
Give Rosie Her Father

“Hmm. I think Uncle Nick would also like to see you. You'll get to see and play with him once you get transferred to the city hospital, hmm?”


“Izabelle guess what? I got awesome news,” Ruby announced.


“Your manager gave me a call. He has been trying to reach you since yesterday. He told me you have lots of bookings for the next three days from people who would like to get their photos done by you. They wanted you to do it personally.”

“Hope you told him that I won't be able to make it? Little Rosie isn't fine. I'll have to accompany her until she gets better. Tomorrow, she would get transferred to the city hospital.”

“Don’t tell me that you're going to kick the offers aside. You're just starting your studio here and it wouldn't be good if you start by disappointing customers. You might just end up losing them.”

“It doesn't matter. Rosie’s health comes first. I'll have to accompany her. We can just reschedule everything.”

“Eish. But you know this wouldn't be good. Okay
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