

Morning greeted the girl with excitement and a feeling of regret. Sammy spent an almost sleepless night, she imagined Travis, then the wolf, then Leah, and they all looked at her with reproach and condemnation. Even after the haze of the night had faded, Samantha still felt uneasy.

Looks like she went too far with what she said to Doyle the day before. Samantha told herself that he asked for it, and his jokes also crossed all boundaries, but she was gnawed from the inside by the way he reacted to her words - as if she had hit on the most painful place. Apparently, that's how it was.

Sammy didn't really know what to do with it. Go ask for an apology? Unthinkable! After what Doyle had said to her in the car, Samantha wouldn't even be able to approach him, let alone speak. Forget about everything and move on? Perhaps. But how to sleep at night, knowing what is happening to him? Sammy did not understand how she could help him, but then, in his car, she saw that Travis felt better in her p
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