
Chapter Fourteen

Jasmine’s POV:

As I stepped through the library's entrance, a wave of awe washed over me. The vastness of the space, adorned with towering bookshelves that reached for the heavens, filled me with a sense of reverence. Sunlight streamed through the stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns on the polished floors, as if the very essence of knowledge danced in the air.

I wandered through the labyrinthine aisles, my fingers lightly grazing the spines of the books, their titles whispering promises of hidden worlds and forgotten tales. The hushed whispers of other visitors and the soft rustling of pages enveloped me, creating a symphony of words that stirred my soul.

As I continued my exploration, my eyes scanned the room, searching for Ms. Paulina, the enigmatic librarian with a penchant for unravelling secrets, and the key to the answers I sought. I navigated through the maze of shelves, discreetly glancing around for any sign of her presence.

Then, in the corner of my vision, I not
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