I spurred Burly and she started walking. She seemed to understand my pain, she was sad too. I pated her affectionately and she nickers in response.
“I Know girl… mama is sad today”
She neighed and walked across the vast meadow as i sat on her back in silence, swaying in motion of her movement. I looked around the landscape hoping all my pain disappears with the wind.
The universe doesn’t seem to align with me. Bay was right, I am such a bad luck. It’s been Ten years since my mom left, and there have not been any sign of her, not even a word.
When I was a child, my parents fights could suck the oxygen out of a room. My mother verbally lashed my father, broke jam jars, and made outlandish threats. Her outbursts froze me in my tracks. When my father fled to work, the garage, or the woods, I felt unprotected. There was no safe spot for me at home. I would often go somewhere else… either to Emily’s or work my ass off in the ranch to help clear my head.
Lately, Emily seem distanced. She has become very much occupied in her new relationship that she enjoyed spending time with Ted instead of me. Somehow I felt betrayed by my most trusted person. My love triangle was between us… I trusted her with that secret and she told it to Ted.
I adjusted in my saddle as Burly perked up her ears and walked quicker, almost throwing me off…“wow! Girl, what was that for?”… I said. Brushing her mane.
We reached the wooden gate framing a long driveway. There is a hanging sign that reads “SCHUYLER RANCH”. Burly leads out a grand entrance lined with wooden three rail-fence. On either side is a green pastureland dotted with cows. To the left is the huge red barn, where I spent my first night with Bay. Ahead on the left also, is a one story building rambler.
I sighted Emily scratching a little calf’s shaggy ears. I guided Burly up to the front of the rambler… Emily hurried to help me climb down. I could see guilt written all over her face. Anger clouded my vision and I hop down before she could reach me and start to wade towards the woods.
She was calling out to me, her voice growing increasingly urgent as she ran after me. I forced myself to keep going, blinking back tears.“Hailey please wait… I am so sorry!” she kept apologizing as she runs after me.
She was closing up at me before I made it to a shore behind the woods. I climbed into a small wooden bolt and she jumped in too… pulling me into a tight hug, I shrugged to break free but her grip was so tight.
“ I am so sorry Hailey”… she said snuggling her face on my neck. I pulled away from her, jabbing her chest.
"Stay away from me"...The suffocating feeling I had been suppressing the past few days transformed into a burning rage.“what are you sorry about? Is it the part you weren’t there when I needed you, or that you now put your boyfriend first before me, or that you no longer make time for me, or that you now leave my hand in the crowd to take his, or the part you told my darkest secret to him? Emily, I trusted you!" I jabbed her on the shoulder again.
“for everything! I am sorry for everything. Please Hailey, I can’t bear seeing you mad at me… please forgive me”… she pleaded pulling me into a tighter hug. I leaned into her touch sniffling as I fought to button my cracked emotions.
She pulled away slowly and cleaned the tears trailing my cheek With her thumb. She cupped my face and pinned her forehead against mine…"I'm truly, truly.... Truly sorry"
"Why did you tell him?" I asked pulling away from her. "It was suppose to be between us, why did you tell him?
"There is no justification for what I did... No reason at all. It just leaked out. I promise, i will never repeat it again. Ever! Since I was gone all summer, Ted and I hung out alot. He was visiting his mother in Olivelane during the weekends. I am not trading you for him... Never!... I'd never do that to you Hailey. You are my bestfriend in the whole world and I hate to see you sad"
I drew a deep breath and reluctantly hugged her.
“you look beautiful. Even more beautiful when you cry ” she teases
I burst into a slow lingering laughter, still sniffling.“why are you so silly”?
“Hailey… you are my best friend in the whole world, and you mean so much to me. I hate to see you cry… even though you're prettier when you do”
We both laughed. Laughing into each other face as she cupped my face again. …. She gazed into my eyes as we both fell silent. Her gaze settled on my lips and I could swear that she'd kiss me. She leaned in closer and closer... My brain tried to send word to my mouth, but all that came out is… “bird”… I said breaking away.
“what bird?”… she asked as she jostled
Emily ran a hand over her face and laced her fingers on her hair to nervously brush it down. A glint of embarrassment rippled on her face.
We sat down on the ground, under a tree. I leaned my head on Emily’s shoulder snuggling close. A strong gust of wind rips through the woods spraying us with a light mist of leafs. For a moment, I forgot all my problems. Silence settled over the woods except the chirping sound of rodents, and the clapping of tree branches.
“you know… I think you should talk to him” Emily said. Breaking the awkward silence!
