


I had never smelled anything so intoxicating in my life. It was a combination of lavender, roses and lemongrass, such unique smell that it was just blowing my mind. And Zeus, well, Zeus was beyond control. And it was a combination of this amazing smell and the pull I was feeling in my gut for the past few hours that forced me to the gate. I was sure that the flowers that were emitting this fragrance were there, at the gate where I had seen a lot of flowers, I think at least… I anyway wanted to escape the baleful presence of my father, who was giving my present bed mate pointed looks – looks that were a mixture of disgust and hatred. And yes, her name was not Cindy or Emily, it turned out to be Clarice. I found out about it when she gave me her passport for travel to Switzerland. Yes, she came with me to Switzerland, well, come on, I had to bring her along, she was very persuasive when she had her little mouth wrapped around my d*ck. And she was just well, a must have on this trip.

My father, when he had arrived a few hours ago along with my mom and my younger sister Devi, was shell shocked. Because, in my room, wrapped in my sheets, they had not found me as I was in the bathroom at the time but Clarice. I must say, Clarice was an animal in bed. She was never satiated and always wanted more. I don’t remember exactly when I had met her last night, but I think I have f*cked her at least a dozen times since then. And even now, since arriving in Switzerland, where I have filled her fully and let her ride out her org*sms four times in a row, she was still asking for me!

“Namaste!” I heard Clarice speak the Indian greeting word in her fucking sexy French accent, and I knew it must be someone from my family who had knocked at the door.

“Who is she?” my mother demanded the moment I stepped out of the bathroom, wrapping a towel around my waist. “Are you ---?” and my mother’s eyes widened and her hand went straight to her lips as she clapped her mouth with it in shock. She looked back at my father, who was just eying Clarice with severe distaste in his mouth, and then looked back at me.

“It is not what it looks like,” I started but Devi giggled and I glared down at her. My sixteen year old sister always knew when to titter or make all the wrong sounds.

“I can very well see,” my mother growled as she saw the sheet that Clarice was using to cover her otherwise naked body. “Clean up, get rid of her, and find me in my room, Naaaaassshhhhhhhhhhh….” and motioning her hand to show her disgust way, she turned, grabbed Devi's shoulder and left.

“Naaaasssshhhhhhhhhhh?” Clarice asked perplexed as I closed the door once my family had left. “I thought your name was Nash, you know, smaller in pronunciation!”

“Oh, my mother just cursed us. Naaassshhhhhhhhh, the prolonged aaaaaa in my name makes the meaning quite negative,” I laughed. Though I did not feel guilt. I was a mate-less eighteen year old, what did my mom think I did on my vacations? Meditate?!

“Really?” Clarice asked as she walked to the bathroom to freshen up. “What does it mean?”

“Decay or destruction,” I grimaced but I heard her laugh. Well, whatever maybe, this girl was not going to be my destruction, instead, this girl was the source of the only pleasure in this hell hole where my father had dragged me into.


Ignoring my mother’s words and demand to get rid of Clarice, I led her to the gate. And my d*ck twitched again – the combination of that unique tantalizing smell and the memory of Clarice sucking at my c*ck was just unbearable.

“You look distracted,” Clarice crooned as she raked her fingers down at my crotch. “Let me help bring your focus back on me.”

And before I could react to the scent that was growing heavier by the second, as if its source was mere inches away from me, Clarice pushed her lips hungrily on mine and kissed me. Force of habit, I placed by hands on her back and in her hair, but Zeus was barking mad. He wanted me to push Clarice away and find the source of the scent.

“MINE…” a growl reverberated in the air.

And while Clarice did not notice anything, she was busy chewing my lips as if I was her drug, I stiffened. I made to pull back but Clarice, whose hands were trailing up and down my body, dug her fingers and pulled me in.

But I could feel the heat growing from the source of that growl. I knew the word ‘Mine’ had come out from not the human but the wolf. And I sincerely hoped that the human to whom that wolf belonged to was a girl, and not a guy.

I pushed Clarice with a little roughness, but before I could turn to face the source of that growl, it was gone. Leaving behind a whiff of lavender with a hint of roses and lemongrass.

‘MATE … MATE … MATE…’, Zeus purred in my head. ‘That is our Mate.’

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goodnovel comment avatar
nice story...

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