
CHAPTER FIVE: Successful marriage

Somehow he knew the beast could understand him as he ran towards his car instead of heading to his lonely apartment he drove at full speed to the headquarters. Calling his sisters in advance to join him at the commanding station he got there in record time.

‘’Are you alright?’’

Removing his leather jacket he faced one of the two people he trusted with his life. The exhausted and disheveled features told him they jumped out of bed immediately to meet up here. The fact they had weapons on either hand, told him they were expecting a fight.

"You didn't worry mom and the commander right?"

"Of cause not. What do you take us for. It hurts us to see you unhappy like a black version of rapunzel bro."

"Beside we believe in your to capabilities to protect yourself."

‘’Well, I got attacked by a rouge.’’

They rolled their eyes storing the weapons by its rightful place. Annoyed daggers piercing his skin he pulled out his phone to a contact number.

‘’I’m sending Brandon a message for the scroll and was wondering if you would want go with me?’’

The squeak and hoots of excitement filled the silence. To ensure his parents don't wake and invastigate childish banter instead of work being done. 

He sent the dragon one message, one word that could change his entire life.


After hours of relaying and omitting information his sister went to their homes at last got their ‘beauty sleep’, as they promised to come before seven.

He sat at the headquarters breaking down the next day’s events in his head. Wondering what a dragon Lord one powerful enough to destroy universes required a mortals services instead of his own kind.

Exhausted form thinking about a certain dragon to distract himself he decided to go through mundane issues. Focusing on cases the human security system well known as the police could not crack before it’s too late.

Going through the box mundane cases he realized there is a higher rate, reports of missing people cases. In three days five white boxes with informal detail. He sniffed a human trafficking reign and to support his suspicion the database identified young girls and boys all under the age of sixteen that went missing.

Reported missing different days, different time of day, different areas clearly the criminals thought they got away with it. They could have if it wasn’t for his insomnia, the butterflies camping and perhaps boredom.

Filing Reports backed up in an organized and extremely detailed statement of the people involved. The place where the kids were held and the identity of the cop working on the inside, just for a mid-night exercise he stopped their next target.

The public is yet be notified by the possible danger so he took it upon himself to notify the press. By experience silence does not solves the world’s issues.

Humans seem to be biding their time till everything corrects itself, fighting each other instead of dealing with actual threats. Some humans sticking their nose in the world of the supernatural creating more paper work, cover ups when they end up dead and the occasional mind manipulation to make them forget them almost dying.

Yawning he heads up stairs to his bedroom saved in his name for days like today. When they were not home due to overtime they all occupied their rooms in the headquarters.

This system was better than having guards that could be protecting the world trail his every move. Although his step father agreed to stop sending people to follow and stalk him he knew he was still being trailed. At least when he turned sixteen that's only when he could move freely but still had to carry a binder of rules. 

He was forbidden from dating or having sex. It was not fair it is his body therefore his choices. His attempts to sneak out wined him imprisoned in his room here for days. Months.

Sixteen to rioting the unjust prisonment, years. Nineteen, he stopped rebelling focused on his secret project to taking over the family business. 


After literally five hours from the time given to them his sisters joined him on his journey, for some reason with a guest. The fact that the guest are earth elemental bender confused his exhausted his peace of mind furthermore enhanced his confusion.

"He said eight not eleven o' clock!" 

One of his sisters seem to be enthralled by the elementalist whom is fated to and for reasons that were beyond him. Further proof supporting his none existent battle against his sexuality, his still straight.

His sisters decided to glaze above the roofs both exited to finally meet a dragon Lord leaving him and awkward silence.


Stunned Kade curiously glared at the tall muscled frame with green eyes raising an eye brow in question.

‘’I’m not a fan of awkward silence. Phoebe and Cassidy told me so much about you, amazing work.’’

Flushing at the burning admirable complement he focused on his sisters still walking side by side and then realized he would go through hell for them.

Catching Alex’s focused attention to the two most perfect people in his life and one of them is his wife.

‘’I was at the wedding. Besides how did this happen?’’

Obviously Kade’s question was regarding the shuttle feeling that whatever the relationship is not friendship.

“My brother and I met your sisters in the last mission we were ordered to go. To stop a reign of sex traffickers they caught us off guard. To keep the long story short we worked together to permanently stop humans from trafficking young woman.

By the earth, we got drawn to their spirit and have kept in contact ever since till the wedding of course. My brother could not make it, he has to deal with both our paperwork in order for at least one of us to be able to protect both sisters.”

He explained.

Working through his own messed up confusion and constant self-evaluations, he wondered how his younger sisters accepted the confusion of fate love.

“Your brother?”

They walked through the magic shield and his sisters joined the conversation.

“Gordon. His actually my closest friend but we were raised like brothers. His practically my brother from another mother. I insisted to go with them to ensure their safety and my brother will complete the todays missions.”

Knowing that their story is far from told, Kade asked no more. He would have to hear this story some other time probably when the matter at hand was resolved. 

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