
03 | Haywired

15 minutes have passed since I drove away from the coffee trailer.

15 minutes have passed since I started driving mindlessly and aimlessly.

15 minutes have passed since Zev left me dumbfounded.

What should I do?

He asked me to meet him at a club tonight just so he could know my name. Why didn't I just gave it to him right away? I can't go to a club on the day my father and I got into a heated argument that will probably be resolved in never.

But Zev's invitation kept bugging my mind. This is totally out my league. I never go after boys, I never show interest the first time my eyes laid on them, and I never undergo a dilemma like this.

Zev piqued my interest the first time my eyes laid on him. He emitted a mysterious aura that I badly wanted to unmask. The thought of getting to know him even more sparked excitement inside me.

Without giving it another thought, I texted my father, telling him to meet me at a restaurant near his office. He's about to receive an offer he won't be able to resist and that will definitely be the end of me.


“It's a surprise you asked me to have lunch with you,” my father said, leaving no room for a warm welcome. “We barely do this.”

Because you always shut me down.

I sat across from him and took a deep breath before telling him my plans.

“I'd like to work at our company.”

His ears definitely perked up at the sound of this and his eyes twinkled with curiosity.

“So we're not having lunch then? I wanted to try their steak.”

I really wanted to roll my eyes at him. Oh, please! We never do that anymore, dad. He flipped through the menu while I anxiously fidgeted with my thumbs under the table.

“I want to step out of the house,” I stated with confidence I never thought existed in me.

He abruptly stopped flipping through the menu and slowly lifted his gaze, directing his gray orbs at me. I showed no emotion other than boldness. If I finally get off his wing, then I'll finally be free and he won't be stressed with me. Definitely a win-win situation.

“Why now?” he inquired, his forehead turning into a knot.

That's what I've been asking myself the whole drive here. Why now? Why after I just met Zev? Is he even worth this bargain?

“I-I...” I trailed off, looking at my laced fingers. “I don't want to suffocate us anymore.”

And that was true. Mostly the truth. The events that transpired 5 years ago couldn't leave my father's memory because of me. He's hurting whenever he sees me. He's acting tough on the outside to cover up the fact that he's wounded. No matter how many times he denies it, he's in pain like me. Maybe distancing myself from him for good would give him the chance to start anew.

“Everytime you see me, you only see disapppointment. To save you from all that and more, I'm starting a life of my own, away from yours.”

We remained silent for a few minutes and for a moment, my heart tingled with hope. Maybe my father realized what he's been doing to me, the way he shuts me down everytime I voice my opinions. But when he met my gaze and a smile appeared on his lips, I realized that my father was far from his old self.

“Go ahead, Anne. Do whatever you want,” he said, going back to his tough demeanor. “You'll start working tomorrow.”

I nodded and stood, but before I left, I glanced at my father who was staring at my now empty seat.

“Thanks, dad.”

With that, I left with renewed determination.


Rationality has left my system when my car parked outside Vibe. The club was definitely alive and jampacked. My eyes darted to the red neon sign of the club's name and the long line of people waiting for their turn to enter.

“How are we supposed to get in there?” Lizie asked.

I brought her and she brought Garret. I told them not to mention this to Derone 'cause he'll act clingy again. Plus, I'm still pissed at him for what he did last night.

“Relax, babe. I know someone on the inside,” Garret said, making my heart rejoice.

We stepped out of my car and followed Garret's lead who was walking towards the bouncers. We heard grunts and a couple of curses directed towards us when we cut the line.

“I believe you have to start there,” one of the buff bouncers said, pertaining to the end of the line.

Garret remained cool with his hands shoved inside his pockets. He asked the bouncer to lean in and the bouncer did so. Apparently, Garret whispered something that made the bouncer's eyes widen.

“Go on in, sir,” he said, gesturing to the entrance. “Enjoy the night at Vibe.”

Well, that went smoothly. Now that we're here, the questions that should've bugged me before just came surging to my senses. Why didn't I decline Zev's invitation? Why am I now here? Did I really bargain for him? I am becoming more foolish since I met Zev and I do not like where this is leading me.

I thought we could talk somewhere we can be alone. Clearly, you won't have any kind of privacy in this jampacked bar. When we got in, ear-deafening music welcomed us. The smell of foul alcohol and the all-too-familiar sweaty bodies hugged my nose, making me gag as a response.

I glanced around, not being able to see clearly because of the dim light and headache-inducing disco lights. What if Zev just tricked me to go here? What if he's at the comfort of his home, laughing at how miserable I look and that I came here without hesitation? The mere thought was enough to infuriate me.

“There!” Lizie screamed at the top of her lungs, pointing on the second floor. “There's a vaccant table there.”

When I followed Lizie's sight, the universe suddenly manifested Zev, leaning on the second floor's railings and looking at me with piercing eyes.

My heart once more began to beat loudly especially when a smirk appeared on his beautiful face. My feet involuntarily made their way to him and when we got to the second floor, my body almost became numb from the pounding of my heart.

“Isn't he the singer from Aero?” Lizie inquired when she noticed Zev's presence.

I was unable to speak nor move when Zev walked towards me, his eyes glowing with mixture of amusement and mischief.

“I thought you wouldn't come,” he said, making me realize how much I missed his voice.

“So you are the singer from Aero,” Lizie voiced out, Zev's eyes darting to her.

He answered her with a nod then his eyes focused back on me.

“Shall we?” he asked then walked towards a vaccant table.

“Lizie and I are going downstairs to enjoy ourselves,” Garret said, probably reading what's going on inside my head.

“You guys sure?” I asked, finally recovering.

Lizie playfully winked at me. “Of course! You guys need all the time.”

