
Santelli - De Marchi: The Union (Part 1)

Coconuts will forever be my comfort scent, I thought as I close my eyes and inhale the coconut-scented candles and essential oil.

I woke up this morning feeling like a nervous wreck. But my nerves are now calm thanks to the three sticks of cigarettes, and a glass of wine I had for breakfast. Now I'm in the bath, my safe place, the only room in the house I know nobody could barge in. Not even Chase. Savor the moment, Caterina, my inner voice soothes. The last bath I'll have as a single woman. Just like the sleep I had last night was my last slumber as a Santelli. If you can call it sleep. I was tossing and turning the entire night, restless and frustrated that I cannot seem to find the right spot. I felt like I just closed my eyes when the alarm went off.

Today's the day. The day I officially started my mission to kill the people who had the audacity to exile my

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