
Chapter 3

Cherie flashed me a smile, “He’ll only be a second with a drink doll! If you need me, I’ll be up at the counter!”

I nodded, my small smile still on my face as I handed her my menu. She didn’t leave until Jeneise placed my drink in front of me. Something I was grateful for and she knew it by the smile she sent me.

It wasn’t like Jeneise was ever mean to me.

He never has been.

Something that I’ve been grateful for.

 It was just that he looked scary. With dark tan skin covering his bulging muscles, blonde hair that was cut in a light hair buzz cut, dark, empty brown eyes, and a towering figure of 6’6, he didn’t look like he belonged to work in a cute little cafe. He looks like he should be throwing cars around and brooding in a dark corner alone. Not making cupcakes and carrying around pink lemonade.

Taking a sip of my drink and pulling open my book, I began to read where I left off. I know with the amount of food that I ordered, it might take awhile before everything comes to me.

That was another thing I liked about this restaurant. Since there weren't that many people that ate here during certain hours, no one can judge me about the amount of food that I eat. Something I had to deal with whenever I’m at school or when I go out to eat with my grandparents. No one at home or here judges me. They like that I order a lot of food. Not only does it help their business, Cherie always used to complain to me that I don't do enough because of how “skinny” I am. When I first started to eat here, I would order a small sandwich and a drink, scared that the waitress or waiter would judge me because of the amount of food I could eat.

Cherie wasn’t having any of it. She would make sure I leave stuffed and satisfied.

“Little girls like you have to eat more than everyone!” She would say, “If you don’t, you’ll turn into bones! You're too cute to be just bones doll!”

Now I ordered a lot so I don’t have to be a burden on her anymore.

Plus their food is amazing. Almost as good as my grandma’s.


I took another sip of my lemonade as my mind drifted to my grandma’s food. My grandma has this beef stew and rice that is absolutely delicious. I haven’t eaten at a single restaurant that could beat it. There’s this secret ingredient that she adds to it that makes it one of a kind. 

I have a small idea what it is, but I would rather wait until she tells me to know if what I think is right. 

I jumped, scared out of my thoughts as the door to the cafe was slammed open. I slowly peered over to look at the door, wondering who would make such a racket to enter a tiny cafe. It wasn’t like there was a huge line to enter it or anything. 

My eyes widened at who I saw standing at the entrance. 

I had no idea who he was.

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