
CH 9 | Sarah!

"Do you think you can use my home as a whore house, Sarah?" Ivan's sharp voice rang in my ears while he held my hand in a firm grip, making me wince.

I'm determined to not give him the satisfaction of winning against me with his actions and words. Although they stung, I have grown numb to them as I didn't even know how many times he belittled me in these few years.

As the thought hit my mind, a gleam settled in my hazel eyes, and I pursed my lips together. But I didn't make a sound and just stared at him in return, a little provocatively.

Eyeing his furious face and gritted teeth, my lips curled upwards and a playful grin was plastered on my face.

I almost had an urge to pat myself on the back, but I muttered inwardly, as I certainly didn't want to end up as his punching bag later, "wow. Not bad, Sarah. Keep it up and annoy the hell out of this son of a bitch."

"What the hell were you thinking out there playing in front of my guest?" He snarled, and I could tell from the tone that he was warning me to spit the details already.

However, I lazily frowned while my nose scrunched up, and mumbled, "I don't know what you are getting at with that."

"Don't pretend in front of me, Sarah!" He grunted, the redness in his eyes made me gulp.

With a slight pause, he continued, "I saw the stunt you pulled in there. What was that for?"

"What are you talking about?" I played dumb as that was the only choice I could come up with.

Hearing my words, he raised his brows and glared at me, but his eyes were focused on the crook of my neck as he moved my hair to the side.

When his fingers brushed across me, panic filled my insides, and I felt self-conscious while my breath hitched. I hurriedly moved away and adjusted my hair, but I realized he saw the mark Dom had left on me earlier.

As the painful realization struck me, I gasped and the uneasiness in the pits of my stomach came back to life once again. Just a glimpse at Ivan, I knew he knew, and I sighed while I pondered, "can this day be any worse?"

"We will talk about it after the party." He declared, sending shivers down my spine.

However, before leaving, he gripped my arm a little too firmly for my liking and barked, "It's best if you don't give me any more reasons to punish than I already have planned."

That irked me, and I blurted, "Now that you mention it, I might consider being a genuine pain for you if you don't stop leaving me the fuck alone." With a slight pause, I sneered, "This deal is crucial to you, is it not? I'd hate to spoil it for you."

I wiggled from his hold and flipped my hair while giving him a wink and walked away, leaving the man in a raging fury. I was done with his bullshit, and I didn't give a damn anymore.

I stood in a far-away corner and massaged my temples as it was becoming too much for me to stay in this house.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Dom standing in the center of the room with a glass of scotch in his hands while he was talking with several older gentlemen in expensive suits with a drink in their hands.

I couldn't help but lift my brows in confusion as I never witnessed this side of him. But truth to be told, he was as handsome as ever even when he was surrounded by elderly bald men.

When he tilted his eyes and our eyes accidentally met, my heart thrummed so hard that I feared it would burst out at any moment. 

However, he quickly turned away and took a sip elegantly, as if I didn't affect him in the least.

To think he was the man who wanted me a few minutes earlier, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Knowing how he is, a part of me could understand. He is a ruthless, self-centered, arrogant, and extremely gorgeous man after all!

Sadly, he isn't mine. That certainly dampened my spirits.

I didn't even realize how much time had passed, and all of a sudden, I saw Ivan and another tall man, who resembled Dom, coming to the center of the hall, gaining everyone's attention.

I stared at them puzzled, but kept my eyes and ears open. Who knows I may get some information that can be used in my favor later.

With that, I lazily sipped the orange juice and focused on them when Ivan grabbed the mike and cleared his throat.

"I'm so glad to be your host for the day and I hope you all had a pleasant evening. But before we conclude, I had a piece of good news to announce to all of you. Are you all excited?" Ivan said, his face looking so happy, and I wondered, "what could it be?" 

Only a few things would make him so pleased. And that certainly piqued my curiosity.

In the next second, he chuckled a little and stated, "on this auspicious day, I'm announcing my dearest daughter, Emily Campbell's engagement with none other than the most eligible man in the city. The eldest son of the Wright family, Dominic Wright!"

As soon as I heard that, I felt my world collapse and for a while, I couldn't even believe what was happening around me. I was hearing things, he didn't just say what I thought he did.

When I noticed Dominic walking towards the stage in his usual calm and poise demeanor, his hands tucked in his pockets, I felt the air leaving my lungs suffocating me.

"Dominic? Getting engaged to Emily? How? How is that even possible?" My eyes went wide and I muttered under my breath while my lower lip quivered. I blinked several times to see clearly as the blurred tears were blocking my vision.

I saw Emily going to Dominic with a soft smile on her face and Dom extended his hand to her, while she gracefully accepted it. And that was the last straw as I realized that it was indeed real!

The man whom I loved with all my heart was now getting ready to get engaged to my Step Sister.

My eyes stung, my heart pricked in unbearable pain and everything felt surreal.

I nibbled my lips to not let a drop of tear fall off from my eyes and I masked a cold front on my face. I'm sure my face would have probably gone paler than ever, but I'm determined to not show my broken heart to the people who will only mock me in return.

With shaky hands, I stood up and with wobbly legs, I strode towards the stage, even though I couldn't digest Dom and Emily in one frame. Let alone as a couple.

I don't even know what was happening around me anymore as all I can see and hear were Dom's hand on Emily's waist while she snuggled closer to him, shattering my already shattered heart into pieces beyond repair!

It took everything in me to not run away from this very place that was stabbing me right in my heart and making it bleed. 

I took a deep breath and clenched my hands so hard that my nails dug into my palms, but I didn't feel any pain as my heart and brain had gone numb.

I eyed Dominic from the corner of my eyes while my face was aloof and devoid of emotion. 

His stormy blue orbs flickered, and he clenched his jaw when he saw me, while his brows furrowed and his shoulders looked a little tense. But he tilted his head towards Emily and bent his head, listening attentively to whatever shit she was saying.

My blood boiled in rage eyeing them together, but I decided to not act on impulse and released a shaky gasp to compose myself.

I finally went to them after what felt like an eternity and grabbed Emily, while Dom's eyes widened a little as if he thought I'd make a fuss. Huh, not going to happen!

Who am I to even fight when he is never my man?

I gracefully plastered a fake smile on my face and gave a warm hug to Emily, "Congratulations, Sister!"

Emily eyed me as if I were a ghost, but I just winked at her playfully and nudged her arm a little while she gritted her teeth in annoyance, but I smirked and walked away with my back straight and shoulders squared.

I'm not going to bow my head and beg Dom to take me back. Never again!

I tossed my hair to the side, and elegantly sat in my seat while I looked proud as ever!

This time probably we were done for real.


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