

I looked at my watch. It's already 09.00 morning. I'm going to take Luna to the place where I usually do shooting sport. She would definitely be amazed by my ability to shoot targets.

"I don't mind if you open your niqab. Believe me, people will admire your beauty!" I exclaimed excitedly.

I want my friends to know, I have a beautiful wife like an angel. Although I haven't touched her yet, it's only because we need time. So I thought.

"If you want to show off your partner's face, just invite your girlfriend, not me." Luna

snapped, putting up her veil.

"Why are you afraid of other people seeing your face? Even though women in general are competing to look beautiful."

"Because they were born from an ordinary family not like me." Luna answered coldly.

"What's wrong with your family?!" I asked bending down while putting on my shoes.

"Mafia family." Luna answered casually.

I immediately fell down, my hands holding my body so as not to fall to the floor.

What did she
Rora Aurora


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