
his offer


"You! How dare you show your stupid face here huh?!" I yelled at him. What the hell was he doing here?

"I've been a lot of sluts before but never have I met such an extra dumb one, who do you think is allowed to show their face here between the both of us?" he raised a brow at me

"Take that back right now! You're the one that's dumb not me and for the last time, I'm not a slut! Address me as that one more time and you'll be sorry" I warned pointing my finger at him. My little accident with him last night does not give him the right to call me a slut, I wasn't, and what did he mean by "who is allowed to show their face here between the two of us?" Who did he think he was?

"This just keeps getting interesting. So, I am curious what you are going to do if I call you slut.

"That's it!" I stood up from the ground to go call a guard to come throw him out "Hey!" I stopped a guard passing by "Throw his intruder out!" I ordered and expected him to listen, but he didn't, and that is when I realized he was not listening because Liam had warned them not to listen to my orders, and now I would just embarrassed myself but I can't let this man make a mockery of me, so I tried again. "Are you deaf? Take him out right now, Liam won't be pleased if I let him know of your behaviour!" I said to the guard and still, he didn't listen to me but what he did next shocked me

"Greetings Alpha Stephen," the guard turned to him with a bow to show his respect but that wasn't what caught my attention but the fact he addressed him as an Alpha, this crazy man was an Alpha! "Sorry for the disturbance, I'll get rid of it," he said before turning to me and then grabbing me

"Let go of me!" I screamed trying to get out of his hold

"What did you say what's going to happen if I called you slut once more?" Stephen held my chin making me face him "Such a dumb slut! Get her away from me!" He said before the guard dragged me out and threw me out causing me more embarrassment.

Gosh! What did I do wrong to deserve all this?

I never thought I'd see his face again but not only did I see him again, he got me thrown out of my house, is he crazy?

He's an Alpha so? I'm also a Luna and if it weren't because of him, I wouldn't be in this situation rather in the arms of my mate but I'm out here facing judging eyes!

I need to teach him a lesson, but I can only do so after I talk to Liam. Now that he is here, I can show him to Liam, and he will have his head, but first, I need to go back inside, the full moon ceremony is about to begin.

Going back inside wasn't as easy as I thought, I was banned from stepping foot inside till after the full moon ceremony! This has to be Isabelle's doing, she doesn't want me to talk to Liam before the full moon ceremony but I'm not going to let her win, I'm going to get in and end it.

I waited till night fell so I would be able to blend in with the other guests that would be attending the ceremony and luckily, I was able to once inside, I quickly got started on my plans, to look for Liam.

My first search was his room since he was still probably getting ready and I better make haste before he left because if he did, I wouldn't be able to speak to him till after their full moon ceremony.

"Let me go in!" I ordered as two guards stopped me from going inside the room I once didn't need permission but now, I needed it.

"I'm sorry miss but we can't let you in"

"I have to see Liam" I stepped forward but they held me back preventing me from going inside the room. Liam had to be in there with the way they're refusing me to see him, he had to be in there so if they can't let me go to him then perhaps I can make him come to me.

"Liam! Liam Liam!" I called for him as the guards dragged me away, and just when I thought I wasn't going to see him again, fate intervened and brought Liam to me before they could throw me out for the third time today.

"Let her go," Liam growled, and they immediately followed his orders by dropping me roughly on the floor, but I quickly picked myself up and ran to him, neglecting the pain in my ankle from the way they had dropped me.

"Liam" I reached to hold his face but he moved back

"I didn't have them let go of you just so you could touch me with those cheating hands!" My heart sank when he spoke to me in this tone. He never used this tone on me, and I don't like it I want it to stop, I want us to go back to how we were, two loving people.

"Liam I would never cheat on you, it's all a trap, my sister was..."

"Your sister is who you should be thankful to" he cut me off "I was the stupid one, the blind one, I should have rejected you as my mate since and been with your sister instead and I would have been free of the pain now! Everyone was right, there's no way you're my mate, my mate won't betray me like that, she won't be in another man's arms when I'm out there fighting for the good of everybody but I guess that didn't matter to you, you just wanted me to be gone so you could go get drunk and spread your legs for every man that approach you, isn't that you want?" He grabbed my face, his fingernails digging into my skin

"Liam please" Tears rolled down my face as I pleaded, not for the physical pain he was inflicting on me, they meant nothing but for the pain I was feeling inside because of his words. He didn't believe me, he just questioned our mate bond, he preferred my sister over me, those words were like a cut in my skin, they hurt "I love you, and I would never betray you please listen to me it's all my sister's plan, she..."