“Bay! Tell him how you truly feel about him…you never know, he might be feeling same”
I gave a small smile and smirked. I haven't told her yet what happened between Bay and I and I wasn't going to, I'd keep that a secret for now until I'm certain she'd never go bluffing to Ted again… “I can’t” I muttered under my breath
“why not?”
“because, it’s not that easy. Moreover, he has a girlfriend"
Emily scoffs “ what girlfriend?... That peacock? Oh, please”
There is a loud rumbling noise behind us and we jolted up, frantically looking around for whatever it is.
“what was that?” Emily asked.
“I don’t know, but I think someone else is here”…
We saw a figure hiding behind a tree before racing off with speed to a farther end. I couldn't figure if it is a human or an animal but something was definitely there and I'm more than determined to find it out.
“what is that thing?” I asked… my body shivering.
“I don’t know. We need to run”…
Emily and I started running towards the ranch beating bushes aside.
Emily and I laughed our way into the ranch from the woods like the good old times. We enjoyed our little race so much that we forgot we were running from something. I crouched to scratch the ear of a calf snuggling on my leg. It hummed in appreciation as I kept on scratching its head. Emily touched my shoulder trying to draw my attention. “Girl you don’t wanna miss this, trust me”… I looked up and followed her gaze to Bay and Claire seated on the front step of the porch. Bay is seated on the top while Claire is at a lower step seated in-between his legs. Her head against his chest and his arms wrapped around her. Claire was showing him something in her phone and they are convulsing with laughter. I wonder what could be so funny in Claire's phone that'd make Bay laugh so much. C'mon he rarely even smile. A flash of pain Pierced through my heart and I was battling to control my heavy breathing. “are you okay?” Emily asked. Squeezing a com
After the dinner at Schuyler’s, Jake dropped Emily off at her place before we headed towards my street. Jake kept his face stiff and expressionless throughout the drive, but there is still a glint of softness in his eyes.How a dinner that started off with a flowing conversation got sour just when I thought I could not get enough of the delicious meal still baffles me. I don’t know what is going on between Jake and Bay but its visible there is animosity between them. Jake casted me a look and snorted, the corner of his mouth curl up in a smirk.I pointed at my house and he pulled up. “I am very sorry about what happened tonight. I'm embarrassed that you had to see that . The dinner didn’t go as well as I had planned but I'd do better next time" he throws me an apologetic look.
I came back from school with a wielded mind to get even. My phone was buzzing with text messages and calls from Jake but I was not in the mode to talk to anyone. Bay stood and watched me bullied by his circle without standing to my defense, and Claire ridiculed me in front of many student. Too much trouble for one day. I didn’t want anyone adding to my already lined up of problems I made my way to the basement to look for my mum’s old guitar. I haven’t stringed in a long time, and I do not have much time to practice. Tomorrow, is either I get a standing ovation or get booed. I was prepared for either of them. I didn’t want Claire thinking that her threats was the reason I withdrew from the audition. I have to be there, no matter what. It took a few try for me to open the basement door, it rusted hinged screeching with every shove. I can’t remember when last anyone entered the basement. Some of my mum’s old things were there. Cobwebs tickled my fac
…Jake crossed his arms, leaning against the doorframe. I stood in shock for a moment. He stared, towering my face. Between the two brothers, i can’t tell which is more weird. One just jumped out through my bedroom window and the other is staring right at me in the front door. “why do you look so shocked? Are you going to let me in or not! He asked. I stepped back to let him in. He stalked into the living room and plopped on the couch like he’d been here many times. I closed the door and braced myself to knock him off of his effrontery. I hurried to where he was seated forcibly trying to keep a straight face. “What are you doing here Jake?” I tightened my vocal as much as possible. “I was worried about you. You didn’t pick my calls and you probably left my messages unread" he said, raising his eyebrow with a smirk. “Jake you should leave” I said meanly.&n
…Everything Mr. Gab was saying in the classroom was breezing behind me. My attention and senses was on the moving hands of the wall clock, waiting for it to hit at12 o’clock on the dot. My audition starts in 9 minutes and uncertainties was lurking around the edge of my subconscious mind. My chin rested in my hand as I drool to the wall clock counting out the seconds left in my head… 5,4,3,2, and before the bell chimed I was already on my feet. I heard Emily call out to me and without looking back at her i grabbed my guitar and breezed through the hallway into the audition room. A little queue of hopeful singers winds around the room. My nerve ramped when I caught glimpse of Claire and her click, Tammy and Diana on the judges table. She was definitely up to sabotage me. Our eyes met and she gave me a tight-lipped smile. She lowered her head and started whispering with the girls. Ya! They are definitely up to no good.
