
Chapter 4 Hacking To Search For Their Father

Amelie hadn't expected to run into her stepmother so soon after eight years.

Her jaw clenched tightly and her hand which was on the bed railing gripped the iron so hard that her knuckles nearly turned white. She felt her insides burn with anger and hatred, but she tried her best to keep a good composure, reminding herself that she had come here to do her duty as a doctor.

She could not let her personal issues get in the way of her profession.

Clearing her mind, Amelie fixed her expression, but the same couldn't be said for Audrey who looked totally shocked to see her again after Eight years.

Wasn't she...wasn't she meant to be dead?! So how come? Why was she here, fine and alive after she and Chloe had thrown her off the bridge?

"You! How are you here?!" Audrey exclaimed in absolute horror, quickly scouting back and away from Amelie's hand in fright.

Amelie simply shook her head and sighed. She could hear how frightened her stepmother was by the sound of her voice which wavered.

Of course, she should be afraid, Amelie thought.

But she wasn't about to have the pleasure of hearing her beg for forgiveness.

"Don't worry," Amelie re*ssured. "I'm not here to harm you, at least not yet." She muttered the last part underneath her breath before pointing to the cut on Audrey's head which she had acquired during a minor accident that had occurred during the day. "That, I'm here to fix it up, but if you don't want that, then I'd happily leave, I see no use spending my precious time on the likes of you."

Audrey stared at her with eyes wide.

"Y-you're a doctor now?" She asked with a shaky tone, still a bit afraid of the girl in front of her, even though she was the one lying in bed with a wound, not Amelie.

The questioned girl nodded her hand and picked a cotton ball soaked in disinfectant, about to get to work, but even before her hand could reach Audrey's face, the woman smacked it away.

"Get away from me! Don't touch me!" She flared. The sudden increase in her tone caused both patients and working nurses to look in the direction which the commotion had come from.

"Miss, please settle down, Doctor Arnuad is just simply trying to disinfect the wound on your temple." One of the nurses reasoned, but her attempts were futile because no matter how many times she tried to explain the situation to the woman, she kept yelling.

"You... don't think I don't know what you're up to! This is part of your plot isn't it?! You're trying to harm me, aren't you?!"

"Madam, I advise you to stop your gimmicks and yelling right this moment, or else I'll be forced to call the police and report you to them, then we'll see if that wound of yours would get treated," Amelie warned coldly.

She was done being quiet and she wasn't about to allow her stepmother to ruin her night, no not after everything she'd done.

Hearing that the police would soon be involved quickly made Audrey go quiet. Even though she knew that she'd be able to get out from behind bars with her connection for something as minor as noise constitution, she wasn't sure that would be the same case if Amelie were to call the police and report what she had done eight years ago.

If that were to happen, both she and her daughter would be ruined. Audrey shivered at the thought and remained silent.

Seeing as she had piped down, Amelie took it that her warning worked. She sighed and got to work.

As the doctor tended to her wound, Audrey couldn't help but glance over at the girl, a little bit frightened.

After all, she had been so sure that she had killed her. She had seen her fall from the bridge and sink down to the bottom, and there was no way she could've survived. Yet, here she was, alive and well.


Audrey snapped out of her thoughts and looked up. The girl had finished tending to her wound.

She glanced up at the clock. She had only spent a total of eight minutes with her.

Audrey was quite shocked by this. She had thought that the girl would do anything in her power to make her life a living hell, but she was just as cold and distant.

"You're quite lucky," Amelie started, placing her tools back into the metal tray, "if it had been a centimeter higher, then the wound would have needed stitches, or perhaps if I had been a minute later, you just might have bled out and died." She said with a sarcastic smile. "In most cases, people would ask for gratitude, but right now all I need from you is to just disappear from my sight."

With that, Amelie took off her gloves and turned around to leave, however, Audrey quickly held onto her hand and pulled her back.

" are you here?" She asked again, a bit calmer. "And You're also a doctor? How's that possible? You were meant to be..."

Amelie raised an eyebrow and pulled her hand away, glaring at the woman. "Dead?" She finished the sentence. "That's true. But you can't really expect a person to stay dead, especially if someone didn't finish the job."

Amelie didn't know how her stepmother was feeling right now, but one thing was for sure. Audrey was frightened.

"None would believe you," She suddenly said. "Even if you tried to tell everyone what happened eight years ago, they wouldn't believe you."

