
Chapter 5

“You did what, girl?” Megan shouted, opening her mouth wide.

“Shhh,” Alice glared at her, “Not so loud you want us to get chased out of the library,” Alice said, looking around with a sheepish look.

She loved her best friend, but she could be a pain sometimes. Alice had given Megan a rundown of his conversation with Vincent, which piqued her interest instead of studying. Megan always says Alice's life was like one of the tv shows she watches with her mother. 

“Let them,” she said, standing up. “Come on.”

“But we have an assignment to work on.” Alice protested.

“Ally, don’t make me cause drama,” Megan dared her to keep sitting as she readied herself to shout.

“And you say I have all the drama,” Alice shook her head, picking up her things, “For the record, I’m deciding to follow you because I feel bad for the people in here because of your loudmouth.”

“Loudmouth, you say!” Megan shouted, and it was followed by a lot of glares in the library.

Alice hurriedly pulled her out of the library as fast as she could, making a ruckus that caused more people to look. Megan only found the stares amusing and giggled, making Alice pull her forward more firmly. She would have been angry at her friend, but she had so much love for her and she shook her head and she giggled with her as they sprinted the last steps out of the library.

“You are in trouble,” Alice pointed a finger at her, trying to be serious and failing.

“But you love me,” Megan winked and pouted before she grinned.

“I never said that,” Alice smiled, walking through the corridor.

“I know,” Megan responded with a pout, swinging her hand over Alice's shoulder.

They walked from the library and made their way to the bench, where they settled down. The moment they sat down, Megan looked at Alice, waiting for her to spill all the details.

“So, Simon is my date for the dance,” Alice began with a sigh.

“Honey, that's not news." Megan rolled her eyes. "You don't look excited to have him as your date.” Megan narrowed her eyes at her friend.

“I am,” she sighed to hid a smile, “Will you help look pretty,” she added and looked at her friend.

“Look pretty,” she scoffed, “Babe, you are going to look hot enough to eat.”

“That’s disgusting,” Alice added, but Megan waved a dismissing hand.

“As I was saying, I'm going to make you look hot. We need to go shopping and I have the perfect lipstick I’m going to lend you. It will make your lips juicy.”

“Juicy?” Alice stared at her friend and blinked. “Meg, are you about to turn me into a barbie doll?” She scoffed in disbelief, but Megan looked serious.

Megan loved anything that made a woman look her best, from fashion, beauty, and health. Hell, she was the feminist voice at school. Anything that had to do with women. She had a powerful voice over and deep down Alice was glad because she could talk to her about anything she was afraid to discuss with her mother. Jane wasn’t strict, but Alice couldn’t see herself talking to her mom about boys or the decision she had to swipe her v-card soon.

“So, I was also thinking of maybe taking it further with him,” Alice looked away, feeling shy.

“Shut up,” Megan gasped, her mouth agape as she responded, looking at Alice. "You were not this excited literally a minute ago."

“Close your mouth, Meg. It’s not ladylike,” Alice scowled, but laughed soon after.

“Well, I’ll be damned. I know this has to be your choice, but are you sure?”

“What, I thought you would be glad about this decision?”

“Honey, I say some dumb things sometimes,” Megan answered and looked at Alice seriously. “Sex is a big step and you should do it when you are well and ready. Do it on your terms, not because of a boy or your friend,” she grabbed Alice’s hand. “Take your time, and when you do. Remember to be safe.”

“I forgot that sometimes you can be such a mom,” Alice grumbled, but smiled gratefully.

“Shut up,” Megan released her hand, smiling, “I’m your best friend who also is wise.” she flipped her blonde curls and rolled her eyes.

“I know and I think I’m ready, or at least I want to do it. Feel like a woman, you know,” Alice responded.

“Not having sex doesn’t make you less of a woman,” she added.

“I know.”

“Ok, so tell me about your date, Simon,” she wiggled her eyebrows and Alice couldn’t help it but smiled.

“I texted him over the weekend and he asked me to go on a date on Wednesday,” Alice blushed.

“Are you blushing?” Alice looked away, hiding her face. “Spill Alice Towers. We don't have all day. I have class soon,” Megan demanded, looking at Alice eagerly raising an eyebrow.

