
Intimate moment

She was obviously reeling, by the sight before her, but then she remembered her door had initially been locked. How the hell did he get past the door, and she didn't ever hear her door knob crick? She made to scream, but Jayden raised his hand in a bit to stop her, but he ended up making her dumb, that she started to mubble, making incoherent sounds, that she herself, couldn't understand.

Jayden realized he could hear her every thought, and most of his actions, just needed to be thought of, and they will just come to light.

"Please do not freak out. I just wanna talk to you". He said to her, and she replied in her mind, but he could hear it.

"How can I not freak out when you are magic now.

You are not Jayden, so who are you and what did you do to Jayden? She wish she could scream at him, but even the way she thought of it in her mind was loud enough for Jayden, that he opened his eyes wide in shock too.

"It is I, Jayden. I have a lot to talk to you about, I just need you to pay attention and understand that this was not my making".

Blair looked around, searching frantically with her eyes rolling here and there for anything that she could use as weapon against the person she is looking at, but just like before, he read her mind and answered.

"You don't need any weapon against me, even if you find one, you won't have any need to use it, for I will never hurt you, I love you so much and I could never hurt you".

She rolled her eyes saying "I believed those exact same words,until I had to stand alone at the alter waiting for my groom, when my groom should be the one waiting for me". His jaw dropped, he wish he could make her understand, but he had to take it one step, at a time.

"Blair please stop talking and just listen". He raised his voice a little, along with his hands, but she only giggled.

"But I am not talking, you magically took away my aural ability, and still, you complain about it?

"I am sorry, I just don't want you screaming, but you have to listen.

You remember that night, when we were about to get intimate and I excused myself?

How could she forget that night, when he almost took her to a different world? How could she forget the night she almost forgot anything that has to do with virtue or morals, and just loose herself to the one man she loves? She didn't forget, but she didn't think about anything, or say anything, which made Jayden pause a little, waiting for her to at least respond, but when she said nothing, he added.

"Please respond my love, I beg you". Somehow, she was beginning to feel this must be her Jayden, for he may have some magic now, he still speak and act like her Jayden.

"You said I should stop talking, and now you want me to talk? The conversation wasn't heading anywhere, and Jayden was beginning to loose his patience.

"Fine, please say something".

"Yes I remember that night Jayden". She answered simply.

"That night Blair, I felt something I have never felt before.

I walked into the woods, and something different happened to me, I was shape shifting into something I really could not explain as at that time. I was so scared, I couldn't tell anyone, I felt the woods was my new home, I wanted to be there all the time. I couldn't tell you, but I kept going there for answers, which I never got, until the wedding day.

I thought it would pass, and everything will go back to normal, but even on that day, I could feel the animal making its way out. I had to tell Fredrick to give me a moment that I wanted to clear my head. I dashed into the woods and after what happened there, I knew I could never return". Blair already had tears in her eyes, as she traced her thought back to everything agent Scot had said, but she still needed to hear him say it, so she asked.

"Are you a werewolf?

"You already know, and I wish I am just a werewolf, maybe that would have been better, I am also a wizard". He spoke sadly, then he went further to explain to her, how he happen to be both a werewolf and a witch.

Blair couldn't hold it anymore, she threw herself back on the bed and wept bitterly.

This time, she was no longer scared of what he might do to her, she just wanted to cry, for she knew at that moment, that she could never be with him. She was crying for her lost fiancee, for to her, he is gone, but then he came close to her, and touched her side. His touch was so different, so full of energy, so captivating, that she had to turn briskly to see if she is still in the same room with him?

For a moment, they seem to be lost in each other's eyes, without blinking, and with eyes fixated on each other, all the unspoken words were understood.

"I love you Blair, and I could never stop loving you". With that simple statement from Jayden, Blair pulled him close, closing up the little space that separates their lips from each other and kissed him passionately.

With tongue locking, eyes closed, head turning sideways, their lips remained. Blair let out a moan, and suddenly, her voice was back.

"Jayden! She spoke the first word that came to her mind, but he didn't give her the chance, as he was fighting his demon.

He kissed her hungrily, gently sending her back to relax well on the bed.

Her Silky night wear slide to the side, showing off her unguarded breast, and before she could cover it, he grabs one of her pink nipple into his needy mouth and suck hungrily, while his other hand, kept forming a circle kind of shape, teasing her greatly, that she could only moan out of sweet pleasure.

She wanted to feel him even more, that she made to open his robe, but she ended up tearing it apart, only to find hairs, distracting her, from the initial pleasure she had wanted.

Jayden could not keep his wolf side in, he was too excited, that he had started to shape shift.

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