
Chapter Five

Angel's PoV

I shuffled in bed, the brightness in the room making it difficult to open my eyes. Blinking back a few more times, I finally fluttered my eyes open, smiling dreamily. A faint memory of the last night came flushing down in my inward eye. My eyes widened on its own accord as soon as the realisation hit me. I could still remember the night but only a bit of glimpses of it. We did things we shouldn't have done. 




I didn't just fucked up this time. 

My eyes dragged itself on my naked self in the duvet, covered in love bites, shit! Did he take my v-card! I was so shocked and so hurt with myself that I couldn't control my tears. 

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A quick and short update on my fav book.... Surprise surprise I am earlier than expected... Ok now I want honest opinions on how is it? Please please comment your reviews.  Choose one:- Luke's PoV Tiana's PoV Shea's PoV Taylor's PoV Alongwith ofcourse Angel's PoV in the upcoming chapter 🙈🙈 Vote Comment Share ********

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