“Well, after I texted him. We kind of texted for a bit more that night and we bumped into each other when I went cycling with Riley.” Alice blushed again.

“No way!” Megan gushed screaming, “You bumped into each other! Where? Tell me more.” Megan moved her head closer on the bench across from Alice, giving her attention to what Alice was going to tell her.

“I was waiting outside the shop when he saw me, and we talked for a bit,” Alice shrugged it off.

“And?” she looked at her with anticipating eyes.

“And what?” Alice shrugged.

“Alice?” Megan stared at Alice, not buying that their meeting was left at that.

“What?” Alice reached for her backpack, avoiding her friend’s intense gaze.

“So, you are telling me that nothing else happened?” Megan asked, but Alice kept looking in her bag, avoiding meeting Megan’s eyes.

“You are laser staring,” Alice cleared her throat nervously, her eyes still looking in her bag. She wasn’t looking for anything in particular.

“I know I'm staring because you are holding vital information from me. I want to hear from the horse's mouth."

"What are you talking about?" Alice looked up at Megan.

"That smile," Megan pointed a finger at her with a smirk, "That is what I'm talking about. You sneaky girl," Megan accused, "trying to sound less excited about Simon being your date earlier just to distract me."

"You can be nosy sometimes," Alice stuck her tongue out at her.

"How else will I be informative if I don't do that? Now spill." Megan grinned.

Alice scoffed. "Why would you think there would be more than what I told you?"

"Because my brother saw you." Megan whispered, "You didn't know that, did you, Alice Towers?"

"You are such a punk." Alice laughed.

"And this punk is waiting for all the deets." 

Alice looked up and bit her lip, trying to stop from smiling like the caught kid she was. Alice was grinning and blushing before she took out her cellphone, unlocked it and opened her message chat and closed her eyes with a sigh. She was holding out this information from her because Megan was going to freak.

“See for yourself,” Alice handed her cell to Megan while prying her eyes open, and blushed.

Megan always wiggles her eyebrows when excited or being too nosy. Alice rolled her eyes at her friend. She shifted and blush again. Megan let out a scream or a squeal that landed with a few students looking their way. 

“Meg, stop screaming,” Alice cleared her throat and huffed.

“Friend.” Megan looked back on the phone and hummed and nodded.

“Are you not done?”

“Had to read it again.” Megan added, handing Alice her phone.

“And?” Alice asked, frowning at the face Megan had.

“And,” Megan smiled before drumming the bench and screamed again, making everyone around them look at her. She looked like a maniac for being the only one screaming and jumping while Alice kept calm.

“Stop screaming,” Alice tried to stop her, but she couldn’t be stopped.

She had to let it out of her system. Alice hid her face in her hands for a while, embarrassed for Megan, who didn't care about looking less ladylike. She looked around, trying to see who was still watching, and her eyes landed on Simon, who waved at her with a dashing smile. Alice smiled back and nervously waved. Now she wanted her friend to behave herself more so with Simon among the crowd of spectators.

“Hold it together,” Alice hissed at her friend, still waving, “Simon is over there and you are embarrassing me. Stop dancing and screaming. Sit down Meg.” 

Alice finally relaxed after her friend sat back down. “This is exciting,” Megan said. “I’m team Simon now. “she winked, making Alice blush.

"Keep your voice down. He is over there." Alice glared at her friend and laughed awkwardly.

"No," Megan shook her head, making Alice look at her, "You don't laugh like that in front of Simon. You are the one embarrassing me now."

"Stop saying his name, Megan." Alice hissed, but laughed again.

"Oh, God!" Megan sighed, "Stop that laugh. You will send the guy running. Now count from five. Breath and relax those shoulders. You are a queen. His queen. I'm sure he is talking about you to his friends and you have to hold it together." 

"You think so?" Alice tried a sultry pose.

"Too much. Just count from five and don't stare at him a lot." Megan sighed.

"I thought that's the whole point."

"It is but you are making it too obvious. Sit straight and count."

"You are bossy," Alice scowled, but did as her friend suggested.

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