
Auteur: Enitsirc21

Chapter 1

AMORE raised her gun and aimed it at the bird on the branch. She shot it and the bird was shut. It plunged into the distance so she immediately looked for it, to where it had fallen.

She did not immediately find the bird but suddenly her eyes widened at what she saw under the tree. It is not a bird but a human being. She immediately approached him and checked if the bloody man was still alive. She first looked around to see if anyone was there and when realizing that no one was there she hastily supported and brought the man to her house.

She carefully examined the man's face. He turned pale, perhaps because of the wounds he had sustained and the extreme hunger he had suffered so he lost his consciousness.

Amore felt great pity for the man's condition so she immediately called her doctor friend.

"Dindo, come here to my house today, I need you," she said. "Hurry up," she ordered him next

"Sure," his frugal answer. "I am nowhere Amore," Dindo smiled as he walked towards her. He was on his way to Amore's house and it was time for him to call his friend.

"Wow, how do you get here? Did you teleport? Huh?" Amore asked her friend incredulously. "Come in, I want to ask you a favor to do something." He entered immediately and Amore guided him to the room where she had placed the man.

They were still outside the door when he asked her. "What's wrong?" He asked her with astonishment on his face. "Are you going to get medical treatment? But I think you are in a good situation," he asked her again.

A moment later she opened the door of the room. "Not me, that one," she replied then she pointed to the unconscious man lying on the bed. "All right, treat him, I'll just wait outside," she said then she walk out when his friend came out to speak.

"Okay. Just prepare twenty thousand pesos, I need money now," he said without hesitation. If he can order he had money hidden in her.

"Sure, I'll double it," Amore answered seriously then went out the door.

On the other hand, Amore went to the veranda, and when she got there, her phone rang immediately. She answered it even though she didn't feel like answering the call because she knows it was only Regor who called her. The devil man in the entire world.

"Hello, Regor! What do you need?" She sarcastically asked the interlocutor. "I'm not in the mood to talk to you if you order me to kill again, I'm tired of that," she said next.

"No. I'll just ask you to find something just open your messenger. I'll send the picture to you," he said.

"Okay, I've received it. All right bye," she said immediately after that she received something. She didn't look at it at first because she didn't know anything about it.

She took a deep breath to calm her anger. She hates men for many reasons.

"Wait first, don't cut the call. Find that man, okay?" He said to her.

"Why? How much does he cost?" She sarcastically asked Regor.

"Hmm. Nothing! You still owed me when you let the target ran away from your last job, so I won't pay you anymore," Regor on the other line replied angrily.

"Okay, but don't expect me to help you find this man. All right bye." She hung up her phone and did not allow Regor to talk again.

"You're annoying Regor, be ready for me! Where else can I help you? If I don't have money, I can't help you either," she said annoyed then looked again at the picture of the man that Regor send her.

Her eyes suddenly widened when she fully recognize the man who's in the picture. He is the man she used to help with.

She seemed to suddenly lose herself those times.

"Hey, where's my 40 thousand pesos?" Dindo said from behind her.

"Okay, I've already treated that are the prescriptions for the medicine you should buy for him," he added. "Who is he? Do you know him?" He asked again in surprise.

"Here's your forty thousand pesos. Where will you use that?" Amore asked Dindo. "Don't say you're just going to use that for gambling or women. You're going to do good at me Dindo because I'm going to kill you when I find out you're just abusing the money that came from me. I didn't pick up my money from anywhere. I worked hard for it all so don't use them for evil deeds," Amore preached to her friend. She even beat her mommy if she could reach him.

"It's not like that Amore, I'm just going to buy a present for Britney. It just so happened that I didn't have enough money, so I came to you. I know you can help me," his doctor friend said with a smile.

"Okay, here it is," she said then handed over an envelope containing money.

"Wait, don't tell anyone about the man I helped and you treated, if not you're going dead to me Dindo," she warned her friend." All right, you can leave now, go ahead and buy your gift for Britney. Be careful when you go home," she said goodbye to his friend.

"Sure, Amore my one and only friend," he said while smiling. "I'll promise I won't tell anything about him." Dindo's assurance. "Bye, see you next time," Dindo said goodbye and left immediately. He was happy again because he took a lot of money from her again.

Amore entered the room where she had placed the stranger man and took care of his condition. She watched him carefully. She saw nothing strange in the man's face but his gentleness.

"Why is Regor looking for you? What do you owe for him?" Amore said as she sat on the side of the unconscious man's bed. "Who are you Mr? I hope you wake up so that I can find out the deep reason why did this happened to you?" Amore continued as if talking to the man.

