
05: Who are you?

The hospital corridor echoed with hushed whispers of concerned family members and friends, their eyes red from both exhaustion and tears. The air was thick with anticipation, and every passing second felt like an eternity. Everyone's attention was fixed on the disheveled man from the church, while Father Henry stood outside the emergency room, his clothes still damp from the rain that had provided little comfort.

Richard glanced in the direction of the priest. He stood up straight and approached the man wearing a dirty cassock. Then he uttered, "Father, can I talk to you for a moment?"

Henry nodded and walked alongside the man who was wearing a dirty tuxedo. They remained silent until they reached the fire exit.

The groom took a deep breath and reached out his arm to touch the priest's shoulder. He looked him in the eye while saying, "Thank you for being here, Father, but I think you're a bit overwhelming. You can visit her when she wakes up. I know you're a good person, but people might question your relationship with my bride."

A faint smile appeared on the priest's melancholic face.

"I understand your point. However, please do not mistake my purpose for being here. I am only concerned because your bride is my childhood friend. I had no other intention but to check on her well-being," Father Henry replied.

"I understand your perspective, but once she wakes up... could you please remove yourself from her life? I know it may be overwhelming, but I will be honest with you. I know you guys have a history, but I won't let go of her," Richard replied.

"If that's what Khana desires as well, then I'll leave her side," Henry replied.

"You don't need to wait for her to tell you to get out of our lives. It's common sense! She's in a relationship, and if you have any decency as a man, you will leave her alone," Richard uttered, exploding with insecurities.

The priest did not argue anymore and simply stared at the disheveled man.

"I apologize for making you feel as though my presence would diminish your bride's love for you. Can I ask one last thing? I wanna see her wake up, and I will no longer leave my solace to visit her."

Richard regained his composure and began apologizing for the attitude he had displayed towards the priest. "Man, I'm sorry. I-I was just..."

Richard was unable to finish defending himself as the priest replied, "You don't have to be sorry. If God forgives, then who am I to judge?"

"I'd better get going now. The Church needs me. Let me pray for the recovery of your bride," the priest added. He slowly turned his back and left the hospital.

As soon as the priest hailed a cab, he took the rosary from his pocket and clasped his hands in prayer, whispering words to the heavens. "Please, let her wake up. Give her strength. I'm here for her, just as you are here for all of us."

Meanwhile, Khana lay in a hospital bed, surrounded by softly beeping machines and the rhythmic sound of her breathing. Tubes and wires connected her to the monitors that displayed vital signs, offering a flicker of hope to those gathered.

A somber atmosphere permeated the room as the minutes ticked by. The scent of disinfectant mingled with the anxious energy of the people in the room. Friends and family took turns sitting by Khana's bedside, holding her hand, and offering silent prayers.

Outside the room, a diverse group had assembled: friends, colleagues, and members of the community. They exchanged worried glances and shared hugs that provided comfort and reassurance. The waiting area transformed into a makeshift sanctuary, where shared grief became a unifying force.

As the clock continued its relentless march, a sense of restlessness settled over the room. Each beep of the machines was scrutinized, and every slight movement by Khana's unconscious body was met with bated breath.

The automatic doors of the emergency room slid open with a soft whoosh, revealing the figure of a doctor - the lead physician who had been tirelessly working to stabilize Khana since her arrival. His expression was a blend of weariness and determination, portraying a man burdened with the weight of responsibility on his shoulders.

A collective hush fell over the anxious crowd that had gathered in the waiting area. With their eyes fixed on the doctor, their hearts skipped a beat in anticipation. The hum of conversation ceased as people leaned forward, their faces etched with a mixture of hope and trepidation.

Dr. Rodriguez took a moment to adjust the stethoscope around his neck before meeting the expectant gazes. He spoke with a measured tone, choosing his words carefully, aware of the impact they would have on those eagerly awaiting news.

"I want to thank each and every one of you for your patience and support. Khana's condition is stable now. The initial critical phase has passed, and she is responding well to treatment. You may go inside after a few moments."

The news spread rapidly through the waiting area, igniting a glimmer of hope. Friends and family exchanged relieved glances, and the weight that had been pressing down on them seemed to lift, even if only slightly.

Since the doctor and nurse left, Khana was actually wide awake but refused to open her eyes. She doesn't want to face reality at the moment. She could hear the creaking sound of the door as people pushed it. There were also clear sounds of footsteps slowly approaching her bed.

"Honey, it's me. Wake up. Everyone is worried about you," Richard said, then planted a kiss on the lady's forehead. "The priest came here and was also concerned." "He wants to let you know that he'll come back when you wake up," he added.

A subtle twitch in Khana's features hinted at her awareness, but she remained still, maintaining the illusion of being in a deep sleep. Richard continued, unaware of the internal conflict playing out beneath his closed eyelids.

In that moment, as Richard spoke about Father Henry's genuine concern and dedication, Khana decided to shatter the illusion. With a subtle flutter of her eyelids, she slowly opened her eyes, taking in the sight of Richard's surprised expression.

Everyone would not expect the lady to say, "Who are you?"

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