
Hair Of The Dog

Instead of going home, I've ended up in O'Neills which is the only Irish bar in town. Sitting at home when I feel like this isn't a good idea. I'm sure a drink won't hurt me. Mac the owner puts a Guinness down on the bar as I take a seat. I frequent here enough that he knows what my drink of choice is. Just as I'm about to take a sip my eyes are drawn to a tall, dark-haired man standing at the pool table alone. My breath catches as I just stare at him like a mental patient. Who is this guy? 

As I cast my eyes over him like a ravenous animal I can immediately tell he's substantially taller than me; at least 6ft 5. He has lustrously thick black hair that looks untidy but beautiful. His eyes are expressive and large that look as deep as rich, dark chocolate. To top it off his lips are a plump and sultry shade of deep pink. Oh my god! I don't think I've ever seen a man as beautiful as him. I can't call him handsome as that word just doesn't do him justice. Before I can look away he suddenly looks up and stares straight at me! My god, he has a fierce stare! I quickly look down and take a sip of my drink. No doubt he thinks I'm odd for staring at him like that. I feel so embarrassed that I'm too scared to look up, so I just sit staring into my glass.

Suddenly I feel a presence sitting next to me, it's the warmth that I feel first. As I look up the tall, dark-haired man has sat right next to me - he even smells divine! He motions to Mac who places what looks like a whisky in front of him.

"Whatever the lady wants too". His voice is a deep baritone of deliciousness.

"Erm, thank you-" I choke out "But I don't accept drinks from people I don't know".

"You just stare at them instead right?". He fires back. 

I'm so taken aback that I can't think of a witty comeback. So he did know I was staring at him, and that makes it all the more cringe-worthy "I wasn't staring - I just haven't seen you around here before". 

"Are you a cop or something?".

"Of course, I'm not!" I fire back. "I'm simply having a drink in my local bar that's all. I'm as far from a cop as you can get".

"You've hardly touched your drink". He points out.

"Are you a cop?" I fire back at him.

"Nope - just new in town. My Uncle is unwell so I've come to stay with him for a while".

"Oh, I'm erm sorry about your Uncle". I reply embarrassed. I've well and truly put my foot in it this time.

"I'm Micah by the way". He responds holding out his hand and I shake it willingly. Anything to take the emphasis away from my sheer embarrassment. 

"I'm Genie". I can't even look him in the eye, let alone believe that he's sitting next to me and talking to me.

"Nice name - what's it short for?".

"It's Genevieve". I mumble.

"Wow, not a name you hear often. I like it! So now we're acquainted can I buy you a drink?". He asks.

Reluctantly I agree " Ok, a Guinness would be good. But just to clarify, It's not normally something I would do".

"Gotcha - I'll make a note for next time".

Next time? Is there going to be a next time? What a strange thing to say to someone he's only just met. But inside, I'm a little excited that he might want to see me again. Mac places the drink down in front of me at the same time Micah puts some bills down on the bar. 

In the blink of an eye, he shoots his whisky back "Right, nice to meet you Genie. I'll see you around". Before I can even reply he's through the door and has disappeared down the street.

What a strange experience, he buys me a drink and then up and leaves without any mention of seeing him again. Or maybe he just realized that I was weird and thought a quick getaway was easier than having to talk to me. Oh well - another one bites the dust!

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