The man still didn't wake up so she left first to buy the prescription drugs. She also shopped for groceries and fruits and vegetables. Maybe she would prepare some food for the man. She didn't even know him but it seemed like he was easy to deal with.

Amore bought a lot. When she got home, she immediately cooked food. She cooked vegetables. Amore is good at cooking even though she did not study culinary arts she can keep up to be a good chef.

“Hmm, vegetables salad and vegetable broth are delicious, only now I just cooked it again. I was too busy with useless things. I hope he likes it, but I don't know his name," Amore talks to herself like crazy.

She looked at the man again but still, he did not wake up.

She looked at him again. She didn't seem to get tired of looking at the man's gentle face. She was anxious to know the reason why he had sustained so many wounds. Then how he got there in the woods and if he knew Regor.

Regor is Amore's boss. He is a leader of one of the largest syndicate groups in the country. All those who oppose Regor are knocked down by him and Amore is his hitman. Amore is great when it comes to that kind of work. She is called the queen of all serial killers. She's great but she seems to realize it is bad doings.

She was about to come out when someone suddenly stopped her. The man grabbed her arm. She looked at him and looked again.

"Who are you? Are you also one of those who want to kill me?" the man asked her angrily. "Tell me!" He shouted in rage.

"Huh? Me? No, and why would I kill you? For your information Mr. I helped you to revive and not to kill you," she sarcastically replied to the man. “Yes, I already killed someone but you are not the type I want to kill," she added.

"If not, who are you?" the man asked again. "I'm leaving now I can't stay here maybe you're one of Regor's staff," the man turned to her angrily and struggled to stand up.

“Hmm. Yes, I know him but I'm not too bad to point out that you're here at my house. All right, you can leave because you'd better not be here so I can avoid getting involved in your trouble or whatever you owe him. All right, leave-" she said then pointed to the door.

"I knew it. All right, I'm leaving and I hope we don't meet again," he said then forced to stand up.

He's still very weak but if he can sniff at her he is like a tiger that wants to bite her. He has a gentle face but a rough demeanor.

"All right, you can go," Amore said again. She raised an eyebrow at him then pointed to the door again. When the man stood up he lost his balance and he fell on her.

Amore couldn't move immediately at those times as if her feet were nailed. She didn't know why but she seemed stunned. When she regained her sanity she immediately helped him stand up. The man was still weak so she slowly laid him down on the bed again. Better he didn't fight back because he was still very weak and it might take another week before he finally healed.

"Where was your courage before Mr? Do you want to leave? Hmm. If I were you, just stay here for a week so you can get well. I promise I won't say anything about you. I'm not as bad as you think. Did I even help you when I see you in the forest if I had a plan to betray you to Regor? Yes, I used to be his staff but I'm gradually getting rid of Regor's evil deeds," she said then leaned out when the man touched her arm again.

"Do you need anything Mr? If you're hungry, I've already cooked the vegetable broth, it's still hot. All right, wait for me, I'll take your meal first. Trust me I have no intention of poisoning you. If you want to eat I taste the food first so you can make sure it's not poisonous, okay?"

"All right. I'll trust you now Miss," was his calm answer.

Amore turned to him. "Just call me Amore, that's my real name," then she introduced herself to the man. "All right, just wait here first," she said then left the room.

Amore quickly returned to the man's room. She was already carrying the tray of food. She also brought fruits, water, and medicine for the man to take. She even beat his nurse. She was very kind because even though she didn't know him very well, she still managed to take care of him as if he was special to her. Maybe because she was alone in life and she needed sympathy.

"Here it is. I'm sorry if I took so long to slice an apple. Go ahead and eat that, I cooked it, it's delicious. All right, let me taste it first so that you will believe that these foods are safe," she said with a smile and then looked at the man who had been staring at her.

He had been watching her closely since she started speaking. "Ah, what's up? Is there any dirt on my face?" She asked him.

"Nothing. Thanks, okay I'll eat." He replied then slowly took the spoon and boiled the food but his hand was shaking so the food spilled.

"I'll get a towel. Wait," then she quickly came out. "Here I am," she quickly returned. She immediately wiped the man's soiled clothes. "I'm sorry you got dirty, I'll get you a new t-shirt too," she said then she would have stood up. Their eyes met. His eyes are a natural dark brown which sparkling through hers, she gasped.

"It's okay," the man said sparingly. "Why are you so mean to me?" He asked her next.

"Ah, nothing. I just want to help. I haven't tried to help someone yet," she replied. "I hope you don't feel bad or embarrassed, I'll just feed you so that the food doesn't spill again. Then after you eat, take your medicine," she said with concern.

