
Lord of the Lies

“I am sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you and I am very sorry for that. I am just disappointed in the fact that you didn’t deem it necessary to place a call to me. I couldn’t place a call to you because I was in an emergency.” He lied. Emergency indeed.


“Was Carey involved in an emergency as well?” 


“Hey, you should…” My blood boiled within me that very minute as I heard her speak to him, perhaps, unaware he was over the phone with me. My eyes suddenly became teary but I managed to hold it all in. I couldn’t break down over the phone. 


“Carey? What.. No, she isn’t. Why? Did something happen?” 

Uneasiness was evident in his voice. It was so hard to not yell at him at that minute. Needless to say, I was struggling not to live in denial. 


“I haven’t been able to reach her. She hasn’t sent me a message.” I responded and rubbed my forehead. 


“Oh… when I get to see her, then I would let her know. I can check up on her though, perhaps, she isn’t close by.” He lied. I squeezed my dress and shut my eyes. 


“You haven’t seen her today? You haven’t seen her in a while?” I probed further. 


“Not at all. I have been quite occupied that I haven’t checked up on her. I believe she is fine though. Perhaps, she is occupied or anything like that.” He defended. “I will get back to you later. I have to tend to something quite important.” He spoke and ended the call before I could say another word. 

Just then, my phone rang. It was Carey.


I was quite skeptical if to pick up the call or not but I decided to go with the former hence I picked it up. 


“Hey girlfriend! How are you doing? It’s been a while, you know?” She squealed with excitement. My heart broke as I heard her voice. The same voice that spoke ill things about me. 


“Yes, it has. “ I replied briskly. 


“Are you okay? You sound tired and worried. Are you fine?” She probed. I wished I could cry to her and tell her everything that I was going through but it would only be to her delight. It would only make her as well as Jason happy and that was the last thing I wanted. 


“It is still the wedding stress of yesterday. I am recovering anyway. I haven’t been able to get through to you today. Are you fine though? I tried to reach you but I couldn’t. Are you fine?” I questioned. 


“Yes, yes… I… I had to attend to something urgent. I am sorry I couldn’t reach you this morning. I miss you though.” She answered. 


“How is Jason?” I started. “How is he doing? Hoe is he holding up?” I questioned. 


“Jason? Didn’t you just speak to him?” She probed. 


I knew she wasn’t so smart after all. 

A grin spread on my face and I shook my head. 


“Yes, I did. How did you know?” I questioned. 


“Oh… he.. he spoke to me over the phone .”  She responded. They were dummies. There was possibly no way that magic could have happened. Their calls was a couple of seconds apart.


“Oh, I had no idea. I mean.. that was quite fast. It was just a couple of seconds difference.” I responded. The grin spread even wider as I heard her struggle for the right words to say. 


“Thank you so much. Please, do keep an eyes on him and make sure he is fine always. I have to go now. I have to attend to something quite important.” I informed her and ended the call.


I held the phone to my chest. It was so hard .. hard to deal with but I guess I had no choice. I shut my eyes tight and reminisced on everything we had been through and the life I had before this. 


“You haven’t done my son’s laundry. What on earth are you doing with your phone held tightly to your chest?” My mother in law’s voice drew my attention to her. I hadn’t noticed when she had walked in. A frown was etched to my face as I twisted my head to look at her. 


“I had a life of my own. The least I can do is speak to my people.” I responded. It was definitely not my people. What else could j say? There were once my people. 


“And.. Kelan?” 


“He is fine. I have done all that is required and will be with him in a couple of minutes to check up on him. “ I responded. Just like I had envisioned, she was surprised by my sudden change in attitude. 


“I will be heading out tonight. I have to see someone.” I informed her. She was quiet for a while and then turned to look at me with a questioning look. “A friend.” I added. 


“A friend….” She repeated, staring at me with all indications of suspicions. “You do know you are to keep your husband company. He needs you more than anything else. Your presence is of so much importance to his life.” 


“I will be back before you notice it. I will watch over him.” I responded and she nodded, perhaps, a little bit convinced. I let out a sigh of relief as she walked out of the kitchen, leaving me all to myself. Hurriedly, I did the dishes and made sure everywhere was clean. 


As soon as I was done, I returned to my room. It had been two days. Two boring days yet it felt like I had been there since forever. There was no one to talk to neither was there anyone to see. Boredom was killing me but i'd rather stay in there than see either of them. 


I picked up my phone once again and placed a call to my mother. On the second ring, my mother picked up the phone. 

“Where have you been, child?

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