
Chapter 2

I changed into my regular goth clothes and placed my pure white contactless on. This is how I trick people into thinking that I'm blind with these contactless on I can still see with these things on, and I know cool right? I lifted my bags of weapons with ease, no joking. My bag was well rugged for anyone to raise, not for me. I shove them inside the trunk of my black dodge challenger. I closed the trunk and got in. I started the engine and drove away. I opened my GPS, and it showed...

Los Angeles, California, the name made me stop the car abruptly, forcing a loud noise from the tires. That place...

It was where my whole family was killed.

"Breath, David. Breath." I said, comforting myself as I was shocked that I was going to the place where my whole family was killed. I promise one day I'll find out who killed you guys. It is the last thing I'd do.

I drove for hours, but I came to a stop at a fast food restaurant, one because I'll get more information for my mission and two because I was hungry. I park my car. I only wear my assassin outfit when I hunt. In this situation, I'll remain in my regular goth clothes. I climb out of my dodge challenger and lock it.

I went inside; the scent of food made my stomach growl. I look around to see Chandler; just my fucking luck. If you don't know, Chandler is one of the fewest hunters who knows my natural face and name and knows I'm not blind. But something caught my eye, it was a group of teenage girls, and they were werewolves. How do we know? We hunters realize it if you have a problem go fuck yourself.

After eyeing them cautiously for two seconds, I gaze at Chandler, who is looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I sigh and shake my head. It means 'those werewolves are harmless.' He nods. Before we could talk, I used a potion from a white witch that helps hunters like me. When I say like me, I mean hunters and assassins that kill for a good reason. No werewolf will hear what you're saying when anyone uses the potion. It will be a total blur to them.

I take a sit across from him. We took our orders. I ordered a chicken club sandwich and French fries, and for him, he ordered the same.

After we had taken our order, I began to make a poker face at him. He cleared his throat before saying, "You must have noticed where your mission will be held. At home, where your family was killed."

I nodded. My grip tightened, but my face stayed emotionless. Our orders arrived first. I took a bite at my cub sandwich, and he continued, "Rogues, David. Rogues seem to be teaming up with the vampires. They plan first to take over the town and then America. Your mission is to stop this before it's too late."

I looked at him. 'Am I doing this alone?'. I said as I looked at Chandler.

I always work alone on missions, and I'm excellent with that. But this mission is quite tricky. I mean, one person and packs of rogues and vampires. I'd be dead if I worked alone! That's what my "Dad" thinks so does Chandler.

Chandler shakes his head, showing, 'no' David. The headmaster doesn't want you to work alone on this one, as I was shocked. 'Who?' I asked. He a person I've been teaming for weeks now, Chandler said. I just rolled my eyes at what he said; I might as well work alone. But no, I have worried up to the ass stepdad who loves me a lot and hates seeing me get hurt.

He chuckles, making me frown slightly. "Don't worry; he has good skills. Right, every good skill, I thought. Unfortunately, he will not be arriving at the same time as you. He'll be a little late for a few days because he's in the middle of a mission. Oh, and he's one year older than you." My eyes widened at what he said. Wow, he's young for a hunter like me, but I'm an assassin. When did he start? I asked, taking a sip of my drink. "He just started a year ago," Chandler said must be skillful indeed, considering he'll be partnered with The Crimson Phantom, aka me.

"You'll both be enrolled in high school. You'll be going tomorrow already. There is only one high school in that town, and there's no doubt you'll encounter werewolves. I may even say an Alpha. There's a pack that practically rules the town, though, it's the The Crimson Warriors pack. They're not evil but they're one of the strongest packs in America. So be careful." Wow. High school with werewolves lucky me.

"Anyways, we registered the papers that you're cousins. You'll be living together." He said. "Oh and here's the address and the keys." He hands me paper and the keys. "We also installed the house a sound-proof chamber in the basement if there's any rogue you catch to get information of." He added. Hell Yes! I said as looked at Chandler as I remember 'Does he have his own car?' I ask. Hopefully, he has. I don't want anyone to go inside my dodge challenger hey that's my baby no one can go inside my baby.

Chandler laughs "I don't know. But that'll be your problem. Not mine." He said what no fair I said almost sounding like a groan. "Well then, it was nice seeing you again David. But I have another meeting to attend to." He stands up and leaves the restaurant. Asshole I thought as I ate the last piece of French fries before I leave too and start my trip again.


It was already dark and I finally arrive in this town. It seems normal but I can sense a lot of werewolves. There are still humans though, but only a few. I went deeper into the town until I arrive at the address that was given to me. And there are no neighbors about twenty miles away. It was near the woods too.

The house looks a little old but I went in and it was the worst thing I've ever seen. The paint they used for the wall was white and it was slightly dull I need to change that soon as I can but other than that the house was ok. It was a two-story house. And has a garage at the side. The house had a few vines covering I need to work on that too, and surrounded by a few dead flowers I sighed I need to work on that too god damn they're going to kill me but make me do the entire housework. If you normally like not goth this house practically screamed 'HAUNTED!' But besides that, it was fine for me but I have to get work on it to make it say normal. I don't want people making it think I'm weird or something.

I park my car in front of my lawn and then turned off the engine. I got out. From the corner of my eyes, I can see a werewolf watching me. But I pretended that I didn't see it. I can also sense it's not a rogue. Since they're not growling and attacking me that instant, they must have just been checking me if I'm a threat or just a normal guy who happens to move in here.

My weapons like guns, knives, and others are all extremely well-hidden from me if I'm not in my suit. Other deadly weapons like archers, crossbows, and long guns, and are also well-hidden in a big bag. The bag surrounds thick clothes, preventing a 'clack' sound so no one gets suspicious.

I got my bag which was really full of clothes first and took the keys out of my pocket. I walk to the front porch and unlock the doors. I first find the switch for the lights. I turned it on. And wow. The outside may be scary, but the inside is greater. I felt cozy that instant once I step inside.

I admire the living room for a minute before dropping my bag to the side and going out again to get the other bags that were filled with weapons. Now, I can sense two werewolves watching my every move. But again I pretended that I didn't see them.

I grab all my bags from the car once I was inside. Before I go out, I remembered that I was supposed to be an emo guy that doesn't care about life in their eyes. So when I got out, I grab my three heavy bags throwing them over my shoulder. Yeah, I have abs... But good thing my muscles don't show in my arms. I can feel they watching me in shock maybe. As I walked inside closing the door behind me I let out a loud sigh. I have to go get the thing to fix the outside of the house. Before I have to go to hell whole called school.

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