

It was as if the dreams of a princess will always like a fairytale one. The way she’s accepting the hand of a man who offers to get a hold of her downstairs and whisper a sugarcoating words that made to feel her stomach rambling with nowhere butterflies. There’s a spark in between that only eyes could ever tell how it came started.

Argen accidentally bumped into Frando as they’re both unexpectedly coming to turn over. That causes her to smile suddenly. That was something that ruled her head whenever seeing Frando in a view. She’ll going to shine herself in own elegant way.

“Hi,” said Frando who made a quick distance from her. Argen was startled with the abrupt word of this man wearing the usual pair leather boots in his feet and a thick jacket around his broad shoulder. Frando was attractively in a good odor. The scent makes Argen to get addicted whenever he’s around.

“Oh, how are you?” Argen asked with a bit stammering on her voice. That is how time always get her missing him so much in such most usual days. She frequently go for a ride on the horse. And often disappointed when she couldn’t see him around making an untiring stares to her. Only a fixed eye to her. Probably, it’s been three days when they haven’t seen each other that close.

Frando stepped back and smile. He directly make a way for Argen as she’s peeking inside the farm. There’s no workers in there, and only them are the left people alone. That was a great atmosphere and makes Argen to feel excited. It’s getting dawn, and Frando was really eager to know what’s her intend purpose going there at exact strike of evening.

“I’m doing great. It’s good to see you here. We’re actually about to close the farm, but then you suddenly popped out of nowhere,” Frando replied while still amused with an instance. They’ve got to be destined to meet each other for some reason.

Argen get a close distance to Frando. That was exactly when Frando twisted his body to face Argen already. Argen steal a kiss on his cheeks. That was rare and seemingly good to imagine. Argen smiled about what she had done. She means for something about that. That wasn’t a thought for making a cues of seduction. Argen probably likes this Frando.

“What was that?” Frando was confused but couldn’t keep himself from smiling. That was a romantic thing. Getting a chance to hold of someone and desired to get a label in between their mutual emotions with each other. Obviously, Frando also have feelings for Argen. “That was unexpected. Are you flirting with me, Miss?” It’s uncertain to assume if what Frando’s reply hit sarcastic assumptions or a tempting situation have to replied with a ‘yes’ and makes him to kiss Argen passionately.

Argen shrugged her shoulders and get a grip to her jacket also. She was calm but realizing her gestures, it was definitely changed. “Miss?” She laughed with a thought calling her with a ‘Miss’ all the time. But, she could find it obsessing to hear from Frando’s voice calling her that way. “I’m Argen. You can call me with that name for short,” she added and winked her right eye.

In a very awkward moment, Argen laughed suddenly. Frando furrowed his brows because of her sudden way to break the ice in between. “Kidding. It’s just. . .a friendship thing. Since we’re friends, right?” She tried to change the topic as Frando was still usually doing the stares that he had done last week while riding her horse. That melts her so much and feel more tinier standing near this guy that always wear a bit smile on his face and the rest are wondering-thoughts expressions.

It might be a naïve part for Argen that time. Since she was influenced with the novel story that she had read months ago. Containing the relationship between the two person who accidentally meet with each other in a hallway and unexpectedly having same interest with each other. It was set in a province like, a lot of hills and animals on the spacious area.

Frando slowly approached Argen while he lean his head on the air. He crossed his arms against his chest and make a wide smile. “You’re cute,” said Frando who almost touch Argen’s lips because of his sudden onward to her face. He distance himself and added saying, “When did you think kissing only the cheeks was friendship thing for friends?”

Argen knows that Frando was surely mocking him inside his head. She bit her lips and looked at the left side while grinning. “Was that a lewd already?” She irritably asked. It was she felt the sudden humiliation in a way that Frando made a big deal and speaking up against her behavior earlier. “Sorry to bother, but don’t you think that was a way for Royals and elegant people to greet each other?” That was a great shot of excuse.

“Is that so?” Frando walked a bit near to Argen’s and probed her eyes closely then looked at her lips afterwards. “I’m not a Royal one. You inherited that style, huh? What do you think if. . .”

Frando held Argen’s face and make a deepen kiss to her lips. That was terrible and unexpected. It causes Argen’s heart to feel sabotage by a cause of his swift motion to her lips. A bit played on each part that causes it to part each other for a second. That was quick but satisfying. “. . .that style suits better for a friendship to a people like us?” Frando’s voice seems having a secret affection.

Argen was stuck in her position after Frando also added a peck on her cheeks before he left saying, “Take care. I actually have something to do.” After he left, Argen touched her lips. That was mediocre, but her mind runs wild with the move of their lips for a seconds.

However, it isn’t about always a fairytale that Argen once liked. Escaping in a fantasy is a great way, but at her struck encounter with magic. There are still fantasies that could not easily be forgotten wherever you go and whether it was reality or not. The fantasy will always be a history that only hearts may allow to unleashed its relation.

Meanwhile, Headmistress Danie got herself out of her office and looked to both side hallways. She graciously walked to the left hallway where she met Magno Kepir, smiling at her and greet. Danie’s reaction was getting fiercer. She secretly rolled her eyes. “Good evening too. What brought you here?” She said while her eyes are straight ahead glaring to his face.

“Nothing. I just want to escort you down the hallway if you liked,” Magno replied and trying to fit in the aggressive presence that Danie shows. He offered an arm for her and as what he expected. He was busted and really neglected at first place. “That was harsh, Headmistress. You ought to pay respect at least to some of the people you’re talking to, am I right?”

Danie laughed to his words. Disrespecting him hurts his ego very much. And as she soon making her way out from Magno’s face, she was blocked. “You’re stupid. How can you teach me a lesson when you can’t able to do that for yourself, huh?” She raised her brows and grin. “Was that a shameless attitude, wasn’t it?”

