

She has his gaze. Orion's gaze. That same, sickening yellow pierces me as I meet her eyes. But she simply watches me. This woman who stands above me seems so familiar...yet I don't know her at all.

All I know is her name. Kaltain.

She and I look nothing alike, so I know that she isn't a reincarnation of Iphigenia's soul. She is one of Cecily's daughters. She is also one of Orion's.

She extends her hand and they're webbed with black veins, like her skin is rotting or crumbling away like ashes of a burnt log. Flames dance off her fingertips like her nails are candlewicks. I flinch away and she tilts her head.

"You're newer than I thought," Her voice is deep and wispy. Those sharp eyes scrape over me in mild interest. And finally, a twisted, crooked grin takes over her face, "You and I will have much to talk about, Alora. Much to work on in the coming years."

"Alora," I whisper, "You know who I am-"

"Of course. I have known about you long before you knew of me. We share more than just bl
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