
Chapter 5

Chloe was in the shower, scrubbing herself with a scrunchie like crazy. She felt dirty, weird… It was confusing her how much she had enjoyed doing what Loki made her do. She hated him, really hated him. There had to be a way out of this, she just wasn’t sure how exactly.

Loki had told her to shower and get ready in one of the dresses. Then Ethan would take her downstairs for dinner with Loki. The thought repulsed her, was she seriously supposed to just act like everything was ok?

And he had confiscated her phone, so she now had no chance or hope of getting help from anyone. 

Chloe was cursing under her breath while she got dried off and then picked out one of the dresses. She went for the first one she had tried on, the green skater kind of dress. It was one of the ones she felt most comfortable in. After rummaging around the drawers, she was gutted when she couldn’t find any tights or leggings to put on with it.

‘Asshole.’ She hissed.

Giving up, she picked a pair of shoes to wear and then took a few minutes to calm herself down. Part of her wanted to just hide away in the room, but she didn’t want to find out what Loki would do if she didn’t make an appearance. And another part of her was a little bit curious as to what the rest of his house looked like.

She hadn’t been able to see outside yet, because it was dark and there were no lights on outside when she looked out the window. She had images of it being like a prison, with high walls and barbed wire at the top, no doubt guards and dogs wandering about outside too.

Slowly, she opened the bedroom door and gulped when she saw that Ethan was there waiting. He smiled at her and put his arm out to the side, motioning for her to follow him.

‘Loki is waiting for you.’ Ethan said when she started to follow.

They made their way down the hall, then down the curved marble staircase. She took the time to really look around now. It was obvious that Loki had money, it was a beautiful home. It wasn’t overly large, not like a mansion. But it had at least four bedrooms, she figured. She saw a maid bustling about, cleaning and doing various other things. She wondered if she knew what Loki was really like, or maybe she just didn’t care.

Ethan noticed her looking towards the front door. ‘Don’t even try it. You best stay in Loki’s good books. And even if you did get out the doors and past his security, you wouldn’t get far beyond the gates.’

Chloe felt defeated again, but didn’t want to risk it in-case he was being truthful. Which she had a feeling he was.

Ethan led her into a large room that was a kitchen, dining room and a lounge all in one. The kitchen was to the right with black marble top counters in a square shape and an island in the middle. There was a maid cooking dinner, busy at the oven. To the left of Chloe was a large wooden dining table next to huge conservatory doors. Then at the back of the room there was a few sofas and a fireplace with a huge TV above it, a small bar in the corner.

Loki was sitting at the head of the table, he stood up when Ethan led Chloe in and walked towards them.

‘You can go home now, Ethan.’ He nodded to him.

‘Cheers, boss. Have a good evening.’ Ethan nodded back then made his way out.

Loki flashed a wicked smile at Chloe, then he looked over at the maid. ‘You can go home too once you’ve served dinner.’

‘Thank you, Sir.’ The maid said with a smile, happy to be getting off early.

Loki turned his attention back to Chloe, he stepped into her space and rubbed her arms. She wanted to shrink away from him, away from his touch. But thought better of it. He used a finger to cup her chin, raising her head up.

‘Nice of you to join me. You look delightful, I may need to re-think what I’m having for dessert.’ He grinned, his eyes were twinkling with mischief.

He saw a brief flicker of anger cross her face, but it didn’t last long. She was indeed a quick learner.

‘Come, sit down.’ He motioned her over to the table. She reluctantly went to the seat he pulled out for her. He was acting rather gentlemanly, tucking her chair in too. He even placed her napkin on her lap for her and then poured her a glass of wine before taking his own seat at the top of the table again, next to her. If she wasn’t so scared and pissed off, she would’ve found him to be rather endearing.

She was tense, not sure what to do. Loki was sipping on his wine, keeping an intense eye on her while the maid dished up dinner. Her stomach growled, she never realised just how hungry she was. With the events of the day, she had just wanted to curl up in bed and sleep.

The maid was excused, which actually made Chloe feel even worse. Because now she knew that she was all alone in the house with him.

‘You’re not vegan or vegetarian, are you?’ Loki asked, already tucking into his food. He noted she was just staring at her plate, possibly wondering if it was poisoned or not.

Chloe looked up at him and had a brave streak. ‘What if I am?’ She blurted out.

Loki raised an eyebrow at her. ‘Watch your mouth, girl.’ He growled in warning, pointing his fork at her. ‘Eat. If you are vegan or veggie then you will go very hungry in my house.’

Chloe was so annoyed at that, but didn’t want to risk anything from the tone of his voice. ‘I’m not…’ She mumbled and picked up her fork to start eating small bites. But once she started, she couldn’t stop. She was starving. And the food was absolutely delicious.

