
Chapter Thirty Four

As the soft morning light filtered through the stained glass windows of Samara's bedroom, she sighed for the umpteenth time as she got ready for her wedding. It was a picture-perfect day for a wedding. Or so it seemed.

Clad in her silken white wedding gown, Samara stood at the mirror of her bedroom. Her gaze lingered on her reflection, but her mind was far away.

As she reached for the intricate pearl hairpin to adorn her upswept hair, a feeling of dread and uncertainty washed over her. It was as if the weight of the impending nuptials bore down upon her, threatening to crush the fragile joy that had carried her this far.

"What if this is a mistake?" she whispered to her reflection.

She lowered her gaze, her fingers still grasping the hairpin, now forgotten in her hands. Her eyes fell on the engagement ring that adorned her ring finger, and her mind raced to recall the day Damien had proposed. It had been very unexpected, but followed by a magical moment, filled with pleasure, love
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