
Chapter 24: Jealous

Karimba Cellon remained motionless in the face of Brenda Mclean's unexpected embrace. His phobia of women was deeply rooted, so her intimate gesture had rattled him. It took him a while to regain his composure.

Before Karimba Cellon could push Brenda Mclean away, Alley Houston approached them. With crossed arms, she observed their close interaction and remarked with a sarcastic tone, "How touching! Brenda Mclean traveled hundreds of miles just to see you, Karimba Cellon."

Turning his gaze back, Karimba Cellon was met with the disappointment and anger in Alley Houston's eyes. He started to feel flustered, and his instincts urged him to distance himself from Brenda Mclean. His strength was enough, and not surprisingly, Brenda Mclean stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Ouch, Karimba, that hurts!"

Brenda Mclean's sudden fall caught her off guard. Seizing the opportunity, she immediately let out a few melodramatic cries, shedding a couple of tears.

Seeing her close friend wincing in pain, Karimba Cellon felt a mix of irritation and guilt. Throughout his life, his odd phobia had caused him to distance himself from all females. Brenda Mclean was no exception. She was well aware of this fact and had always maintained a certain distance from him. So why was she suddenly behaving so intimately today?

However, at this moment, Karimba Cellon didn't have the time or the mood to consider Brenda Mclean's plight. His thoughts were consumed by Alley Houston's disappointed gaze.

"I've explained it to you, Alley!"

Alley Houston raised an eyebrow and chuckled, her disappointment slowly transitioning into indifference.

"Is there really anything to explain? You and she have always been like this, haven't you?"

"No! It's not what you think, Alley!"

Karimba Cellon began stumbling over his words; he had never felt so afraid of being misunderstood. He took a step closer, intending to hold Alley Houston's hand, but she instinctively pulled away. She glared at him as if warning him not to use the same hands that had embraced another woman to touch her.

A moment later, Alley Houston said nonchalantly, "So? What's there to argue about right now, Karimba? We're not anything to each other anymore. Hugging anyone doesn't concern me, so there's no need for explanations!"

With those words, Alley Houston turned and walked away. Witnessing her disappointment, Brenda Mclean couldn't help but feel victorious. Just as Karimba Cellon was about to follow Alley Houston, Brenda Mclean suddenly started moaning as if in pain.

"Ouch, it hurts so much! Karimba, I think I twisted my ankle. Can you please check if my ankle's okay... Ah."

Karimba Cellon instinctively turned to look at Brenda Mclean, suddenly finding her truly bothersome.

"Brenda, I told you before. This time I have something important to do. You shouldn't have come all the way here to find me. Besides, how can I explain to Alley about our relationship if you act like this? Go home now, and stop behaving like a child!"

Brenda Mclean looked at Karimba Cellon in disbelief, her anger flaring up. Right, he had always treated her like a little sister, without a hint of romantic interest. He dismissed her so casually, as if he were an older brother reprimanding a mischievous and clueless younger sibling. However, for Brenda Mclean, Karimba Cellon was the man she had tried every trick to capture. Making Alley Houston misunderstand their relationship was her goal; how could she let go of it so easily?

"Fine, go ahead. You can go, don't let Alley misunderstand."

As Brenda Mclean spoke, she lowered her head, using her familiar tactics. She pursed her lips, her eyes brimming with tears, her petite hands rubbing her ankle before slowly standing up, then feigning weakness and falling to the ground again. Karimba Cellon shook his head, sighed, and immediately called someone to take her to the hospital.

Alley Houston returned to her small house and immediately retreated into her bedroom. She lay on the bed, angry at herself for why she still felt conflicted about Karimba Cellon, why she still felt a pang when she saw him getting close to Brenda Mclean. Clearly, today's disappointment and frustration were proof that she still loved him. The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable Alley Houston felt.

What she despised most at this moment was her own sense of anticipation. She waited for Karimba Cellon to quickly follow her, to explain and seek her forgiveness. Yet, in the end, he remained by Brenda Mclean's side for a little longer. This made Alley Houston feel like she was losing her mind!

Throughout that day, Karimba Cellon and Alley Houston didn't exchange a word, mainly because Alley Houston couldn't shake the image she had seen that day. Karimba Cellon's patience with Brenda Mclean had deeply wounded Alley Houston.

The next morning, Karimba Cellon woke up in the living room and suddenly felt an eerie silence around him. As if sensing something amiss, he sat up and rushed into Alley Houston's room. Sure enough, there was no one inside. Karimba Cellon anxiously checked the closet, finding it empty of any clothes. Wide-eyed, he stared at the bare closet, realizing with bitterness that Alley Houston must have left at some point.

Karimba Cellon sat disheartened by the window, wondering why Alley Houston had left without a word. He had already ordered people to search for her, but throughout the day, there was no news.

Suddenly, there was a sound outside the gate, along with a familiar voice that he had been longing to hear.

"Karimba, I'm back."

Karimba Cellon was stunned. Alley Houston was calling his name? She had never addressed him so intimately. Despite his surprise, he decided to go outside and welcome Alley Houston.

Alley Houston entered with bags in her hands and a warm smile upon seeing Karimba Cellon.

"You must be hungry, right? I feel better today, so I'll cook."

Karimba Cellon was astonished once again. Alley Houston looked different today; she had more vitality than usual. But there was something about her eyes, gestures, and even her attitude towards him that felt different. However, because of Alley Houston's unexpected gentleness, Karimba Cellon didn't want to overanalyze the situation.

He simply wanted to savor this rare moment of happiness that he had almost lost.

That night, Karimba Cellon couldn't sleep. He had a habit of staying up late working, and he had already dealt with everything that needed his attention. Only the thought of Alley Houston remained, preventing him from finding peace in slumber.


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