It’s an intense between them, glaring with each other over an issue that is absolutely unacceptable. “Go away,” she warned. But still, Magno stay still and trying to find the weak spot for this woman that he haven’t got a chance to do it after five years of being separated. What was probably the history to the both of them?

“Are you aiming for a death wish—” She trailed off as Magno collide their lips with each other. That was quick, but Danie was acting that she’s about to puke. A nauseous feeling or just wanted to try not to get her feelings visible unless there’s a feelings in between? They are not being close with each other after Magno transferred in a castle for work.

“What have you done?” She angrily said and kicked his leg. “I told you not to act like we knew each other. You’re shameless!” Then she urged to walked away and by judging how her heels are rhythmically echoing the hallway—it has a full of hatred and frustrations.

Danie couldn’t stop cursing Magno’s name till she met one of the Royals in Crestile. She bowed her head as she saw this old woman, Queen Maritz, again after years comes by and losing her own daughter decades ago. “Pleased to see you, Your Majesty, ” she said and genuinely smile. It’s good to see the Queen back in Versailles’ castle after an incident happen.

“I do. Where’s the princess?” She asked. Her voice was thin and obviously weak. The Queen used to voice out with a hard tone, deep, and powerful. “I’m glad she reached eighteen, taking over the throne finally. She’s lucky to still exist in relief.” That sound bitter and stained with hatred. She obviously couldn’t get over to her child, who was forced without even a bit of chance to extend the deadline.

While the celebration in the grand hall was stormed in with random visitors. Headmistress Danie didn’t let the chance to get the people escape according to what Argen had ordered. She’s going to ask for their debts, have to paid it. Queen Maritz could even estimate how long and cruel it takes for the Clus Royals manipulating their people because of self-centered decisions. The Queen walked ahead the area where exclusively reserved for the Royals who’re invited at this grand event. She have flaming conversation with the same people as hers, and they’re inevitably making a concern about Maritz’s plight about losing the daughter and later on his son Louie.

However, Headmistress Danie stride her steps quickly towards the guards who stood straight at each sides of the hallway. She realized that Caminito wasn’t back. The horse that she offered makes her guess and wonder why it takes him an hour to paste all the plyers. Her brows were hardly scowled as she approached the guard who took the place for Caminito, which he’s obliged to mark the people’s surname who are sent with invitations. “Haven’t you seen Caminito?” She worriedly asked.

“He didn’t report himself yet. Is there something wrong?” The guard asked while he’s also making a glances to every corner of the entrance hall. “What time he’ll come back, from what he says before going out?”

“It’ll take him for an hour. He have to be there before the ceremony starts. Queen Maritz already arrived, and later on she’ll proceed with recognition—” Headmistress Danie was cut off in her words as she heard rushing paces to the right hallway and a sound of panting. There he is, Caminito with a guy wearing a fancy outfit and dressed formally like he seems to be living as Royal. “Who’s that?” She asked and walked slowly to look at them closely.

“My friend. He have the invitation. Don’t worry,” said Caminito as he extends his hand to show the card. He seems energetic even he worked really hard for something. “He’s Frando Wseji. A farmer in our neighborhood. Thanks to your horse, madam. We made it to get on time. I’ve put the horse back on its place,” he explained and approached Danie to give her an embrace. He was devastated that time, but Danie saves him to arrived on time.

That was the best history that a person could remind themselves. There’s an unexpected paces that could bring happiness along the way. He accepted the fact, that poverty really measure one’s humanity. Referring for their state, talking less with the needs and hospitality. But more on asking for an exchange, just in a process to take advantage or benefits with each other, and as useful component for some situations.

Just like what this greedy one could get. Destino was holding a piece of paper and listen to the conversation that Argen and Headmistress Danie have. There will be a take in charge for the listed people who are in debt, and must’ve keep in an exclusive room for some reason. That was quite a wise plan of Argen. “They’ve got to be planning war?” He thought. He read the plyer he just picked while walking on his way to sneak as he could to Danie’s office. And suddenly that news alarms his ears and made his wise move as well.

The paper printed with a paragraph saying, “The Crowning of Queen in Versailles homeland. Princess Argen, daughter of late King Elandro and Queen Leandra. At her most special turning 18, the calling of her parent’s throne must took responsibility of her and have called all the consecutive names exclusively invited in Argen’s living room, for those who received an invitation that does tied with a red ribbon around envelope’s card. Clerk, Jihro. ”

Destino quickly hide himself to the near shelf beside Danie’s office. By his trembling hands seeing guards inspecting the area. The paper slipped off from his hands and secure his move not to make a bit of noise. After the guards observed the area. Destino slowly get ahead the next secret hallway that connects into living room.

He planned to get something inside Danie’s office. Just to get at least a hint for breaking a curse of this Clus’ tradition in Royals. He realized how he have an invitation card that exactly was written on the plyer. He did throw the invitation card and seek more accessible window to escape himself. That was unexpected, seeing the invitation card of him tied in red ribbon which was not appeared yet as he first claim the card from Caminito.

The magic, was that black? Is there any ways of dark mystery that this Royals had ever done? Tonio Heri, he was also a guy who was promised to execute for having the blood and head offered to their weekly rituals. As most of the time, healing the sickness are constantly happening at Fridays.

But why this dark magic knows the one who have t pay? It was on the letter yet, it managed to locate people who really are missing an obligation to fulfill. Suddenly, Destino met Argen’s stare as he was looking down the building to estimate how far his fell could reach impact. “Are you looking for something?” Argen asked, and that causes Destino to startle and worried about his lifeline. The true rival comes in, and with disguise, she may use something to distinguish what she’s searching for all this time. His face were pale, and definitely seems to get his nerves getting malfunction.

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