
arrest them

"Oh Look what we have here, it's the Princess." Selena stated as soon as she had seen Nadia walk in, causing another round of Laughter to erupt amongst the Other witches who watched on.

Nadia could not believe her eyes, tears weild up in then as she stared in disbelief at Amanda's body . She angrily sent some attacking spells towards Selena and the rest of her witches, which they easily evaded with their shield spells.

"Well, enough with the wait, Kill her" Selena commanded as a smile formed on her face.

Three witches stepped forward as they started to form some attacking field around their hands in a bid to send it against Nadia. Selena nodded at some other Witches who were behind her to help retrieve Amanda's body from the floor where it laid beneath Lia's .

As the witches who had been preparing their attacking spell were about to strike, they heard a voice coming from the midst of the woods behind Nadia.

"Let not any one of you shoot a single spell at her." Derek stated as
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