

Thirteen years ago, during the celebration of Versailles palace. The banquet was also inserted with Queen Leandra’s unexpected thrill. By stealing Maritz’s daughter from her hands. It’s an absolute grieve of the Queen after taking her daughter against her permission. After all, Queen Maritz could not resist Queen Leandra’s lawful behavior. Her power’s not enough to get Leandra punished, for she’s the most influenced person in regions of their country.

Late evening at the banquet, Queen Leandra was acting like nothing happened earlier. She still offer Maritz to have a dinner with them. Frando as Louie sought to avenge to Queen’s sudden order of dragging her sister. He silently glared on his plate and chewing a sliced meat while listening to his mother Maritz’s conversation with Leandra.

He hated Leandra’s greediness and he’s full of hatred in his heart. He can’t even focus with eating his meal for he’s still amid of shock and that really was in terror. Frando glanced to the child sitting on the right side of the Queen while the King sipped on his poured wine and wiped his mouth with a napkin. It was like a mere dinner, a normal thing but it isn’t marvelous without a playful sibling beside him.

At his young age, he already know to label the situation and his feelings towards this Clus family. Since they get what they want, they just easily make the others as their puppets afterward. “I couldn’t imagine how your kids already grew up,” said Leandra motioning Frando’s direction and throw him with flaming eyes. Her lips was obviously grinning and intend to look like it was innocent.

Queen Maritz merely nod and continue to force a smile. And Frando already know what would be a consequences having Leandra disobeying and insulting her authority. “He seems quite,” said Leandra emphasizing those words at her accent and seemingly teasing Frando with it. “Was he unhappy? He must’ve celebrate for we reunion after years of not seeing each other.”

Frando can’t say anything. He’s intrigued, but so far, he wanted to keep silent to stop him for telling such impolite phrases. “He is. He’s usually a silent one. And. . .he’s too serious with his life,” Queen Maritz replied and make an as if for Frando’s personality. He knows how jolly Frando was and obviously not an intimidating one. But she have to secure her son’s life. He must not have to experience what his sister’s experiencing now.

“Then, he deserves to rule the castle of yours, Queen Maritz,” she complimented and is now showing a smile that tells a lot of secrecy. Frando wasn’t interested about ruling the Crestile, even most of the people there are actually wishing for King after his father was abducted, as what his mother told him. He insisted to find his father when there aren’t news yet that he was possibly killed and thrown at some lakes, or any person who was stabbed at some deep forest.

“Mother,” he called Maritz and the Queen rose her brows and waited his son’s word. “Can I go to restroom?” He asked and only fixed a stare to his mother, who still plastered worried look. She’s definitely worried and concern about what her daughter’s up to.

“Sure you can, son.” Frando already stoop up and excuse himself. He observed how the stares of the people in amid of dinner are curiously following his move. They’re totally feeling something wrong, or was it’s advance thinking and a state of awkwardness either. He’s only confident when he’s around with her sister. For he’s an introvert that only get to befriend a few.

He still have a lot of regrets and his heart was aiming to make a vengeance. It was like his head turns out he couldn’t accept everything that easy, and for him to celebrate happily that he wasn’t the one who’s chosen to be picked by the hands of those guards.

As Frando walked along the hallway, he didn’t realized he was ended up walking to the last pace of this castle’s hallway. He was curious to the slight opened door, thus he peek inside it. It seems an office for it has a bunch of filed papers on the table. There are no people inside it and only the whirling ceiling fan does a noise and also the chime that hanged near the opened window.

He took a step in, and approached the round table where he saw a lot of pictures of her sister. From the day she was born and at present age. The spacious area of the office causes Frando to get himself in curiousity. He saw himself in a mirror, right direction where he was standing which a closet’s door can easily be seen ahead him. He heard a rustling noise inside the closet. Assuming that his sister must be inside this huge closet with a both mirrors on its doors. “Jess?” He called and put his ears against the door. There are scratching and boisterous gasp, which seems to be chasing his or her breath. No one answered. But only startled him with a noise from shoe heels.

