
42. Eyes Wide Open

Marissa woke up in Efrain's warm bed, darkness surrounding her, feeling him not there, she couldn't help but wonder where he'd gone. She smiled as memories of their passionate night flooded her mind, recalling the intimate moments they shared. The feeling of his strong chest against hers, his arms wrapped around her, filled her with craving and desire.

Longing for his touch, Marissa reached out to his side of the bed, her fingers brushing over the empty space where he had lain. She yearned for him to be beside her again, to lose herself in the ecstasy of their lovemaking once more.

While searching for her phone, Marissa stumbled upon a piece of paper. She picked it up, her curiosity piqued. Finding her phone on the nightstand, she turned it on to check the time: 3 AM, just a few minutes past.

Turning on the lamp, Marissa read the brief note left by Efrain. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized he had already been gone for over an hour, heading to work early in the morning. A sigh mi
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