
Chapter 5

Just who are you?

Having heard her name from his mouth, Penny felt her breath seized for a few seconds and different thoughts suddenly filled her head.

 *How the hell did he know my name? And why does he sound so angry? Did he find out about me peeping on him yesterday? Does he know what exactly he is?* 

 Finally righting herself, she suppressed her random thoughts since it was beginning to give her an unnecessary headache. She had decided not to question herself anymore but hear from him first.

After taking a deep breath, Penny faced him fully as she asked politely “I do not understand Mr Humphrey. Do you have anything else to discuss?” her hands clenched unto her gown tightly.

Upon hearing her question, Stiles gestured for Anita to leave first and in a few minutes she left his office without a word and closed the door in a bang which caught Penny off guard as she flinched back a little.

Every reaction gotten from the woman in front of him was so funny that Stiles found it very entertaining too. As a matter of fact, he was holding in his laughter. 

As a businessman in the fashion industry, Stiles had learnt about humans being strong and sharp decision makers but as of the moment this woman in front of him was beginning to prove him wrong. 

He could sense her fear for almost everything and wondered how she had lived so long until this day with such a fearful life. 

“Sit down.” Stiles suddenly blurted out, not taking his gaze away from her.

“Huh? What for?” Penny asked as her hands found its way to the door knob getting ready to run out in case something happens.

She knew what the werewolves were capable of doing, being a werewolf writer for five years was long enough to make reasonable research on them. Although she still had a doubt of him being a werewolf, who was she not to take caution from him? What if he was something worse than a werewolf?

Utterly stunned by her reaction, Stiles couldn't help but thought to himself, *Wait! Does she think I'm going to kill her? Even if I am, why would I do it in my office?* 

*Why won't you?* His wolf was pissed *It is your company after all and you should just kill her right away* 

Rubbing his forehead, Stiles shut his angry wolf in a growl inwardly *Just shut your mouth Waymond*

The silence in the room was too much that it was beginning to choke Penny. At that moment she felt great hunger and needed something to eat and also felt like passing since the stare from stiles was getting too intense.

Gathering the courage left in her, Penny decided to speak, “Can you please stop...”

“Staring at you?” Stiles interjected and she gasped which caused a chuckle to leave his mouth.

“Does my gaze alone scare you?” he asked further before he gestured with his hand “Just take a seat Penny Luther. I won't bite you.” 

Just like she had been spelled, Penny took the empty seat in front of him and began playing with her fingers. As a few seconds passed she would look up and peep if he was staring at her or not.

Letting out a deep sigh, Stiles replaced his soft gaze on her with an icy gaze. Despite the fact that Anita had warned him to take it easy with her he still wasn't the type to change himself because of a mere woman.

“Who else knows about it?” 

Having heard the sudden question from him, Penny was at loss for words. Of course no one else knew about it but he wasn't going to believe her was he?

Clearing her throat, Penny retorted fiercely “What are you talking about?” she had decided to feign ignorance of the whole issue.

“I don't have time to waste Penny Luther!” Stiles said in-between teeth which caused a huge sweat breakout on Penny. 

Moreover, he stood up from where he was seated and then sat on the table in front of Penny instead. At that moment, her brain felt as though it had stopped working, as she stared at him utterly dumbfounded.

He was so close to her that she could see the anger radiating in his blue eyes. It was at that moment she knew better than to tell the truth but first she needed to know the truth.

“Are you a werewolf? Like the ones we see in movies and write in books?” 

Stiles at first was taken aback by her sudden werewolf question. He never expected such from her but there was nothing he could do but answer her questions right?

“Yes I am.” he grumbled as he closed his eyes and opened it shortly only to show her a different shade of color in it.

Opening her mouth in awe, Penny leaned close to his face as she watched his eyes. It was no longer blue like the ocean but now red, not just red but bright red. 

“Wow, you are an Alpha,” she felt her bones weaken at the moment, “But you have bright red eyes...” she trailed off.

“I'm a true Alpha, not just an Alpha.” Stiles replied before her brain could process words to say.

“So,” he started again, “Who else knows about what you saw?” He was Beginning to run out of patience.

“No one, I haven't told anyone about it yet.” 

Having heard her answer to his question, Stiles breathed out in relief. Not that he was scared about humans knowing about his true self but because he didn't want to put anyone in danger, when he was also in danger.

Stiles opened his mouth to say something but the words got stuck up in his throat, as he felt a sudden pain in his chest stopping him from saying anything.

His eyes were getting red by the minute and his hands suddenly found their way to his chest, as he gasped for air. 

A slight groan left his mouth and he pointed at the door before averting his gaze back to the woman in front of him, “Leave!” 

However Penny didn't move an inch but stared at him rather. Another pain hit him so hard that he fell on the cold floor holding his chest. Penny on the other hand wondered whether he was sick or not. 

Reaching out to him, Stiles slapped her hands before she could touch him. He blew out a breath of frustration. “I said get out, don't touch me!” he snapped, she could tell it was hard for him to keep his voice low.

Walking to his desk to get the potion, Stiles felt another pain strike him hard and he lost his stamina almost falling to the floor but Penny was fast on time to get hold of him.

“Hold on, let me see,” She placed her hands on his chest. “Does it hurt here?” she looked up to him but he uttered no word as he simply stared at her. 

His blue eyes were calm as he looked at her. There was no storm or anger beneath the sea in his eyes. Just a steady ocean. At that moment Stiles found his excruciating pain fading away quickly. 

Seeing that he was no longer grunting in pain, Penny took a step back but was taken aback when he held her by the wrist. 

Staring deeply in her eyes he questioned icily, “Just who are you?”

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