I waved them goodbye when they headed downstairs. Zev lent me his hand that I was hesitant to take at first. When I finally reached to grab his hand, the contact of his skin on mine sent jolts of electricity throughout my system, awakening the sleeping butterflies in my stomach.

I sat opposite from him and an array of drinks were already on the table.

“I hope this place helps you loosen up,” he yells when the music got a bit louder.

I raised an eybrow at him. “Am I not loose enough for you?”

An amused smile crossed his lips and he bit his lower lip, trying to hold back a chuckle. My eyes widened in shock and the heat from my cheeks spread to my neck when I realized the double meaning of what I just said.

“No, no, no. I-I didn't mean it like that,” I said, panic rising in my voice.

“It's alright. There's a first time for everything.”

He leaned back on the velvet couch and spread his arms to rest on the couch's back, revealing his once again half-unbuttoned polo and tattoos. He also had a cigarette stick placed behind his ear.

I took my time looking at him like how a painter admires his masterpiece. Was this what Leonardo Da Vinci felt when he finished painting Mona Lisa?

“So you're not singing tonight?” I finally spoke, drinking a glass of bourbon to calm my nerves.

He once again bit his lower lip when his eyes locked on me. The way he looked at me made me think if I look alright. I was wearing a mini black dress that was paired with a denim jacket and black boots. I do look fine, right?

“Not tonight, sweetheart. I'm all yours tonight.”

My face was once again flushed red. He drank a glass of bourbon and winked at me in the process. Zev was the kind of person that's hard to read. I can't tell if he's being genuine or just playing. If he's the latter, then it was a fun ride with him. And if not? I can't even wrap my brain around that idea.

“Here, try this one,” Zev said, handing me a shotglass with white liquid with what I guess is vodka.

I hesitantly took it from him. His eyes were focused on me as if he found me amusing. He finally sat beside me, waiting for me to gulp the contents of the shotglass.

“How would I know this won't kill me?” I shouted over the booming music.

He laughed in such a dark and husky way that made the hairs on my body stand. He cocked his head to the side and began playing with his lower lip with his index finger.

“It'll be a shame to spend this lovely evening all by myself,” he said, his eyes not leaving mine.

It must've been peressure that made me gulp the liquid. The moment it entered my mouth, I immediately gagged, the liquid burning my throat. Fuck, definitely not vodka.

“What is that?” I asked, my throat still burning.

Zev once more laughed, drinking the same drink I had effortlessly.

Polish vodka.”

Okay, that was a first. It'll take a lot of drinking to get used to that ass drink. I definitely don't like that vodka.

“I don't like that,” I frankly said.

“How 'bout this one?” he asked, handing me another shotglass now with what appears to be scotch.

“I'm Anne,” I finally said.

The smile on his face widened from ear to ear. The trust I give this man is very alarming considering that the only things I know about him is his first name, that he sings damn well, and he's a man of few words. Getting to know him even more is like walking on uncharted grounds with nothing but determination and curiosity. This was dangerous path I was trekking on and the consequences might be my downfall.

I drank the contents of my shotglass and the familiar taste of scotch warmed my throat, making senses even more alive.

“Why meet me again?” I boldly asked.

“Curiosity,” he said immediately, downing another glass of scotch.

He raked his perfectly combed hair with his hands as I poured myself another drink. He drank it again effortlessly as if to challenge me. Heaving a heavy sigh and rationality flowing out of my body, I gulped the liquid once more.

What am I to him? Some kind of challenge? Conquest? Was I expecting something more for the second time today? I lowered my head in defeat and swirled the melting ice in my glass.

Suddenly, I felt delicate fingers under my chin, gently lifting my head up. My gray orbs were met with Zev's hazel ones. And even though I felt dismay, a new hope struck my foolish heart.

“And a lot more.”

He stood while I remained frozen in my seat, my mind haywired from the short phrases he was giving me today. My mind's a total mess right now and his statements are not helping.

“Let's go,” he said and lent me his hand.

I looked at it for a second before placing my hand in his, its warmth spreading like a wildfire throughout my body.

“Where are we going?” I asked but he just winked at me in reponse.

My question was finally answered when we headed towards the mass of sweaty and stinky bodies on the dancefloor. I caught a glimpse of Lizie and Garret, sucking the life out of each other's mouths by the corner.

Zev firmly placed his hands on my waist that made me jump in surprise. Shortly, a grin appeared on his face and my body relaxed from the contact.

“Calm down,” he whispered closely to my ear, his hot breath teasing my skin.

I looked up to meet his eyes that were already locked on me. I don't know what's more intoxicating, the shots, the intimidating proximity we're in or his luminous hazel eyes. I finally managed to smile when my body caught up with the music's rhythm.

“Is this loose enough for you?” I asked, swaying my body from left to right with my hands clung on his shoulders.

A dark expression crossed his face as I continued to sway, not minding the sweaty bodies I occassionally bumped into.

“You're a wild one,” he said in a seductive manner, earning goosebumps from my body.

But I'm not the one to back away easily. I am the party. I continued to dance in a manner wherein my father would probably shut me in our lonesome house forever if he saw me right now. I level the intesity of Zev's gaze, my eyes wandering from his eyes to his lips.

“I'm all sorts of wild, Zev,” I whispered, nibbling his earlobe.

He pulled me in and when I looked up to meet his gaze, his hazel eyes were glowing and serious, emitting a mysterious aura I still found trouble deciphering. My heart pounded wildly against my chest, feeling it'll burst out any minute.

He teasingly brushed his lips against my now exposed shoulder, earning a soft moan from me. My eyes involuntarily shut close when his hot breath began to fan my neck.

“Take me someplace else, Zev,” I said, almost begging him.

A chuckle escaped his mouth that sounded sexier than before. I found myself following Zev towards the exit and into the wilderness of the night.

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