


I went back to my bedroom to retouch my makeup before the official wedding ceremony began. I avoided my uncle and my soon to be husband after the dance because I could not dare to face them after the scandal I just created.

Bella rushed into my room, and I anticipated her disappointment. Instead, she appeared strangely pleased. Locking the door behind her, she smiled widely at me.

“And you said you did not care about the Lycan King?” Bella said, eyeing me up and down.

“I don’t,” I said, keeping my gaze fixed ahead, refusing to meet her eyes.

“I don’t believe you, not after what I just witnessed. You two were helplessly in love with each other,” Bella said. “It was like watching a fairy tale. I have never seen Michael be so gentle with anyone.”

“It was just a dance, Bella. Drop it,” I hissed.

Bella walked toward me, slamming her hand on my vanity table. “Why are you lying to yourself?”

I sighed, dropping my makeup and turning to face her. “What difference does it make, Bella?” I said softly.

“I always knew you to be someone who would fight for what you want. Why are you giving up now? I thought you were sent to boarding school to become stronger, not to turn into this girl that I can barely recognize,” Bella said in frustration.

I frowned at her. “I am not weak. Your father would not make me Alpha anyway,” I stated.

“How did you know?” Bella gasped.

I narrowed my eyes at her. She didn’t seem surprised that her father wasn’t going to make me Alpha; instead, she was more concerned about how I found out.

“You knew?” I accused, glaring at her.

Bella burst into tears. “I am so sorry. I found out a week ago, but I did not know how to tell you, and I did not want to betray my father.”

I sat in shock, unable to comprehend anything. Maybe I was not as close to my relatives as I thought.

“Do you know why?” I asked, maintaining my calm posture, years of trying definitely had its effect.

“I don’t, I swear, but I do know Kelvin is an evil man, and whatever he’s plotting isn’t good. That is why I made sure to inform the Lycan king about your wedding,” Bella said.

“What does he have to do with anything?” I asked.

“Because I know he is the only one who could save you,” Bella replied.


I stood at the altar, holding hands with Kelvin as the officiator recited the wedding prayer and performed the mating ceremony.

Lost in my thoughts, I pondered my next move. Everything I had ever known was a lie, and if I wanted to reclaim my pack and my home without losing it to this greedy man, I had to start anew.

Kelvin squeezed my hand, bringing me out of my reverie. “I, Kelvin, accept you as my mate, to remain by your side and to give you all the love you deserve,” he said, sliding the ring onto my finger.

He looked at me with such sincerity that, if I did not know better, I would think he was acting in my best interest. Even if he never loved me, I could at least expect him to treat me well.

I sighed, picking up the ring from the pillow with shaking fingers.

What should I do? Accept him and think of a way out of this, or reject him outright? But that could potentially lead me to prison for defying orders.

“I… I, Sonia,” I cleared my throat. “I… I so…”

Kelvin squeezed my hands tightly, his true colours slowly coming to light. “Don’t you dare embarrass me a second time,” he hissed.

I turned to the crowd, who watched me with keen eyes. I looked at my uncle, clearly disoriented and tapping his legs impatiently. Then, I glanced at Bella, who seemed sad and worried. Finally, my eyes fell on Michael. He had an unreadable expression on his face. I could not tell if he was worried about me being married to Kelvin or not. He just stared, offering no answer.

Kelvin grabbed my hands roughly, causing me to emit a small gasp.

“Stop looking at that embarrassment and say your wedding vows. You have embarrassed me enough for one day, Sonia,” he hissed at me.

“You are hurting me,” I said, yanking my hand from his hold.

Kelvin clenched his jaws, veins popping through his neck. He was trying his hardest not to explode because of the people around him; if we were alone together, I knew he would not hesitate to hit me.

“Say the vows now!” he half yelled.

I picked up the ring and turned to the crowd, searching for the Lycan king, but he was no longer in the hall. I guess he did not believe I would be able to walk away from this wedding.

“I, Sonia, reject you as my mate!” I yelled, removing the ring from my hand and throwing it on the floor.

The crowd gasped, everyone whispering softly amongst themselves. Everyone seemed surprised by what I had done except Bella. She gave me a small smile.

Kelvin grabbed me roughly by the shoulders, shaking me violently. “Do you have any idea what you just did?”

I pushed his arms away, staring at him with anger. “Yes, I just saved myself from a loser like you!” I yelled.

He made to slap me, but I caught his hand in midair and kicked him hard in the groin, causing him to yell and fall to the ground.

“That is for underestimating me,” I spat at him.

I walked out of the temple, the pink floral flowers falling down as they were scheduled to. I should have been walking out with my husband at this very moment, but instead, I was walking away from my home, starting a war, and I had to be prepared.

As I approached the city gate, a large dark wolf stopped in front of me. I immediately recognized him. It was Michael.

“Hop on. You would not make it out of these walls without me and my guards’ protection,” he said.

He was right. My uncle would have ordered the guards to close the gate and bring me to the palace to face my verdict. If I wanted to win back my home, I needed to listen to him. So, without a second thought, I mounted his wolf.

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