
Chapter 18

The same day a couple hours later

Ashton walked into the room that once his favorite place in the world. The only place where in his solitary being, he could feel the least alone.

Ironically, this place was left to him by his father, the person who had caused the greatest loss and misery in his life, the one who was responsible for making him literally alone in this world, on his own, belonged to no one.

Dusty and silent, this studio held lots of memories of his childhood. It was the place where he found solace, doing what he loved the most alone. Surrounded by silence, with pencil in his hand slid on the paper, or paintbrush between his fingers swept over the canvas. Entirely alone, absorbed in doings of his own choice. It was the time when he sank into the depth of peace beyond all the riotous thoughts.

Nobody knew he still came to this place. He still painted, though his uncle had once told him that indulging himself in passion would lead him to his downfall just like his father. He had tried to stop, but he just couldn't. Nothing brought him freedom and peacefulness more than sketching or painting. He could labor over a picture for hours, completely immersed himself into it. There was no better way to spend a leisure time.

As he strolled along the silent studio, soon he recognized something was different, unusual. The room was bright in the daylight. He looked around and found the curtains had been drawn. Somebody had been here. He checked the whole room briefly and found that nothing was missing. He stepped on something thin and small. He took it from the wooden floor. It was glinting in the natural light. Woman's hairpin. It didn't take long to identify the silver material. In an instant, he knew who had just sneaked into his sanctuary.


Early in the morning, Ava walked out of her cottage to go to the market. A white envelope awaited her, slipping between the rough planks of the fence. She took the letter and opened it rightaway. Soon she met a line of a familiar handwriting.

"My dear, come see me in the studio soon after you receive this message. Waiting for you.


She wondered what made him call her so early today. She talked to Polly to do the market routine today and hurried to the studio. Before long, she arrived at the stony cottage. She went to the back of the building.

Ava pushed the unlocked door open and stepped into the poor lit room. The dark deepened when she closed the door. She looked around and felt relieved when her gaze caught a tall figure standing in front of the hearth. A little fire struggled to keep burning there, yet it was too small to give enough light to the room.

"Magnus" She walked closer toward him. He turned to face her, and Ava jolted back and screamed in shock to find that the man was not the one she was expecting.

The duke frowned slightly, looking at her nonchalantly like she was a scurrying mouse.

"Calm down and stop screaming. My ears are going to bleed."

Ava covered her gaped mouth reflexively. She went completely speechless, could barely do anything other than staring at him round eyed. She could hear her own racing heartbeat.

He strained his eyes, peering through the dark to meet her gaze.

"I called you because I have matters to discuss with you, Miss Marlowe. I believe we may come to an understanding."

"You called me?"

She blinked. At first she didn't get it. After a while she began to figure out what was happening.

"The message was from you? But how...???"

She knew Magnus' handwriting very well though he just sent her two messages so far. She had read it over and over again on her pillow. Except... he had faked it perfectly. She stared at him with utter disbelief.

"You falsified Magnus' handwriting to deceive me? I didn't expect such a thing coming from you. It's awfully intolerable!"

"Intruding other person's private place is awfully intolerable." He countered coldly.

"I didn't expect such a thing coming from you either. Especially when you've been warned. I know you were here yesterday."

Her eyes got widened even more. He knew it? Impossible. How come?

He put something and showed it right before her. She recognized it at once. Her hairpin. She must dropped it here unknowingly yesterday, unfortunately he had found it.

She shivered from the way he gazed upon her. Everytime his eyes nailed her, she felt like she was standing naked in the middle of a hailstorm, rained by a million merciless frosted drops.

"I... I didn't intend to come here in the first place..." She halted midsentence, hesitating. She didn't want to get Magnus into trouble. But surely the duke knew about it.

"My cousin brought you here, didn't he?"

Suddenly she feared that Magnus would be punished severely this time. He warned her just two days ago, and the day after, she already repeated the same mistake.

Swallowing her pride, she lowered her gaze in a humble submission and answered.

"I... it was all my stupid idea. I coaxed him to show me a lot of interesting places. I had no idea he would have brought me to one of your properties. I deeply apologize for my outright audacity. I promise I shall never do it again in the future. I swear... if I ever break my promise, you may cast me out."

Ashton observed her with a brief yet thorough glance. She put all the blame to herself to protect Magnus. Seemed like she really cared about him. A quality rarely found in a cunning wench. He could hardly blame Magnus for being desperately attracted to this wench. She was a raving beauty. Usually he had never turned twice to a dark-haired woman, for redhaired beauties allured him the most. But he had to admit, she was an exception.

Ava stood still, waiting anxiously. She felt like he was undressing her with his gaze.

"Apology accepted." He finally replied after a maddening silence. "But I'm afraid it won't be enough."

She caught her breath. What did he want from her?

"There is more important matter I need to talk to you. I shall make myself quite clear. You will keep your distance away from my properties, and from my cousin as well. I want you to stop trying to draw his attention and to have any kind of relationship with him. My cousin Magnus is carrying the obligation of marrying well, and I assure you, he has a great opportunity in that matter. I can't let him ruin such a promising prospect to play around with a woman like you."

He gazed at her insolently, his icy eyes brushed her from head to toe.

"As for you, I'm pretty sure before long you'll find another conquest."

She froze as his cruel words stabbed her like a thousand ice daggers.

"I beg your pardon" Her own voice sounded like coming from a distance.

"A woman like me... What's that supposed to mean?"

"You know better than I do."

Her senses told her to hold back, that challenging this man wouldn't bring any good.

"Yes, I know myself better than you do. I am a woman worthy of respect, from everyone and every man who is man enough to have respect for women, no matter what class or social status they are coming from."

Suddenly he stormed across the room and grasped her wrist. She jerked in shock, instantly regretting her foolish counter.

"Women who are committing adultery don't deserve any respect."

She gasped at his abrupt snarl. Though he was somewhat fearsome, he always seemed completely poised. To face his volatile temper was unimaginable. He was so close she could feel his body heat. His warm breath brushed her cheeks yet his murderous glare was chilling her to the bone.

"You and your family, that's all you do, whoring for a comfortable living. You have no shame nor scruples about ruining other people's lives."

"No!!!" She yanked her hand so hard somehow she managed to release his grip. She stepped back timidly to extend the gap between them.

"I'm not that kind of woman, I'll never be... That's true, my mother and my sister are mistresses, but I'm not going to be one of them. I never do as you said, whoring... I want to live a respectable life, I want to live properly. I moved to this town to find another way of living."

What did she just say? Why was she explaining herself to this man? Like he would even care about it. However, it seemed to subside the tension. The wrath in his eyes evaporated and he returned to his self-possession.

"It doesn't make any difference. There's no place for you among my family."

She bit her lip in anguish.

"I have no interest in interfering your personal affair, Miss Marlowe, but if I happen to see you with my cousin again under any circumstances, I shall have your father and your betrothed taken care of you."

Panic struck her like a lightning bolt.

"No, please!!! Don't do that!"

"The choice is yours." He replied in deadly composure.

"I will not touch you if you're wise enough to comply with my request. Otherwise, I shall find it necessary."

She sucked in her breath, her voice trembling when she tried to speak.

"If I ... if I keep myself away from... Lord Magnus, would you promise not to tell my father and my betrothed that I am here?"

He let her wait in a long, torturing moment before answering.

"You have my word."


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