
STORM and silence


"I got the restaurant back!" Reid yelled delightfully and Maria stared at him in utmost awe.

"What? How? How did you get it back? I thought it was..."

"Yes! Obviously. It was burnt to ashes but I got us a better one!" he retorted with a broad smile.

"Hold on. Make me understand you, please," Maria said in a low tone.

"All I'm saying is that we got the first building to ashes which was a great blow on us, so I got us a better and different building and here are the documents!" he handed her the documents with a gladdened heart as he stared at her face while her hands opened the brown envelope.

He was proud of himself on how he could make her smile again. It felt like ages since he had seen her smile genuinely.

"You did what?" Maria said, amazed as she opened the documents and scanned through the papers.

Her smile widened as she read through the lines. "Oh my goodness!" she exclaimed as she jumped on him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

This was great news
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