

"Yes, mother," he replied with mocking subservience.

Christine threw a roll at him, which he promptly caught and bit into. "Thank you. How did you know I wanted more?" Christine scowled at him and the others burst out laughing.

As Killian playfully caught the roll Christine threw at him, a chuckle escaped my lips. Their teasing banter exuded a sense of closeness and comfort, making me feel more at ease in this new environment.

The rest of the meal unfolded in a relaxed and pleasant manner, gradually easing my initial apprehension around my new packmates.

Even Killian, who had initially seemed intimidating, started to appear more approachable.

His gentle teasing and his laughter in response to my witty comebacks were refreshing, and I found myself enjoying his company. He was simply beautiful and charming.

Dessert was being served when the phone's shrill ring shattered the room's tranquility. Romeo, excusing himself to answer it, returned with a grave expression.

"Killian, we have a pr
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