"She's jealous?" He scoffed "Is that what you're going to say?" I nodded and he laughed "Not only was I blessed with a cheating mate but also a dumb and cunning one! Trying to blame someone else for your mistake! As I said earlier, you should be thankful to your sister for saving my reputation and your life unless you won't even be here" his eyes darkened but before he could do what he wanted he flung me to the ground

"Throw her out and never let her near my sight ever again!" He ordered before going inside and his guards went ahead to drag him out but he suddenly stopped them and came to me.

A part of me felt excited that he perhaps had a change of heart but that wasn't the case

"I can't be the only one feeling this pain, you should also, which is why you're going to watch me get mated to your sister under the full moon, feel as much pain as I'm in now or even more"

"No! Liam no please don't do this!" He ignored my pleads and dragged me away with him and stopped when we reached a small gathering in an open space with the moonlight shone brightly which meant only one thing, it was time

No! "Liam please don't do this please let me explain!"

Two large arms pinned me to the ground, put my hands and legs in chain and another held my face up to make me watch them become mates.

My sister came out wearing a white plain dress and everyone averted their gaze on her except for me and Liam since she was wearing nothing underneath, we were the only ones staring at her but with different feelings. My gaze was filled with hatred, I wanted to free myself of these chains and devour her while Liam stared at her with loving eyes as if they were madly in love and slowly, his eyes darkening ravishing her whole body with his gaze till his eyes fell on her neck and my eyes also darkened when I saw what he was about to do.

I've had enough! There was no way I would stay still and watch him mark her so before he could, I let my wolf take control and shifted and ran to her but before I could claw her, Liam blocked me staring at me with a dominating gaze and then I heard him in my head

'shift back to your human form now!' he ordered me. I tried to fight his command but I couldn't, that was his Alpha command so I shifted back

"Now watch!" He commanded yet again in his Alpha voice and I found myself watching him lower my sister's dress and then sink his teeth into her.

He just marked her, they were now mates!

My whole world stopped at that moment, the only happiness I had was taken away from me, and my mate was gone.

The pain that shot through me at that point was unbearable, I fell to the floor, clutching onto my chest as if I were out of breath and slowly, I felt darkness take over me


My head hurts as I open my eyes, the light coming from outside makes it impossible to keep my eyes open. I tried standing up but I couldn't, my left arm was connected to a beeping machine with a needle in my skin.

Where am I?

"You're awake, finally!" My head darted to the door when I heard a familiar voice, it wasn't the voice I wanted to hear, it wasn't Liam but the root of all problems, Stephen.

"What are you doing here, haven't you had enough of me?" What does he want from me

"You shouldn't yell, your body needs rest, you've been unconscious for a week now"

"A week? What!"

"How are you feeling" he approached me and reached to touch my face but I slapped him away

"Don't you dare lay those filthy hands on me, I haven't forgotten who you are!"

"Good cause I have a proposal for you" he sat down on the chair opposite me

"What proposal?" I asked confused

"Mmm-mm" he cleared his throat "marry me"

"What? Did I hear you correctly?" Did he just say I should marry him, is he stupid or something, why would he even say that?

"You heard me clearly and I've thought about my decision before asking you, so would you?"

"You must be really stupid to ask that or even think I'll consider that! It's because of you, I'm lying here, because of you..." I paused to hold back my tears as I remembered what happened with Liam.

"So is that a yes or no?"


"Not even if I say I'll help you get back with your mate?"

"What are you saying?"

"Get married to me and I'll help you get revenge on your sister, I know she's the one who brought you to me, I thought you were a slut but you aren't and she did all that to make your mate reject you to be with her so I can help you get back with your mate if you agree to get married to me"

Hmm what's this man planning, how can he help me get back with Liam if I agreed to get married to him?

"Seems like you don't love him that much" he stood up to leave but I stopped him "Are you going to help me get back with Liam?"

"You have my word, but only if you agree to get married to me"

"Why are you doing this, what are you going to get out of this?"

"Nothing, let's just say I like helping people get what they deserve" he smiled while I thought about his offer

Should I trust him?

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