
Chapter 8: Amelia's Complication

Amelia picked up a chocolate shake at a drive-thru and drank it on the way back to her apartment. Her mind was in a jumble and her emotions were a little raw. She hadn't expected the meeting with Alex to turn out that way.

Then again, she hadn't expected Isabel to waltz in and complicate things.

She'd assumed that Alex would be suspicious, but she hadn't cared. Her objective was to inform him and nothing else. She could take care of herself. Then again she had a few clients who had outstanding debts to her but she was sure they would come through eventually.

Until that moment, her bank account was seriously low and rent had been due a week ago. It had only been the third time she'd been late in the two years she'd lived in the place. No one could fault her for that.

The shake sat in her stomach but didn't come back up. Good to know.

The sugar did nothing to settle her raging emotions, but at least she had food in her stomach.

She parked in her usual spot since most people were at work right now. She didn't think anything of the sign on her door as she approached it, but when she read it, her heart dropped. The milkshake threatened to come back up, but she didn't throw up.

The sign was clear. She was being evicted for non-payment of rent. This couldn't be happening. Didn't they have to give her some leeway? Didn't she have another week or so before they could do this?

She stomped over to the landlord's office.

His receptionist, a perky size two blonde, smiled at her as if she had no idea why Amelia was there. "Hi. Can I help you?"

Pretending she didn't know Amelia. Good move. No one wanted a scene. "I hope. There is a note on my door that I'm evicted. My key doesn't work."

"Let me see if Mr. Cannady can see you."

"He better be able to see me. I want an explanation."

"I'll take care of this Trixie," Mr. Canady said. "Come into my office, Miss Cooper."

When she gave him scotch at Christmas, she'd been Amelia. Now she was Miss Cooper. Right.

Her landlord sat behind a large metal desk that looked battle-scarred. Had other people been evicted and taken out on the desk?

"What can I do for you, Miss Cooper?" he said as if he had no idea why she was there.

"My locks are changed and there is a sign on my door."

"Yes. You're behind on your rent."

"I've been behind on my rent three times and I've never been evicted."

"The building has a new owner and they are cracking down on late payments," he said.

"No warning?"

"No warning."

"I'm sure the town council will be interested in this. There are laws in this city. You can't just slap a sign on a door and expect everyone to jump," she said.

All of her worldly goods were in the apartment. She couldn't work or track down new or errant clients without her equipment.

"You were sent a late notice last week."

She tore it up knowing full well that she couldn't pay the rent yet. "I saw it. I'm waiting on a client's check to clear."

She was actually waiting on the check itself. She hoped it was in the mail. The mail. Could she get to her box? That was the property of the post office, and she doubted they would lock her out of it this quickly. Could they at all? She didn't know her rights.

He rested his hands on his stomach. "That isn't my problem."

"I can't pay rent if I can't work. Can I at least get my stuff from the place?"

If she could get her computer, she could set it up somewhere. It wasn't ideal to use a coffee shop, but she would do what she could. A coffee shop's internet wasn't secure. It wouldn't have all the safeguards that her system had.

She sighed. This was turning into a very long day.

"I would have to call the cops to escort you."

"The cops? You know me, Art. I've been a tenant for two years. You've never had a complaint of a loud party or anything like that."

"It's out of my hands. I'm sorry."

"Call the cops because I want my stuff," she said.

She had no idea where she was going to land, but maybe Kalia could put her up for a few days. While Mr. Canady picked up his phone, she sent a text to her friend.

Amelia gripped the phone waiting for an answer back, but none came.

"The cops can't get here for a few hours. You can't wait here."

"A few hours?"

He shrugged. He didn't care, and why should he?

She left his office and leaned against her car. She didn't even have a change of clothing on her. She had very little cash and didn't want to spend any money from her account. That meant that milkshake would be her lunch.

She was three weeks late. Wasn't there a law? She should have read the lease better than she did, but she was no lawyer.

She checked her phone, but Kalia still wasn't answering. Knowing her best friend, she hadn't charged it. She could go over there, but if Kalia was knee-deep in programming, then she wouldn't answer the door.

Amelia was stuck. She couldn't think of any other options. With no family, she was on her own. Thankfully, Kalia would surface at some point.

That's when the first drop hit Amelia's head. "Now it's going to rain?"

She climbed into her car and listened to the drumming of the water on her roof. She did have another option, and it pained her to even consider it.

"No, I can't rely on him."

Kalia finally texted back. "On my way to the airport."

"Can I stay at your place while you're gone?"

"I'm having it fumigated. I'll be back in a few days."

"Have a good trip," Amelia texted.

She wanted to throw the phone across the car, but instead, she dialed the main number for Alex's company.

"Hillen Industries. How may I direct your call."

"Alexander Hillen, please."

"May I tell him who is calling?"

She gave her name and the woman put her on hold.

"Amelia?" Alex said as if he hadn't expected to hear from her.

"As much as it pains me to say this, I guess I'm moving in with you."

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