‘Did your parents never feed you?’ Loki remarked, she was almost finished when he was still halfway through his. He didn’t get a response, just a glare while she took a few sips of her wine. Loki calmly put his cutlery down and leaned over towards her. His hand then shot out quickly and he gripped her hair tightly, making her cry out in pain as she grabbed the side of the table.

‘You will answer me when I ask you a question. Do I make myself clear?’

‘Yes!’ She squeaked out quickly, relieved when he released her hair and sat back, straightening his tie.

‘So, I shall ask again. Did your parents never feed you?’ He asked as he continued eating his own dinner.

‘Of course they did.’ She said through gritted teeth.

Loki raised an eyebrow slightly at her tone, but let it slip for now. He continued eating, keeping a close eye on her at the same time. He asked a few questions about her, what she liked to do, what kind of music she liked. She answered with as few words as possible.

Once Loki was finished eating, he pushed his plate to the side and clasped his hands together on top of the table, looking at Chloe attentively.

She had finished her wine and didn’t know what to do or say with the way he was looking at her. But then she decided to ask the burning question that was at the front of her mind. ‘What do you want with me?’

‘I think you know exactly what I want with you, Chloe.’ He growled low, then got up to his feet and walked around to stand behind Chloe. She jumped when he placed his hands on her shoulders and leaned down to whisper into her ear. ‘And I always get what I want.’

Chloe didn’t like the sound of that. She attempted to get away, but when she tried standing up, she was instead forced down over the table just at the side of her plate. Loki kept her pinned down with a hand to the back of her neck while he slid her plate further out of the way.

‘I thought you were learning, pet. But clearly not. Maybe this will help you to learn your place.’ He said darkly in her ear.

Chloe tried struggling under him, but like before he was just too strong and easily able to overpower her. But she didn’t want to just submit to him, to make it easy. Although it became more difficult when he grabbed her wrists and tied her hands together behind her back with his tie. He was far too skilled at that for her liking.

She started snarling at him and struggling again when he bunched her dress up around her waist and yanked her knickers clean off with one tug. When she heard his zipper being un-done, she knew there was no stopping him.

‘Please, don’t do this.’ She begged, in tears.

Loki chuckled, she could feel his warm breath against the back of her neck as he moved in on her. He kicked her legs apart and stepped in-between, so she couldn’t close them. ‘If you misbehave, you do not get any pleasure or say in this.’

He pressed the tip of his cock against her cunt, she tried moving across the table to get away but he held her firmly in place. She let out a loud sob when he started to shove his way into her, not taking time to prepare her or use any lubrication.

‘PLEASE! STOP!’ She screamed as he forced his way inside her body, making her mould to him. She felt like the wind was knocked out of her when he bottomed out.

‘If you behave like a good girl and do as you’re told, then you will enjoy our encounters. But you certainly do not deserve that privilege tonight.’ He said harshly, pulling back so just the tip of him was inside her and then he then slammed back into her roughly.

She could barely even scream now, it was too painful. It felt like he was tearing her apart from the inside. But there was nothing she could do while he took her from behind, using the weight of his upper body to keep her down on the table. Her hands were starting to hurt too from the pressure of being crushed between their bodies.

Luckily for Chloe, if it could be called luck, Loki angled himself in such a way that he started to hit the pleasure spots inside her. Making her start to lubricate naturally, making it a little bit easier on her. It didn’t feel so raw now.

Her body started to feel numb after a while. She tried not to think about it, to make herself think that she was somewhere else. Just waiting for it to be over.

And it was over, eventually. Loki grunted against her ear and his thrusts became more erratic, then she could feel him pulsing inside her as he came. Emptying himself into her. He was panting hard behind her, spurting a few more times before he pulled out with a pop. His cum dribbled down her inner thigh, making her feel disgusting, she couldn’t believe he did that to her.

Chloe didn’t move when Loki stepped back from her, picked up a napkin and used it to clean himself. He was glad he didn’t get any cum on his trousers. He dropped the napkin by her head and then untied her wrists. But she still didn’t move.

Loki patted her bum and then flipped her dress down for her. ‘Go on, off to bed with you.’ He growled.

She was shaking all over as she stood up straight, she couldn’t even look at him when she scurried off to bed. But each step she took, it was painful. She could still feel him inside her. And she couldn’t stop crying.

Loki grinned, pleased with himself as he went over to the bar and poured himself a drink. She clearly had a fiery personality, one that he rather enjoyed. Even though she was scared, she wasn’t afraid to try and push back. He had a feeling she wasn’t going to be the easiest to break completely, but he was certainly going to enjoy doing so.

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