
8. Marriage proposal? Date in Amsterdam


Dimitri came toward me with a restrained smile on his face. My hand was wrapped around his as I held it out to greet him. My own smile was more spontaneous in his presence, although I wasn't sure how to act now that we were finally face to face.

" Hey commander, I almost didn't recognize you without the stained clothes," I teased him.

 " You're not carrying any cups, so I think my clothes will be safe. At least until we get to the restaurant," he assured him, "I'm staying at the Sheratom, do you want to go there?”


The Sheratom was one of three hotels within the airport complex, which also had a train station that would take us to the center of Amsterdam in about fifteen minutes.

" Are you kidding? We're not staying in a hotel with an incredible city to visit, Commander," I denied.

" I already know Amsterdam," he laughed.

" But you have never visited it in my company, I assure you it will be a completely new experience," I wrapped my hand around his, pulling him toward the train ticket sales terminal.

" Where are you going? I thought about renting a car.”

" And pay three times what we would have to pay for a train from the airport?

" With a car we can get around the city better," he warned.

" This is Amsterdam, Dimitri. Public transportation is great, and besides, we can walk, I love to walk.”

Okay, the last part was not exactly true.

He pondered for a moment before accepting, allowing me to take him to the terminal and soon we were sitting side by side on the train bench, watching the scenery outside.

" I didn't know you were coming to Europe this week," he commented.

" Actually I was supposed to be in Argentina, but a flight attendant came down with the flu, so here I am," I smiled at the man.

My mind was working on a way to question him about his disappearance. One that didn't seem like a charge, but in the end, I didn't need to use any artifice to find out what I wanted.

" I see. These last few days have been crazy. I participated in a staff training and didn't have much time to spare.”

So that was it! Those trainings suck, I hate it when they sign me up for one! 

" What was the training about?

" Prevention of terrorist acts.” 

" I had mine two months ago," I grimaced as I remembered how unpleasant and necessary the subject was.

I felt strange being so close to him, I was used to talking only at a distance and this was all new to both of us.

" So you understand well," he smiled minimally, "it's been a tiring couple of days, but now I'm getting back into the routine.” 

I turned my face to the city that was beginning to appear around us, old buildings mixed with modern architecture, fascinating me.

" It's a good landscape, right? " he commented.

" Yes, it's very beautiful," I smiled.

" I really like these cities. Tomorrow I'm flying to Vienna.”

" I have never visited Vienna," I frowned, noticing that we would not have so much time together.

" The city is beautiful," he continued, "the architecture, the nature that surrounds it. Austria is a very beautiful country.” 

I looked out the window again, feeling disappointed that I would have so little time with him, but an afternoon was still an afternoon, and I intended to make the most of it.

We finally arrived at our destination, and I hurried up, pulling him out of the station, feeling the icy wind hit my face as we left the building.

Dimitri turned around, admiring the grand central station building from which we had just emerged.

" You really like old buildings, don't you, Commander," I teased him. 

" And you like beaches," he returned. 

" I'm an expert, Dimitri," I winked at him, crossing my arms in an attempt to warm myself when a chilly breeze hit us. 

" You're cold, want my coat? " he frowned worriedly.

" That's not necessary. Let's walk and I'll warm up," I denied, dragging him through the city streets.

He laughed, following me easily, and I felt his gaze on me the whole time, appraising me.

" You don't like the cold.”

" I like to see new places, I'm not intimidated by the weather," I returned.

" I thought that you already knew Amsterdam.”

" It's always a new experience, Commander," I winked at him.

" So you intend to guide me through Amsterdam today, Blair?”

He stopped walking and held my hand to stop me from continuing. I turned, watching the man standing before me, his gaze locked on mine, looking as pleased to be there with me as I was.

" Come on, Dimitri, we have a lot to see.” 

" Let's start with lunch," he returned, leading us to a restaurant.

We got a table, reminding me how hungry I was.

" I swear, attending an engagement dinner was enough," I reported later, as we ate, "now she expects me to come across the country to attend another dinner, and I can't refuse because I'm the maid of honor. 

" What's the big deal? I thought you were excited about the wedding," he returned.

" It's not that I'm not excited. It makes her happy, and that's good enough for me," I began, "but when I think about all that work for a single day.”

He laughed, before taking a sip from the glass of juice he had ordered.

" I don't have much experience with weddings, but when I had a wedding in the family, the girls were happy to help with all the details," he challenged me.

" Maybe I'm not the type who gets excited easily.”

" Or maybe you're just jealous of your friend," he looked at me.

That statement, however, made a strange feeling come over me. What does he mean by jealousy? I'm not jealous of Abby, she and Noah have been together forever!

" That's not true, why should I be jealous of her?”

" I don't know, but the way you talk…” 

" I'm not jealous. Abby is my neighbor, my best friend, she's getting married, and I'm happy for her!”

" And yet you are bothered by her being so busy with the wedding," he returned. 

" I don't mind, I just consider it a waste of time! Why bother to travel more than three thousand miles to get a church? There are beautiful churches in New Jersey.”

I decided to state my real opinion about the whole situation. The best part was that he didn't know Abby, so there was no way she could find out anything I told her.

" Is there any reason why she would want a church so far away? " he pondered.

" She has this idea of getting married in the same church and on the same date as her parents.”  

" Then she has a reason," he returned.

" But it's ridiculous, she will have just over four months to organize everything living so far away," I groaned, "it will be a nightmare, and I will have all the work.”

That statement provoked a spontaneous laugh from the man, attracting my immediate attention.

" You're not the least bit romantic, are you? " he laughed, surprising me. 

What does he mean by that? Of course I'm romantic!

" Where did you get that from?” 

" Your idea about marriage," he clarified.

" Oh, let me guess, are you one of those who dreams of a perfect wedding, commander? " I scoffed.

" I'm not.”

" It's not what it sounds like. You seem to have a clear definition of what a good way to get married would be.

" And do you? " he returned. 

That question left me speechless for a few seconds, causing his smile to widen slightly, but I soon recovered.

" This is ridiculous, you really want to talk about marriage the first time we meet? I'm going to think you're some kind of maniac," I teased him.

" Why would I be a maniac? It's not like I'm asking you to marry me, Blair.”

" I'm going to pretend to believe you, but I understand all your interest in my opinion on marriage," I nudged him.

" I don't want to marry you, Blair. Don't even dream about it," he laughed.

" Someone's on the defensive," I crooned.

We finished eating, deciding to drop the subject.

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