
Chapter 2.


I stared into his eyes, and he met my gaze with intensity. But instead of tearing me apart, he showed restraint and curiosity.

"Hey, who are you?" he inquired, his voice steady.

I let out a low growl, feeling defensive and guarded. Ignoring his question, I focused on the fantasy of finding a potential mate, my thoughts consumed by the desire to establish a bond.

"Why did you attack my pack member?" he growled, his tone now laced with anger.

Growing tired of his persistent questioning, I entertained dark thoughts of devouring his flesh. A sinister smile formed on my wolfish face, relishing the idea. However, a part of me sensed that playing the waiting game might be a better strategy to satisfy my cravings. After all, he believed that our scents indicated a mate bond.

Damien exuded an air of dangerous mystery. His eyes followed my movements, but he remained silent, observing me with a pensive expression. He seemed to recognize that I was a wild wolf, unleashed and untamed. I growled at him, challenging his presence, and he growled back at me.

Though I could feel the connection between us, I resisted the urge to draw closer emotionally. My desire for his flesh eclipsed any romantic inclinations.

He continued to stare, breaking the silence. "I will take you to my pack and attempt to tame you, unless you'd prefer to be kept in a cage," he sneered, his words laced with a hint of dominance.

My face twisted with hate and anger. I had no desire to be tamed; all I craved was his flesh. But it was clear he possessed superior strength and cunning.

"Hahaha," I mocked, a bitter laugh escaping my lips. "Haaaaa!" I shifted, assuming a more aggressive form, my fangs bared, claws at the ready, and eyes blazing with fury. I lunged at him, aiming to strike, but he effortlessly blocked my attack with a hidden hand, countering with a powerful blow from his right hand.

Defeated, I found myself with limited options. He was clearly out of my league, and his bag of tricks seemed bottomless. I launched several more attacks fueled by rage and desperation, but each time he grew stronger, effortlessly subduing my efforts.

As we arrived at the guard's watch house, the pack warriors bowed before him, acknowledging his alpha status. They cast puzzled glances at the unfamiliar wolf standing beside him, waiting for his command.

As he entered the room, a commanding presence enveloped him. His tall stature and broad shoulders demanded attention, but it was his gaze that truly captivated those around him. Though intense, his eyes held a glimmer of kindness and understanding, hinting at a depth of character beneath his imposing exterior.

Alpha Damien was a man of few words, preferring to let his actions speak volumes. When he did speak, his voice carried a measured tone that exuded authority and confidence. He possessed a quiet strength that drew others to him, inspiring loyalty and respect.

Despite his reserved nature, Damien was a natural leader. His unwavering focus and clear sense of purpose served as beacons for those who followed him. He made tough decisions with careful consideration, earning the trust and admiration of his pack.

"Bring me the restraints," he requested calmly, and one of the warriors swiftly retrieved what he had asked for. In a few moments, the warrior returned with the restraints in hand.

I growled at the sight of the chains, my instinctual nature rebelling against the notion of being confined. Alpha Damien shot me a stern glare, his expression filled with a mix of determination and concern. "Secure her," he commanded the pack warriors.

The warriors cautiously approached me, attempting to restrain my wild wolf form. However, my strength proved to be too much for them, and I lashed out, scratching and slashing at anyone who came near. Sensing the escalating danger, Alpha Damien stepped forward to take charge.

With an authoritative growl, Damien snatched the chains from the warriors, his face now reflecting his growing anger. Despite my futile attempts to resist, he managed to overpower me, his firm grip preventing me from further violence. With deft movements, he skillfully secured the restraints.

As I watched him, a transformation occurred before my eyes. Damien shifted into a handsome young werewolf, his features defined by captivating eyes and a strong jawline. The sight left me momentarily captivated, although my anger still simmered beneath the surface.

"Now we can proceed," he stated, his tone firm but tinged with a touch of empathy. Two pack warriors took hold of the chains, leading me along as we made our way to the pack house, where I would be confined in a room.

"I'm hungry!" I growled, unable to contain my frustration, as Damien made to leave.

He turned to me, his gaze meeting mine with unwavering determination. "You will be fed," he replied calmly, without a trace of mockery or condescension. And without another word, he left the room.

A short while later, pack servants arrived with a dish of food. Anticipating a meal of meat, I was taken aback when I saw that it contained only vegetables. Disappointment and anger welled up within me, and I contemplated attacking them out of frustration.

The following morning, I awoke to the sound of distressing shouts emanating from outside, causing a low growl of annoyance to rumble deep within me. Interrupting my slumber was an offense the pack guards were well aware not to commit.

"What in the world is going on?" I seethed inwardly, my thoughts filled with anger.

A gentle tap on the door broke through my internal fury. My expression contorted with a mixture of hatred and irritation. "Whoever dares to disturb me better have a damn good reason, or I'll rip them apart with my bare hands."

"And who has the audacity to disrupt my peaceful rest?" I snarled at the intruder beyond the door. A pack guard hesitantly stepped inside, trembling uncontrollably.

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