
Chapter 52

(Addison’s POV)

I had almost no strength to stay awake, but I could not sleep either. Despite the fact that my physical pain was practically unbearable, any discomfort in my body languished compared to the sadness in my heart. I always knew that my uncle and aunt were not nice people, but I never imagined what they were capable of. The idea of my brothers being killed was too much to bear. I had to cling to something to cope with the pain that overwhelmed me, that something was my kingdom. The people of Dranda were terrified believing that the Trobetians had murdered me, and I was not going to allow these disgusting beings to break the will of my people.

I did not know what time it was when I opened my eyes, the light was bright, streaming through the closed curtains. I found Gregory sitting in an armchair next to my bed, fast asleep. My handsome husband was not his normal self, his face was

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