The corner of Amelie's lips turned upwards. "I'm not going to tell anyone. At least, not now."

"W-why? Why are you still hiding? What are you waiting for?"

Hearing her stepmother's voice tremble gave Amelie a sense of satisfaction and she chuckled. "There's no need to look so scared, Audrey." She said and leaned in, stopping just before her lips could brush against Audrey's ears. "Don't be a coward and back out now, because even if you did, I still won't show you mercy when the time comes."

Amelie moved back and smiled upon seeing Audrey's pale face. "" She stammered. "No one's going to believe you... you're just going to make yourself look like a fool..."

"And who says I need someone to believe me?" Amelie asked with glowing confidence. "You, Chloe, and that useless father of mine, I don't need either of you anymore. And trust me, that inheritance of mine, that house, and even the company that my mother struggled day and night to raise from the ground, I can get them all back as easily as I wish, so just you wait."

Amelie said and with that, she turned around and walked off, bidding the nurses who had *ssisted her a good day. As Audrey watched her walk away, her body trembled in fright.

The girl...she wasn't the same anymore, her aura had completely changed, but her words. Those words...

Audrey gulped.

"My phone?" She mumbled under her breath, eyes still glued to the retreating girl's back. "Where's my phone!" She demanded harshly this time around.

In a few minutes, a nurse appeared with her phone along with her other belongings that had been collected from the sight of the car collision.

"Thank you, now leave." She ordered the nurse and the moment the door was shut, her shaky fingers dialed a familiar number.

The line only rang for a few seconds before it was answered.

"Audrey, I heard what happened, are you okay?" The voice that spoke from the other end was that of an elderly man, filled with concern. "I was worried sick. Where are you, tell me I'll..."

Before the man could finish his words, Audrey cut him off. "H-honey...she back..." She barely managed to get those words out of her throat.

"What? Who's back, dear? Calm down, take deep breaths. What's happening?"

"Amelie...She's back...she's alive."

"W-what?! That's impossible, the doctor had called us in to identify her disfigured corpse and even the report stated that it was her body."

"Then the report must've been false, I just saw her...she...she's a doctor now."

"A doctor?!" The man mumbled. "Ah, what a h*ssle."

Audrey who was now biting on her nails, suggested. "We can't allow things go on like this, we have to make her disappear once more."

The man on the other line fell silent for a few seconds before letting out a sigh. "No. Don't."

"W-what?! But dear, the girl... she knows!"

"Then let her. For now, I have a purpose for her. We'll discuss this further once you return home."


"Audrey trust my words. I know the best way to handle this situation, after all, I am her father."

** ** ** **

Amelie returned home after leaving the hospital. She felt slightly fatigued from having just started working a few days after moving in.

"Mommy? You okay?" Michelle asked as she kicked off her shoe at the door and helped her younger twin hang his coat on the rack.

"Yeah, mommy looks stressed." Miguel chirped in in agreement. "Did the bad lady earlier stress you out?"

"No, mommy is fine," Amelie re*ssured and gave both of them p*ssionate kisses on their heads.

"I'm going to rest for a bit, don't do anything reckless, and absolutely do not stay past your bedtime."

"Alright, mommy."

"Good, I'm counting on you two." She said and with that, Amelie made her way towards her room and shut the door.

She plopped down onto her bed and took a deep breath. She stared at the ceiling for a few seconds before closing her eyes and allowing herself to rest.

Since she and the children had gotten dinner on their way back, she could rest easy.

Sleep came as quickly as her eyelids closed. Michelle and Miguel who had stood at the cracked opened down for a few minutes rushed into their room and pulled out their tablets after confirming that Amelie had fallen asleep.

"Elle, are you sure this is right?" Miguel asked as he typed on the Bluetooth keyboard of his tablet, opening up a secured site.

"Yes, it's fine," Michelle responded confidently as she watched her brother's fingers move, breaking into the security system of the country's national gene pool.

They had only one goal in mind for the night and that was to finally discover who their father was. Thankfully with Miguel's trained intellect and harnessed hacking skills, the job was relatively easier than they had anticipated.

It took the boy just about three minutes and thirty-four seconds to hack into the main system and begin the search all the while Michelle watched from the sidelines. After a while, she yawned as the process seemed to be taking longer than usual.

"Come on," Miguel muttered under his breath.

Michelle who was feeling slightly sleepy from watching the boring process was just about to ask Miguel if he had messed up the process when the system indicated that the search was done and a march had been made!

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