“Frando?” A woman called his name and roam around the office. He quickly hid himself before he might caught and drag him next to nowhere. “Frando!” He was nervous and scared while silently hiding under the desk. It has a lot of dust and cobweb, but he firm himself not to be caught in order to find way out back to his mother. He knows his mother was already worrying now that even the castle’s employee are automatically alarmed by his late appearance.

After five minutes of searching inside the office. Frando sigh in relief when the woman already left together with the two guards. He peek one more time to the entrance door and saw how they exit themselves.

Frando quickly get out from his place and accidentally hit his head with a treasure chest that was display on the desk where he hide earlier. The chest was bit open and had a tie knot around it with a stapled letter written in italic font saying, “It contains the other fossils from Jessiza’s body. The ritual are finally over. Right after the dinner, don’t terrorize the Queen but drag Prince Louie and get him down dungeon to be executed.”

He got goosebumps and runaway as he could go so far. He sneaks and hide to some alleys while tiptoeing downstairs till he reached the other empty hall at the edge part of the castle. There are neither guards nor lamp posts to lighten up his way. Only the creepy branches from big trees welcomed him. Until he had jump off the tall gate. Luckily he was caught with helpful bushes and clean lawn.

As he took a last glance behind him. The guards were bringing a torch with them while shouting his name endlessly. His eyes began to escape tears and even his way was in dull path. He tried to stride and keep up with his pace. Frando was a wise kid and knows how to settle himself in danger. It costs a million of regrets if he’s going to depend through what his mother’s basic reply and relying to those heartless Royals that he ever known after reaching his adolescence.

Argen was usually stunning with her favorite garment in brown. And everything of her turns into a hue of brown even at every strand of her hair. She wears the rarest color that every Royals had ever used before. But she believes that all around existing objects and laws, they’re all under her authority and ways. She couldn’t deny the fact that she have to at least lessen the burden that she bears for a long time.

Her feature was in a great change. A form of a blonde lady transform into a woman that couldn’t resist the fierce to every part of her face. Her hair was also turn into the most common hairstyle of ages and the curl of it was taken care constantly. She deeply sighed after peeking to lot of her visitors who are happily dancing with their partners, specifically love ones.

“What are you looking at, Miss?” Argen startled after she familiarizes the sound and the words from his mouth. Those fresh memories suddenly appear inside her head. The kiss, hug, and commitment with each other. A painful nostalgia that she can’t resist after years had gone. “How are you?” The man asked in a hoarse voice.

Argen slowly turn to glance the person who’s talking to her right now. Her heart was racing and she seems to feel a panic attack after a greetings reminding her of someone. She took a grip on her garment and gulped three times. Was that a heart attack? She was undeniably feeling a longing to someone thus this is how she react after all those years? She probably missed him so bad. That even those uncertain break up happen. She regret a lot of it, for only obeying the mere rules of the castle and of their elegance.

There he saw Destino, wearing a coat and necktie. Was that the reason why Argen produced him an opportunity because she thought of something that she wasn’t sure about? She took a deep breathe before showing Destino a warm smile.

Destino reached for Argen’s hands and gently kissed it. “You’re so beautiful today. I’m not mistaken with a girl I’m adoring,” he said as he genuinely smile that causes his dimples to show. He’s undeniably gorgeous and the way he fixed his hair, it was in a smooth brush. There he is, making a move for Argen. Trying to get more deep label in between them. His pace are swift and unpredictable. He offered his arms, as he was chosen personally by this princess to let him as her escort for tonight.

“Thanks. You are also attractive tonight,” said Argen which was the most big compliment that causes Destino’s ear to tingle. “Also, for today. Thanks for escorting me,” she added and kiss his cheeks in the dark. They’re still at the back stage and that causes Destino to widely smile. It didn’t startle him anymore, as she’s usually doing it and was truly a normal peck of greet.

All the people are already settled on their seats and had waited for further announcements. They’re some people who arrived from neighborhood. Some are the villagers and also a low class people who have an access entering the castle because of doing a special favor for most authorities. The hall was in a gold background, that even the chandelier’s lit as it glows as candle light.