“Hmm, thank you Am," he replied to her. Amore was suddenly shocked to hear what the man had said. Did he call her Am, there's someone who called her like this but she was still young then. She didn't remember who it was calling her that before.

"All right, I'm willing. I also don't have anything I can get to be stubborn," he added.

Amore was suddenly wondered. Miraculously, the biting tiger is so gentle with her now. She slowly fed him the food. She also allows him to sipped with hot las broth. The man also enjoyed her cooking.

"Thank you, the food is very delicious." Amore just smiled.

"Here. Take your medicine. It's good for you to get well quickly so you can leave here as soon as you get well." She handed him a glass of water and medicine.

"All right," he answered sparingly and then took the medicine she gave him. The man had been kind to her.

"Very good Mr. You must be obedient and not be rude to me because that irritates me. I might hit you even if you're not well," Amore joked to the man.

"I am Liam, Miss Amore. I'm so sorry for what I've acted like earlier. I was just surprised and not feel assured," he said.

"Wow, nice name, Liam," she commended. "Don't mind it again, it's okay. Maybe in a week, you'll be able to leave," she said then arranged the man's meals.

"All right I'm leaving. Just called me if you want something or when you need my help. Do not stand alone lest you will fall. Maybe you didn't die from the bullet but just because of the shock. Hays," Amore joked to Liam again.

When she came out of the man's room, she also hurriedly got some food. She had been hungry before but she just restrained herself. She hadn't eaten yet because she told Liam to eat first. She ate first and then washed the dishes.

They got along with each other in the following days. Liam is kind. The two immediately reconciled.

FIVE days later Liam was well. He is even planning to leave.

A call from Regor shocked Amore's morning. He found out that it was Amore who saw and helped Liam. He said that if Amore did not give him the man he would regret it for the rest of her life. Regor will kill both of them.

"Who, are you talking on the phone Am? Why is your face like that?" Liam asked her anxiously.

"Get ready and get out of here. Regor already found out about you. They are coming here now. They will take you. I don’t know who and where they got the information. But I told them nothing. So leave now. Here you go, it has a secret tunnel that you can go through throughout the house to escape. Come on, let's go." Amore said one after another and then she pointed to the secret tunnel.

"But how about you? I think Regor will kill you too. Come with me Am. You won't be safe here. Let's go."

"Wait. Hold on to it. That is still loaded with bullets. Go ahead and take it just for your protection," Amore said then gave Liam a gun. "I'll take all the important things here to my house first."

Amore quickly stuffed all the important papers, guns, and money into her bag.

"Let's go, they're already here. I can hear the noise of their car," Amore said then opened the small elevator. They went in there and Amore closed it and in the back of the house they came out.

"Search the whole house and present them to me. Speed up!" Regor ordered his companions.

They searched the house but found nothing. So they went behind the house.

They were quite close to the tunnel when two of Regor's staff saw them. Amore had no choice but to fight the enemies. She fired them back!

As they slowly entered the tunnel, the two of them fought. They quickly went to the tunnel and closed it. They were no longer seen by Regor's staff.

"Where are they now? You idiots! Why have they disappeared? Where have they gone?" Regor shouted angrily at his staff.

"Boss, they disappeared. They fought with us. Two of our comrades were dead and three were injured." Regor's staff reported.

"You useless people. Two persons escaped from you? All right, the wounded just came back! They're not far away yet so let's find them, faster. They can't leave or even escape from me." He commanded again.

"Yes sir!" They oblige.

WHILE Amore and Liam followed the tunnel out to stay away from their enemies. They stopped first in the middle of the tunnel because Liam was fainting. Maybe his wounds are still hurting, it just got heal so it's not very well yet.

"Are you okay?" She asked the man worriedly.

"Yeah, I just need to rest for a while. I'm just dizzy. Just give me 15 minutes and I'll be okay Am," was his weak response to him.

They stopped first. The tunnel is not easy to find so they are still safe, but they could not stay there because they would starve and eventually be caught when they saw the tunnel.

After they rested they resumed walking. Amore just supports Liam until they can quickly feel the end of the tunnel and get out to the other side.

This tunnel helps her a lot because every time she escapes, there she passes by or hides in there.

They are about to reach the other end, from there she has an acquaintance who can help them escaped.

They will no longer be safe if they remain in that place. They have to move so that Regor won't kill them.

Regor is a cunning and dangerous opponent but to what extent and for how long will he remain on his throne? No one knows.

Evil will never prevail!

Wait for the next chapters, what will Amore do to escape against Regor? Will they be found and arrested?

Stay put and read. Thank you!

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