The next morning, Jake led me into the barn to help milk the cows. Bay led a tan cow down the center aisle past us. He shakes his head when he saw Jake and I, and walked down the aisle to cool off. Throughout the process of milking the cow he could not get his eyes off of me. I’ve been spending so much time with Jake the past few days and Bay hated it. After sometime he huffed and stormed off.Jake is an interesting guy, one that knows how to treat a woman and I loved that about him. I enjoyed spending time with him and I think I might just be falling for him too? I found myself admiring all he does… As he milked the cow, I couldn’t resist gulping to his flexed biceps, his strong jawline, his red lips, his thick blonde hair and his sparkling eyes. He glanced up at me and my heart skipped. “did you hear what I said?” he askedI barely registered what he was saying as my memory was flooded with an illicit thoughts of we
There is a lot of debate and stigma that surrounds teen love. Many adults brush teen relationships off, believing that they are unable to stand the test of time. However, this believe is not entirely valid. Call it puppy love or lust there are many popular people who married their High School love, like Lebron James and Savannah Bronson. The only problem on my part is that I love three and do not want to lose either of them. I cannot choose between them because I love different things about them.High School wasn’t a smooth ride for me. I was seen as a freak, a farm girl, a nerd and nobody wants to be linked or associated with me. My self esteem got crushed in our first year when Emily and I auditioned for Cheer. I got booed out of stage when I fell flat on my ass. Emily followed me, even though she got in. She is this friend that’d give up her dreams to see you happy. She’d never be in something I wasn’t in on. Emily was always there f
…My Dad is running for Mayor? I could not place my finger on his sudden interest in politics. He maintained a very strict a-politicism, and would often narrow politics as a dirty game. This sudden declaration doesn’t sit well with me. He’d be running against very influential men. The likes of Mayor Gustavo, who’s end goal is to win even if it meant tramping on his opponents.I walked across a field and towards a groove of trees. I made my way through the trees to a clearing with a rearing fire pit. It’s my favorite part of the ranch, a spot where I’d often hide anytime I need alone time to think. I lost connection with my Dad the very day my mum left, and politics is definitely going to keep us farther apart. I’m just a young girl who wants a simple life, I wasn’t asking for too much.I sat by the fire gathering my thoughts when the trees rustled on the far side of the fire pit and Jake burst into the clearing. I start
Bay and i made our way through the crowd. The coach placed a glittering crown on our head. Bay cleared his throat and looked at the audience.“ I really want to thank everyone who voted for my girl and I…” he paused as the crowd cheers and claps.“ Thank you all for a the love and support… and to my team members… Lions! You all are the best" he cleared his throat and fixed me into a heated gaze. " I have some good news to share…”The hall went quite. My heart began to palpate loudly. I have had too much surprises for one night… what the hell is he about to do this time again.?My eyes caught Emily’s and she beamed a smile. I gave her the tiniest shake of my head. Why so much surprises? If I had any idea that they'd plan all this for prom, I could have been more prepared. Bay took my hand. His eyes locked on mine. “I finally met someone who gets me. Someone I can't stop thinking about. Someone who lights up the whole room with her passion... Someone who tolerated all
“ I am going to deal with you. You feared me Tammy, you should still be scared because you are obviously not aware of what I’m capable of” Claire blew hot.“ feared? Past tense” Tammy smirked mockingly. She then starts circling around Claire like a vulture who's spotted a carcass on the ground. “ I think you should be afraid because I Know you. I know a lot about you Claire Gustavo”“ What do you know?” She scoffed“ You know, that I know – that you and Brad have been sleeping together. You begged me to keep it a secret, remember? even though you were with Bay. You cheated on him with his best friend. Very shameful” Tammy shook her head.The entire crowd erupted in a jaw dropping gasp. Eyes turned to Brad who is seated across the hall. “ what? Get my name out of your mouth bitch” Brad yelled out.Claire glances around her, eyes widening as she starts to real
Soon, Tammy drove us to the venue. I couldn’t shake off the thought of seeing Bay in my head. I might drop dead in the ballroom if Bay is with Claire. Bay is obsessed with being popular, he may want to enter as the prom King with Claire as his Queen – which is totally understandable if he had told me about it instead of standing me up.“Shall we?” Emily’s voicedWe walked inside to find the atrium completely transformed. Even though I had little excitement in me it was a thrilling sight to behold. Everything about the hall screams A Night Under the Stars. I felt the baby inside of me leap in excitement as well and that made me smile. " I Know baby, it's so beautiful" I said under my breath, cradling my stomach.Tammy held my wrist and pulled me to a stop. “ Hailey, whatever you see in there, please do not breakdown. I want you to carry yourself like a queen. Don’t let anyone ruin this beautiful moment f