Most of the people are now in a bright face, they’ve waited for the music of orchestra to finish before proceeding the bless for Princess Argen as Queen of Versailles. However, Argen confidently prepared herself and completely accepts the challenge to fulfill the missed obligations for years. The disappearance of her parents are all at cost. She wasn’t certain if she may develop to change the bothering spells at her absolute existence. Yet, she intend to try catching those preys and manifest their debts. Rest assured, she had read the book thirteen years ago and the descriptions are likely referring to sent the dedication as an exchange for fruitful emergence of Versailles kingdom.

“We’re dedicated to support our future ruler and our Queen of Versailles as we faithfully brought ourselves offering the abundancy of this homeland. We partake ourselves living the most blessed culture and land to meet the grace of Clus Royals,” said Headmistress Danie who was the speaker of the night after she got no choice with evoking the tradition of this Kingdom as she also knew the dark historical mystery itself. “We warmly welcome, Crown Princess and a daughter of Clus Royals in Versailles. Argen Clus, also known to be your Goddess of Disguise.”

The people are suddenly gossiping as Argen was walking ahead the aisle leisurely with Destino as his escort. Since she haven’t attended the ceremony with her parent’s. She did grabbed the chance having this kind of style so far.

By judging Destino’s eyes, he was confident and really was honored to present himself in front of the people beside her. He knows that Argen was sort of a person who depend to whom she trust with her life. And that’s the way for Destino to attack her with some planned methods.

As Argen finally reaches the chair and sat on it fiercely. She smiled to all the people and calmly waved her hands. “I’m pleased to see you all here in my palace. I’ve brought you all the presents at exclusive dining hall for those people who’ve received a card with a red tie around it,” she declared and had intend to interrupt Danie’s proceeding for she’s absolutely eager to finish the chaos in her mind that continuously knocking her head countless times.

The atmosphere was intense for Headmistress Danie, for she wasn’t innocent with this crime. All of the people were applauding and chant Argen’s name. She couldn’t believe this feeling of greediness, she isn’t like this for she have compassion to all the people and she’s embraced of purity.

Argen was blessed as Queen of Versailles and also inserted the term for her form of being Goddess of Disguise at the very moment of her eighteen. She didn’t expect to be blessed as Goddess of Disguise as well, she have no power and will never have the chance to alter everything she desires too. But was her feature the absolute called for her absolute disguise? She transform with dark feature and had always picked a lot of dim colors to present herself. But she didn’t decide it by herself, but probably the witch’s touch on her hand. The flaming and the sudden change of her iris to dark red. That fits her into the most scariest woman, ruling the Versailles, and a might to aid wounds and illness.

Someone fainted from the first row of seats as Argen suddenly transformed into her disguise as she’s already announced and blessed with a crown upon her head. “Queen Argen Clus of Versailles,” said Danie as the crown with red pearls are placed above her. Argen felt a compassion to her people and approached them. This wasn’t a thing for a Queen to provide medical service. Yet she feels mercy after all, and was starving for ill people as well to be healed. There she goes with flaring her eyes and read the soul of fainted woman inside her head.

They both have a conversation via telepathy. Argen touched the woman’s hand and rubbed it. And that started the veins of the woman to feel burning sensation. The soul of the woman was bothered as she was screaming inside her head. She’s took in a paralyzed but her breathe remains stable. “What are you doing to me? Just let me die!” The woman cried inside her head and tried hard to move her body enough to move the tip of her fingers.

“You wanted to live or not? I guarantee you to have the most prosperous life after you’ll be healed by my hands,” said Argen as she didn’t even closed her eyes to feel what she have. “But you have to promise me something also of you agree.”

“What are you talking about? You’ll give me a half of your wealth? You mean by that?” She asked but the woman nod as the pain eroded her so much with those fiery pinch inside her body.

“Then give me your daughter’s head,” said Argen that causes the woman to get her consciousness back. She saw the woman how happy she was to finally move her body after being kept under the curse for minutes. “Grant you your wish. Give me the offer after this banquet or else, you’d not like what I’m deciding to do,” said Argen in a converse with a woman earlier in telepathy. The woman was scared, and seeing her reaction in arrogance. She might critique Argen as insane woman, asking for the head for what?

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