alpha, who is packing up to going pick up his fated.

"Lucas. Can I come along with you to fetch Toby?"

Seeing the strain arched on his friends face he nodded handing him the car keys and the box.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing. Nothing. I am serious, I did nothing wrong here."

"I believe you. Give him space. I want you two to workout, it is good knowing there is someone other than me, looking out for him."

"Aye Lucas, thank you. Do not let him drink."

"I make no promises."

"Promises about what?"

Leo asked handing him the keys and relaxed in the car wait for Lucas explanation.

"Did Toby tell you his dad is coming? Me too. Long story short his dad is the only person in the world that thinks Toby is straight and will find a good alpha woman, funny right? He figured since Toby is omega he will find a nice woman who is his fated to settle down with. During his visit I am not allowed to love him or be alone with him, literally one time he shoved me deep into the closet I contemplated my life for like half an hour."

"Haha. Sounds like being in a relationship sucks."

"No. I love Toby and he loves me. We will make it work, this trial is not different. He will tell his father when his ready and when he does I will be by his side. Now that is a relationship."

"Yeah right. Your relationship is perfect, I get it. Focus on the road I do not want to die."

"What are you thinking about Jeff?"

"Haha. Not funny then, not funny now."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really... Jay got a job offer in abroad."

"So you scared of losing him?"

"No. I want him to go. Look Lucas you won't get it, just drive please."

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