
Meeting Blair again

At that instant, his dreams came to light as his son shape shift within seconds, turning into a dangerous wolf.

His glowing eyes were enough to send the entire palace ablaze.

Mogana did nothing to stop them, for she knew it was meant to be, they would get angry with each other before they finally make peace.

Arthur also changed form, but it wasn't to attack his son, it was just to defend himself.

He howled angrily at his father, scratching his side with his long claws, which sent Arthur crashing straight to the ground and laying on his side.

Luther wanted to help him, but he stopped him, by looking into his human eyes with his fierce Amber eye.

While he was still on the floor, Jayden approached him with his paws, scratching his head, before he was stopped by Mogana who could not take it anymore.

It was obvious that Arthur didn't want to fight his own son back, but he wasn't even defending himself well enough, he was allowing his son beat him, if care is not taken, he might kill him before realizing what he had done.

"Stop it Jayden! He is still your father". She says, but Jayden only howled to disagree.

He made to attack him again, but Luther stopped him.

Jayden didn't know why he obeyed his father's friend, but he seem to calm down, looking at Astra, who was just seated, looking all beautiful, not wanting to get herself messed up.

When Jayden changed back to his human form, his clothes remained, which he straighten, and waited for his father to change form, but he seem to be really wounded.

They had all settled down on the seat, before Arthur found his way to the seat.

He was bleeding, but that was in no way a problem to him, he was more interested in getting to know his son.

They both didn't touch the food served to them, but Jayden ate heartily, as his mother have promised him that she would magically transport him that night to Atlantica to see Blair.

"I am sorry son, and I am sorry Mogana, but I had no choice at the time.

Arthur tries to apologize again, but just like before, she raised her hand to stop him.

"I am not interested in your excuses, I promised you, your son, and here he is.

He has both our traits and abilities, so he can not be killed like a wolf or like a wizard.

He has been safe all this while, and I hope you and your pack can keep things that way, because if anything happens to my son, I will come after you with everything, I will call upon all the witches and wizards in their different covens and they will hunt you all down till there is no one left". Mogana warned, but Arthur only smiles and says.

"I have lost him once, I will never allow myself to loose him again.

I know he is no weak person, he is a special hybrid spoken of over a decade ago and I am glad that somehow the gods found a way to bring the prophesy to light. We just need to know how to talk to our people, maybe this is a chance for the witches and wolves to become one again".

"That is never going to happen". Astra spoke up, but with the way Mogana looked at her, giving her the 'shut your trap look' she shut her mouth, and looked away.

"Now can we have our dinner in peace, I know Arthur would want to go back tonight, so the sooner we get talking, the better for us all".

They continued eating, while Arthur and Luther kept staring at Jayden.

Astra was trying everything possible to get Jayden to look at her, but he has his eye fixated on his plate, which seem to be refilled every minute by his mother.

After the last refill of his plate, he mannerlessly belched to the hearing of everyone, which Astra finds annoyingly cute and she blushed at it, while his mother only laughed.

"Jayden, tell me about everything please, I would love to know the things I missed". Luther pleaded, but Jayden didn't seem like he had fully forgiven his father, so he eyed him, and looked away, but deep within him, there was this fulfilment, that he had found his parents and they are powerful creatures, it goes to explain, everything to him, how he woke up one morning, and started feeling different.

"It is disrespectful to keep quiet when your father is talking to you, unless he asks you to keep quiet, but if he asks a question, you are obligated to answer". Mogana seems to be more in charge, and Jayden always bends to her statement.

"I grew up in an orphanage home, but I ran away from the home, I just couldn't stay, I found myself at Atlantica, at sultan district, where I made new friends, went to school, got a scholarship, and I was about to get married, before I started feeling a bit odd". Arthur glares at Mogana, wondering why she sent their son to Atlantica, where the war first broke out. Mogana read his mind and answered immediately.

"I did not send him to Atlantica, I dropped him at the orphanage, I wanted him to have a different life". She defended herself, but when no one answered her, she added. I was young, my mother didn't want me to keep the child, she was so furious with me, that I got pregnant for a wolf, and she threatened to kill both of us if she sees us. I had to do the only thing I thought was the best". She further explains.

"Why didn't you bring him to me? Arthur asked, and she gave him a strange stare.

"You didn't care, you never cared, and you found your Luna already and have already crowned her, how did you think it would look l, dropping a child for you. He would suffer, and I didn't want that". Jayden had to respond this time.

"But I still suffered mother, I was alone all those years, and now, finding out that both my parents are so powerful, means nothing to me, I just want to go back to Blair". The dinner room became quiet, everyone deep in his or her own thought, but Astra couldn't hold herself, she got up, with tears in her eyes, she swing herself and disappeared.

Jayden didn't care, he looked back at his parents, waiting for them to react, but they both seem not to have anything to say, but then Luther spoke up.

"The moon goddess have already given you a Luna, and you will find her on your coronation".

"And the Queen of all witches, she controls both dark and good magic have given him Astra as his bride". Mogana defended.

"And I don't want any of them, I only want Blair". Jayden raised his voice just a little, to tell them that he is really serious about what he just said.

"Then you are going to have to be with all three of them, you will bring them to the palace". Luther was trying to make it all okay, but Jayden was already shaking his head.

"Blair will never agree to that".

"That is the only thing possible, because, you cannot go back to Atlantica, for they already know that you might be a wolf and they have given words to kill you if seen around the area". Mogana supported Luther. Once again silence eludes them, with each thinking about the entire situation, before Jayden finally spoke up.

"I want to see Blair first". The other three exchanged knowing glances, before Mogana nodded her head, they seem to have communicated with each other, without saying a word.

She brought out a Golden carved image of a woman and gave it to him.

"Take this, use it to transport yourself to Blair, and if there is danger, it will bring you back here". Arthur was about to object, but Mogana raised her hand to stop him. Jayden was so happy, he collected the carved image, rushed to his room and just by thinking about where he wanted to be, he found himself in Blair's room, she was holding the picture they took together, but then she sensed someone was there in the room with her, she turned and almost screamed, for she was face to face with Jayden.

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