The day for senior prom was finally here and I was having double feelings about it. I didn’t want to go, not after everything that happened in this past few days. But Bay was very persistent. I didn't go to junior prom so I clearly have no idea of what being to prom feels like.losing virginity on prom night is a common plot point in some of the teen movies I’ve seen but that should be for those who are still virgins, right? To me, there was really nothing there for me. I never danced before, I never thought about dancing before, I am very conscious about dancing – so there is really nothing special about this day for me. It might be for the high school sweethearts who are waiting on this day to finally mate and lose their virginity together on prom night – like Emily and Tammy.“ I never would've made it through this year without you, Ems” I told Emily who was helping me sort cloths from my wardrobe. Weird. I forgot to shop for a new ball gown.“ silly, Y
I finished classes for the day and Emily catches up to me at my locker.“ What time are you leaving for Okhlay?” she asked.“ I’m waiting for Bay to finish his practice” my phone vibrated in my jeans pocket and I dropped my heavy backpack on the floor, leaning it against my leg for support. I Slid out my phone and saw that it was Jake. I’ve missed several calls from him as well “ Jake?” I was surprise he’s calling at 2pm when I already told him that we’d be in Okhlay by nightfall.I answered the call and it was Uncle George “ Hailey, come to Newton Hospital… now”“What’s wrong?” I asked but my question met a dead silent from the callers end.My blood ran cold as I tucked my phone into my pocket. There's no good reason why Uncle George would be calling me from Jake’s phone. I mean, he never called me before… i slammed my locker shut and followed Emily down the hall to the gym. From the tone of my voice, Bay sensed how worried I was and followed me outside the parking lot w
I picked the call and the smile on my face disappeared immediately at what I saw. Jake looked small and exhausted, his skin pale and paper thin. I could not understand how he could’ve changed so much in such a short period of time. He smiled at me, but his smile was weak and straining “ how have you been, Psych?”I couldn’t smile, I couldn’t speak… I just stared at him through the phone screen. I held back the tears in my eyes. If I let even a single tear drop from my eyes, he’d know just how scared I was – I was dead scared. I couldn’t even recognize Jake. He was completely gone – the vibrant and all bubbly Jake I fell madly love with almost looked like he was vanishing.“ psych, did you get my gift?” he asked.“ yes… they are lovely. Thank you so much” “ I’m glad you like it. I couldn’t think of anything better, I’m sorry”&ldquo
Mrs. Gupta sat back and looked at us, her face inscrutable as she considered our proposal.“ Mrs. Gupta, the music club is fallen apart because of the way Claire has been running it as the president. You won’t tell me you don’t see what she’s doing or maybe you're just turning a blind eye. She has turned the club into a zone for bullying innocent students who just want to have the opportunity to share their talents – people like me. Those with frail heart who can't keep up with her insolent and rude behavior will only walk away. The Fothoman High Glee club can't keep losing young talented students because of one person"“ The club is fragile, and if you enter it for a competition in this state – I am sorry to say this Mrs. Gupta... But I don’t think Fothoman High Glee club will make 5th position, which will be very embarrassing” Tammy added.“ no one wants to be associated with failure… not even you. I
Bay looked at me closely and smirked “ the coach benched me for pushing Brad, he told me to catch up with my studies"“ This has nothing to do with me, right?” I asked, studying him closely. No matter how much he’d try to hide the difficulties he was facing at that point from me, his eyes would still give him away. He looks at me differently – he was avoiding eye contact. “Tell me the truth, how do you feel about this?” of course, I am pregnant, it's okay if he feels miserable.... Afterall, who'd want to be called a teen father?He narrowed his eyes and his eyebrows tugged inwardly “ he should not have spoken to you the way he did. He had no right to do that… I should have done something about Brad earlier” he held out his hand and I placed my hand in his palm. He squeezed my hand into his tightly. Oh? Okay - he isn't mad about the pregnancy. It was his altercation with Brad that set his mode off.I li
Emily and I found posters for prom plastered all over the hallway while we were on our way to the gym where the basketball teams are practicing. “ What’s your plan for prom? Who is taking you?” Emily asked as she tore out one of the posters from the wall. “ Just add it to the list of things I’d be missing out in” “ Bay isn’t taking you? Girl, this is your time to shine on the dance floor. You finally have a boyfriend. That's the least he can do for you, to make up for all the times he was being a dick”“ I won’t ruin his chance of wearing that golden crown again. We all know how much he loves wearing the crown and Making a dramatic speech. I’d never take that away from him”We’ve barely walked into the gym when the ball Brad was chasing bounced and landed on my feet. He placed his leg on top of it to prevent it from rolling further and placed his hands on his hips as he bl