


I walked into the room where the first part of the wedding would commence. First, there was the traditional ball dance between the bride and groom or with a close relative. The crowd parted for me as I walked in; it was a rare sight to see me at such an event, and I knew everyone was wondering why I would want to attend the wedding of my enemies. But the answer was clear: He was giving away my Sonia to a man who did not deserve her.

The ladies quickly gathered around me, a sight that stirred envy among the men who couldn’t match my power and beauty. They competed amongst themselves, vying for my attention, some displaying their charms in hopes of winning my favour and becoming my bride. However, none captivated me like Sonia.

My gaze remained fixed on Sonia as she entered the room, her beauty as captivating as ever. Despite my reservations, I sat among the crowd, watching her being wed to the undeserving Kelvin. Knowing Kelvin and her uncle’s intentions were not noble, I hoped she would realize it before they could harm her.

Her long, floral white gown hugged her perfect frame, accentuating her toned body. She was undeniably stunning, and it should have been me standing beside her as her groom, not that dimwit.

I could sense Sonia felt my gaze, yet she pretended not to notice, keeping her eyes fixed on her groom. So, she is determined to ignore me, huh? I frowned. Let’s see about that.

I walked up the aisle, my gaze still remained on her.

“Your majesty! It is a pleasure to see you,” Kelvin said with a small smile.

But I knew that smile was nothing more than fake pleasantries. Outside this wedding, we were all enemies, merely trying to be civil to avoid more bloodshed and not ruin this ridiculous wedding.

“You have such a beautiful bride, I must confess,” I said, staring at Sonia as I planted a kiss on the back of her hand. I could feel her shiver at the touch of my lips, as did her soon to be husband and her daring uncle.

I smirked at Sonia, but she remained composed as always, looking at me with an unreadable expression that seemed sadder than before.

Turning to Kelvin, I finally took my gaze off Blair. “Allow me to have a dance with your stunning bride.”

“Your majesty, I would respectfully decline. She is better by my side,” Kelvin said through gritted teeth.

“She is mine,” my wolf growled internally.

“Don’t be greedy. It’s just a little dance. Allow me a taste of this beauty. Afterwards, she will be all yours,” I said with a smile, though it carried an underlying threat. I was not going to accept no for an answer, and he knew it.

Reluctantly, he agreed, and I extended my hands, letting Sonia intertwine hers with mine as I led her to the dance area.

I could feel her heart racing, and I smiled devilishly at the thought.


The entire room watched as the Lycan King led me to the centre of the ballroom. Everyone knew the strained relationship between the Lycan King and my Uncle. My Uncle harboured a deep hatred for him, and it was evident in his expression. If looks could kill, Michael would be dead by now.

Perhaps it was to spite my Uncle, but when Michael pulled me closer to his solid body, I did not resist. Instead, I savoured every moment, leaning my head on his shoulder, listening to the sweet melody of his heartbeat, and being enveloped by his enticing scent.

Kelvin and my Uncle both looked at me with disapproval and disgust. I knew there would be consequences, but I did not care. I turned my face away from them, closing my eyes to everything, lost in Michael’s inexplicable touch.

If I was going to spend the rest of my life as a puppet, with no say from this moment forward, I should at least be able to defy them just this once.

“My Cherry, I have missed you so much,” Michael said, caressing my hair, his voice soft and sexy. He held me as if I was not about to be married off to someone as if my groom could not see us and we were completely alone.

I looked up to meet his eyes, and I wished I never did because my heart skipped a beat. I struggled to catch my breath.

“You feel it too, right?” he asked.

“I don’t know what you mean,” I swallowed, acting oblivious.

“The connection, I know you feel it,” Michael said.

“It’s just a dance. Haven’t you danced before? I would be the same way with anybody,” I lied.

Michael tightened his hold on me, drawing me so close that our bodies were pressed tightly together, causing gasps of disbelief from the ladies in the past room.

He leaned in closer to my ear, and at this point, I was worried about creating a scandal, but he seemed oblivious to his grip on me. Instead, he whispered softly in my ear, sending waves of pleasure through me. “You are lying, Cherry. You and I are special, and you know it. You belong to me, Sonia.”

My legs felt like jelly, and I would have collapsed if he had not been holding me so tightly.

“What do you mean?” I said, staring at him.

He leaned in even closer, his voice barely above a whisper. “Kelvin is not good for you. He would destroy the empire that your father worked tirelessly to build. Don’t let them control your fate, Sonia.”

The music came to an end, he released me from his embrace, his eyes pleading for me to listen to his warning. With a respectful nod, I turned and walked away, resisting the urge to look back.

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