
Toy Shop

Two weeks passed by swiftly and Izabelle already moved to a comfortable condo with her daughter and had recently finished the project for her studio. It was a replica of her previous studio. Big and classic and she was sure that soon, she would have a hall of celebrities and children from the elite society coming in. They were already booked but due to her busy schedule this week, she had postponed her work.

Coming out of the new studio, Izabelle entered her car and drove towards little Rosie’s new school. Yep. Little Rosie now attended a new school in the city and she seems to kind of like her new school. She always talked about her new friends and how beautiful they were. She also mentioned that the teachers were nice to her.

Her school was just a few miles away from the studio and one of the best in the city. Well, Grandfather Rossador had insisted that his great-granddaughter attend the best school in the city and not any low-grade school. She was a Rossador and must be treated as one.

Who was she to say no? She had simply agreed and let Rosie attend the school since she also had an interest in it.

Deciding to get Rosie a doll or any gift before she picked her up from school, Izabelle drove into a decent children’s toy shop and parked her car in a decent position before coming down from it and entering into the shop.

They were good toys there. Ones that Rosie would love and jump at her for. She wanted to reward her daughter for passing her classwork the previous day and coming home to show her. Surely she deserves a gift each time she did well in school. That would encourage her to do better, right?

While growing up, she had also wanted her parents to do things like this for her too. Coming to pick her up from school and giving her gifts each time she did well. Hugging her every morning she wakes up and attends to her every need but they died too soon. Funny how she can’t even figure out their faces anymore. She would have to look at their pictures to get a clearer memory of them.

No one ever granted her desires as a kid and there was only the middle-aged driver who comes to pick her up from school every day and at times, Jared who obviously won’t know what she wants or never saw it as necessary. She never got to experience getting picked up from school by her parents like other children at school who would run to their parents at first sight and give them hugs and kisses.

She promised to give her daughter all of it that she had missed during childhood. Both the love of a mother and the love of a father. She wasn’t going to miss out on anything or feel inferior to other kids. Never.

“This one looks good,” she remarked as she picked up a pretty pink Barbie doll from the shelf. A music doll. She pressed on the tummy of the doll and it started singing. This was the type her cute little daughter likes. Pink, soft, pretty, and a singer doll. She picked another and checked it too. She has to buy more than one doll for Rosie as she was known for spoiling her dolls quicker than expected.

Once she lost interest in the doll, she would tear its parts to check what was contained in it and what exactly was the thing singing. Once she satisfies her curiosity by tearing the doll apart, then it’s finished. She would simply throw the poor shattered doll aside and pick a new one. Funny right?

Izabelle felt satisfied with the two dolls that she had picked from the shelf and just when she was about to move to the counter to pay for the dolls, her eyes caught sight of something or perhaps someone through the little space in between the shelf. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open in shock.

What the hell was he doing here?

Her heart raced at the sight of him picking toys on the other side of the space they were in that were meant for boys. In the cart he was carrying were a few toys already and he was adding more and more to it.

Who were those toys for and that much? No, whose kids were the toys for? Was he perhaps married?, that can’t be, haha. She has been following some news about him for the past years and never saw any news about him getting married or having kids whatsoever. Who then were the toys for?

Might be possible that he has kids unknown to anyone. They might be his secret kids or kids from a few baby mamas or so. That was possible, right? Her hands tightened around the doll at the thought of him having secret children and even buying them gifts. Whereas, her daughter was all alone without a father.

Suddenly, she felt him shift and his eyes moved in her direction. She immediately hid behind a shelf with her hands on her chest hoping that he hadn't seen her. Holding the two dolls to her chest, she hastily walked to the counter and paid for the dolls.

“Thanks for buying with us ma’am. Please come again.”

She nodded before rushing out of the building. She has to get the hell out of here.

There was no way on earth that she would want to come across him. Getting away from this place right now would do her much good.

Her legs took her to the direction where her car was parked but before she could get there, a red Bentley stopped in front of her causing her to stop and the window slid down.


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